i I"! it ROAMliU, a*j»- 3ft -----.-_ SECTION "C" SECTION "C” * DIAL R-326 ALL DEPTS._THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1945 SECTION C-^PAGEI LOCAL NEWS of TROOP ACTIVITIES of INTEREST to SCOVTS and SCOUTERS Agency of Roanoke Rapids Community Chest COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 10: The Annual Council Banquet and Aneeting will be on December 10, 7 p. m., in the Kinston Hotel, Kin ston, N. C. Every registered Scout er of the Council has been invited to attend the meeting. Wives of Scouters are also urged to attend this meeting. It is the hope of District Chairman C. D. Liske that Halifax District will have the larg est delegation present at the meet ing. In the past Roanoke Rapids and Halifax District has been one rtpf the few Districts that has at ' tended the banquet in strength. It is the plan of the District Com mittee to ask every Committee Chairman to be a one man trans portation committee for his entire committee and at the same time to ask each Troop Chairman to be a transportation committee of one for the members of his troop com mittee and scoutmaster. This plan has been successful in the ajpast and we feel that it will work again this year. There will be sev eral cars making the trip in addi tion to those of_ the committee chairmen and chairmen ~ of 'troop committees, and it is hoped that all those who desire to make the trip will get in touch with Field IUACUUUVC JJ1H IVIU/UCI1 0-0 CO.JJ.jr 0,0 possible so that he might, with the help of other members of the dis trict committee, arrange transpor Atation for all those that find they ^have no other means of transpor tation. District chairman C. D. Liske announced that he planned to have a call meeting of the dis trict committee on Friday before the Council meeting for the pur pose of completing plans for the trip to Kinston. FIELD EXECUTIVE HART IN DISTRICT: ^ Field Scout Executive H. C. Hart ™ recently hired Negro field execu tive, spent Monday and Tuesday working in Halifax district with leaders among the Negro group. Field Executive Hart began plans for a Divisional Committee that would be responsible for all Negro Scouting in this district, working under and with Interacial Chair man John Hines. The addition of Executive Hart to the staff of A East Carolina Council is a defi ® nite step forward in interacial scouting - in this Council. East Carolina Council has a large num ber of registered Negro Scouts • but not in accord with the num ber of Negro boys that are of scouting age in this council, and under the leadership of Field Exe cutive Hart it is assured that Ne gro scouting in this section will take a definite step forward. We are glad to welcome Executive Hart into the family of Scouting and sincerely hope that he wi’l enjoy his scouting associations here as much as any he has ever experienced. The district commit tee is behind this move and offers every assistance possible towards the development of Negro scouting in this section. BOARD OF REVIEW: Again we would like to remind Scouts of the city and District that the regular monthly Board of Review will be held the second Wednesday in each month, and that scoutmasters are requested to submit a list of the Scouts desir ing advancement at least 48 hours before the time set for the Board of Review. Often as in the case of last month, the members of the members of the Board of Review will be a few minutes late, but scouts of the city may rest assur ed that some member of the Board will appear for the regular meet ing each second Wednesday 8 p. m., at the Municipal Building. The The November Board of Review was one of the largest held in several months, we are glad to see the scouts of the city taking more interest in the advancement pro gram and hope that scoutmasters of all the troops of the city will assist the Advancement Committee in stimulating scouts to take ad vantage of the progra moffered by the Advancement Committee. SALVAGE DRIVE: Plans are being made to hold a Salvage Drive on Sunday after noon, weather permitting. If plans are completed announcement will be made in another section of this paper, notices will also be mailed to those troops being asked to par ticipate in the drive. The present drive will include Troops 141, 142 and 144 should plans be completed. Mrs. T. R. Wilson Is Hostess to Bridge Club Mrs. T. R. Wilson was hostess to the Wednesday Night Club a,t her home on Monroe Street last Wednesday evening at eight o’clock with two tables of bridge. The home was very attractive Scott Urges Heavy Vote Agriculture Commissioner Kerr Scott urges North Carolina farm ers to go to tneir community cen ters and vote in the annual elec tion of AAA committeemen on November 30. Scott recently esti mated that around 350,000 State farmers are eligible to vote in the coming elections. Urging a full representative vote in each of the 1,733 triple-A com munities throughout the State* Scott deplored stay-at-home ten dencies among some farmers, and he appealed for a full turn-out for this year’s elections. A toted of 8,965 community com mitteemen and 100 delegates to •county conventions are to elected. Two alternate committeemen win also be chosen for each commun ity. The delegates will elect three member count ycommitteemen to Administer production and market ing activities in each county. “Many serious problems lie ahead for agriculture,” Scott as serted, “and it is most important that these men have the support of every eligible farmer in the community.” with fall flowers in assorted bowls. Coca-Cola was enjoyed during the evening. After a number of progressions of bridge scores were collected and Mrs. Wyche Land was found to hold high score for the eveik ing. Those attending Mrs. Wilson's party were: Mesdames D. E. Ben nett, Wyche Land, C. D. Liske, Wilmer Collier, L. B. Brown, W. IX Hall, Clarence Coburn and Edwin Akers. Therapy Treatments HElP THIS SAILOR—At Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland, is Pfc. Vincent De Sensi, USMCR, being given therapy treatment by WAVE Fat Ketterman, pharmacist mate third class, as part of his rehabilitation r*ers,Pr (Svy pL®o.n)d d°,,a"- The ViC*0ry U>an wUI hel* «“told The House of Experience i ™ ®In this community one pharmacy stands out for its skilled, conscientious serv ice; its fresh, potent drugs and fair prices. It is the estab lishment your physician pat ronizes and recommends. You, too, will appreciate the professional atmosphere and courteous attention. Next time, why not come here to W Prescription Headquarters ? MATTHEWS DRUG CO., INC. Phone R-361 Fast goin\.. Have a Coca-Cola ...a friendly answer to what and how to serve When young folks get together it’s never long before you hear the ft * Welcome words Have a Co\e. By right cf unanimous adoption Coca-Cola belongs to their world of refreshment and friendliness. And there’s no easier way for Mom to win their approval than to be sure that ice-cold Coke is in the family refrigerator ... ready to serve. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY WELDON COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS, Inc. ' ' "" .. .■■■■■ " i i I • . t . ; \ // .'V • - •