EDITOR'S QUOTA SET AT ONE WOMAN FROM 20 TO 36 J Southern newspapers are open ing a campaign to enlist Southern women in the Marine Corps’ Wo men’s Reserve, Major Meigs O. Frost, Marine public relations of !ficer for the Southern Procure ment Division, announced today. Carroll Wilson, editor of The Roanoke Rapids Herald was , named chairman of the local Ma rine recruiting drive, and he was given a quota of one woman be tween 20 and 36. f A ^ Women who join through this campaign will be trained at the colorful new Leatherneck base at Camp Lejeune, New River, N. C. Then they will be assigned to one W>f the Marine bases in the Uni fied States, where they will take over a job which is now being filled by a man who has been trained for combat duty. Women Marines receive the fcame pay and rank as men, and get dependency allotments, medi cal care and other privileges of male Marines. run miormauon on me women Polarities is available at the Herald office, and preliminary application blanks are ready for young wo men who are interested. Pre liminary applications will be sent to the Marine Corps Procurement (Jpffice at Raleigh. If the appli cant appears, on the basis of pre liminary application, to meet the standards of the Marine Corps, she will be asked to make out a complete application, and then will given a round-trip ticket to the Procurement Office for inter view and examination. Women who join the Corps dur ing December will not be called to begin training until the mid dle of January, thus enabling them to spend Christmas at homt. Sgt. Chas. B. Wallace Returns To America Mrs. J. E. Condrey of Enfield |||[has received word that her son, ^Hcharles B. Wallace, who has been ■in active service overseas for nine P years has recently been transferred * to California. During the nine years of service, he has been home once on furlough. HOME DEMONSTRATION CHUB The Federation of Home Dem onstration Clubs of Halifax County, met in the Halifax Women’s Club building last Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. G. Butts, President of the Federation presided. Inter spersed with the business was Christmas and patriotic music, led by Mrs. C. E. Davis of the Spring Hill Club and Mrs. R. L. Apple white of Halifax accompanist. Two special features were a demon stration of a vitamin breakfast by Misses Agnes Ellen and Alie Lee Whitley of the 4-H Club of En field and honoring service mothers and wives by Mrs. C. E. Davis. The newly elected officers, Mrs. F. W. M. White of Halifax, Presi dent, Mrs. I. E. Hockaday of Rosemary, Secretary and Mrs. Robert Robinson of Littleton, trea surer, were installed. Tea was served by The Hardrawee Club, assisted by The Halifax Club, from a beautifully appointed table accentuating the Christmas sea son. GARDEN CLUB The annual Christmas meeting of the Halifax Garden Club was held Friday night with Mrs. C. E. Shaw at her home in Halifax. Follow ing the business session, Mrs. Quenton Gregory read resolutions in commemoration of the memory of Mrs. D. M. Campbell. Mrs. R. L. Applewhite gave a very inter esting program on “Home Made Christmas Cheer.” Gifts from the tree were then given out by Mrs. Quenton Gregory. Each gift, at tractively wrapped as a flower, fruit or vegetable made a most attractive display. The hostess served a delicious sweet course to the guests present. MRhrllnlsf CHRISTMAS Mrings - rest la WAR BONDS. ] on BACKING THE ATti A-C Harvey Woodruff has re turned to Del Reo, Texas after visiting his mother, Mrs. W. V. , Woodruff. Mrs. Bernard Woodruff spent Sunday in Weldon with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Turner. Harold Humphreys of Charles ton, S. C. spent the week end in town with relatives. Tie approaching holiday season If makes us appreciate more than eyer before the priceless value of our friends and customers, like yourself. It reminds us, too, of the sacrifices being made by many of our friends now in the service of Uncle Sam. To you, and to all these, go our thanks for your patronage in 1943, and our wishes for a joyous holiday. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MATTHEWS DRUG CO. C. E. MATTHEWS, Mgr. I Bleak December! j Tis passing strange that { this month which fur- ! nishes the least light ■ out of doors, should fur- J nish the most light with- ! in. It's the Spirit of Christ- ! mas, and the Merriest • of Christmases to you! jj! ji ECONOMY ; |i AUTO STORE j H. D. Allen, Mgr. | War or peace, a brave new world is in the making—a world in which better opportunities will be had for all. The Spirit of Progress is on the march, and we may all look hopefully to the future. At this time it is fitting that we count our many friends and recall the happy relationships of 1943. We wish all of you the choicest bless > ings that Christmastime can bestow. dr PEGGY ANN FROCKS HE STAGE COACH has given place to the stream liner. The electric light has snuffed out the soft beamed candle. Tinkling sleigh bells are drowned in the roar of motor horns. But who will say that Christmas has lost its charm? With Christ mas at hand we renew our pledge of devotion to ideals of honest dealing, and express our appre ciation of your friendship for us during 1943. "HEAP ON MORE WOOD, THE WIND IS CHILL; BUT LET IT WHISTLE AS IT WILL, WE’LL KEEP OUR MERRY CHRISTMAS STILL!” : t/X'XvXwivIvXwXvX'i Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Roanoke Rapids,N.C.