National Radio Jamboree Legion Show Attraction fSaSteiglgS Put on your old Gray Bonnet and hitch up Dobbin and head right for the High School Auditorium next Wednesday Night, March 7, as the National Radio Jamboree with all the old favorites are booked j for a personal appearance, starting at 8 P. M This or ganization is too well known over all coast to coast net works to have to “Blue Print” them to the readers^ however, they’re coming with Jack Pierce and his Original Oklahoma Cowboys, The Chuck-Wagon Glee Club; Patsy, that original Golden West Cowgirl with plenty of “It”, also that clown rascal Ezra an d his Bam Dance Gang that will keep you roaring with laughter all the while. He will also pull that Bazooka on you and make you like it. You’ll have the gayest, gladdest time of your young life laugihing. Come early as “A Tip in Time Saves Standing In line." So don’t be late. , Britton Is "Over" Mrs. Sidney M. Britton has re ceived word that her husband has arrived “somewhere” in France. He entered service in June of last year and received his basic train ing at Fort Eustis, Va., and later went to Patterson, N. J., and from there to Camp Davis, N. C., where he received 16 months training as a radio technician. His wife is the former Katherine Kostangelopes of Patterson, N. J., and she is mak ing her home here with his par ents for the present. Garner Overseas Pfc. Norman H. Garner has re cently arrived overseas and his present address is Platoon J, C/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Cal. He would like for all his friends to write him. « ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I SCOUTS FROM TROOP 144 IN THE SERVICES Published below is a list of former Boy Scouts of Troop 144 who are now serving in the armed forces o> the United States. -The troop is sponsored by the First Baptist Church and was organized by W. H. Mincher, who has been its only Scoutmaster: Nathaniel Lowe, Emery Vaugh an, R. L. Topping, Jr., Ralph Webb, Ralph Knight, Robert In gram, Eugene Glover, Elmo Ray, Robert Lee Teel, Lloyd Williams, John Connor, Richard Webb, The ron Harris, James Bennett, Lewis Edwards, Ray Rightjpeyer, Bobby Kendrick, James Wilson, Dicky Wilson, Carl Churchill, Jr., By num Neal, Carl Messer, Oliver Bray, Jack Wrenn, Jerry Askew, Dick Stainback, T. G. Hargrove, Billy Burton, Hull Webb, Theadore Ray, L. E. Draper, James Hux, Melvin Williams, Elmo Warrick, Doyle Jernigan, Edgar Barnes, Ar thur Truman, Billy Barnes, Wik| liam Finch, Elmer Reaves, Charley Mullis, George Jenkins, William Taylor, Nathan Parks, Frank Parks, Bobby Martin. - - -——i State Guard j News Notes ___L The Armory, February 26—The Company met at the Armory to discuss the Articles of War and to perform Formal Guard Mount. During the evening new recruits were added to the Company and » given into the charge of Platoon * Sgt. Wm. Shell for basic training. Sgt. Shell has requested all re- | cruits to meet in extra drill on Tuesday nights and this was b^ gun last Tuesday. ™ The Company regrets the illness of Sgt. Ellis Reynolds who is now in the Veteran’s Hospital in Fay etteville, and of Ist/Sgt. Rogers who until recently has been in the local hospital. The next required drill will be^ Monday, March 5 at 7:30 p. m. 1 GRIND_ Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. >„ v - - Franchised Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Littleton I o P A ODD LOT RELEASE 5 RATION FREE-FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 3, INCLUSIVE S i ALL WOMENS $1 f| $1 I !' | SHOES aa I.U a 1.4 S FEW PAIRS LARGE i MENS SHOES SIZES p