While the Nation Waits •• .....w...HUB ... Labor is taking a prolonged holiday in its strike against General Motors with serious effects upon allied Industries. Typical of the paralytical results of the UAW-CIO’s walkout, which the union ordered despite Gen eral Motors’ offer of increased wages, are these photos showing: (Left above) Hundreds of railroad cars destined lor the Buick Motor Division plants in Flint, including some with unprotected cargoes of sheet steel and other perishable materials; (Right above) construction work on a new Chevrolet plant completely halted; (Left be low) parts for hundreds of new cars lie in storage rooms; (Right below) the final assembly line at Fisher Body Division’s plant in Flint at a standstill after only a few weeks operation since V-J Day. Most High School Youths Aim For Happiness—Not Fame or Fortune wnat does American youth want ^om life? Nearly half of 93,000 nigh school boys and girls polled prefer a simple, secure and happy life to prominence or a lot of money, Reporting on the Scholas tic Magazines’ survey, Margaret Hauser, Director, Institute of Student Opinion, writes in Red book Magazine for February: “Our young people are facing the uncertainties of the future with courage and realism -— and ^ope. Recently, more than 93,000 ■nigh school boys and girls ex pressed their views in a nation wide survey made by the Insti tute of Student Opinion. These youngsters were asked:1 “Which of the following comes closest to being your ultimate aim in life: (a) to make a lot of money. (b) to be a prominent and re spected member of my communi ,%v (c) to reach the top in some field of work, and become fa mous. (d) to live a simple but se cure and happy life without mak ing a lot of money or becoming famous. (e) to serve society and help improve the welfare of my fel lowmen. (f) don’t know. “Almost half —- forty-four per cent—of both boys and girls choose as their ultimate aim ’ a simple but secure and happy life.’ Only four per cent say that their life goal is “to make a lot of money.’ “Why do nearly one half of the students who participated in the poll perfer the simple life? They believe tnat only those who are happy are truly successful in life; they feel that disappoint ment and frustration too often re suit from efforts to achieve fame and recognition. They observe that frequently the wealthy and famous are unhappy. They recog nize that the backbone of our nation is simple, obscure but rela tively secure middle-class life. “Second on the students’ list of ultimate aims — representing twenty per cent of the group polled—is "to reach the top in some field of work.’ Here again, in their reasons, they disregard fame and fortune. They want to reach the top in order to gain the per sonal satisfaction of a job well done. The percentage of high school boys who aspire ‘to reach the top in some field of work’ is slightly higher—twenty-three per cent—than that of girls—eighteen per cent. “To be respected as prominent citizens of the communities, ranks third in the list of ultimate aims of high school youth. Fifteen per cent of the students say, in effect: “All of us can’t be rich or famous but we can all be better citi zens.’ Fourth on the list of ulti mate aims is a life of service to others. Ten per cent of the stu dents choose ‘to serve society and help improve the health or wel fare’ of their fellow men. Seven per cent of the students are as yet undecided about their ulti mate aim in life. Among the four per cent who would like ‘to make a lot of money’ the chief reason is an honest admission that they want a life of luxury. They be lieve that ‘money talks.” “Although they admit that ob stacles will have to foe overcome in attaining their ultimate goals in life, the students indicate that they intend to cross these bridges when they come to them. Thirty nine per cern oi the students— nearly one in four—^ay frankly that they do not know what ob stacles they will meet. “Others, tota’ing thirty-nine per cent, name such obstacles as lack of money, lack of training or education, lack of influence with the right people or poor health -But a surprisingly large number of these young people apparently are prepared to blame themselves, it they fail to attain their aims. Nine per cent state candidly that they lack the necessary talent; and, even more surprising, thir teen per cent say simply that they will be ‘unwilling to make the personal sacrifices necessary’ to reach their goals. They realize that it is difficult to confine de sires and to discipline self. “Plainly, these young people are realistic in their approach to life. They do not dream of the impossible; they admit their weaknesses; they face the uncer tainties of the future without fear. They hope to build a better world. With their simple, honest realistic approach to life — the chances are, they will.” NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executors of the last will and testament of Minnie B. Long, late of Halifax County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against her estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at Jackson, North Carolina, within twelve months of the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Dated January 26, 1946. T. W. M. LONG and ERIC NORFLEET, Execu tors of the Estate of Min nie B. Long. 6t-3-7 YOU,.... Gan Own a Home Like This By Using The Building ana ( Loan Way! LET’S TALK IT OVER t! i ' • I ROANOKE RAPIDS BUILDING I & LOAN ASSOCIATION AWNINGS - TENTS COVERS VENETIAN BLINDS • A. G. SASSER AND SON 435 MAIN ST. TARBORO, N. C. RES. PHONE 62-W OFFICE PHONE 435 ANCHOR DEALER I How women and girls ma^ get wantefrelief fron^unctlona^periodi^pain Cardui, many women say, has brought re lief from the cramp-like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appetite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist i ance for the "time” to come. Started 3 days before “your time", it should help relieve pain due to purely , functional periodic causes. Try ltl CARDUI Cflavort d BRANDY PINTRETAIlf2*G0 &SflpSai3:8P: Iflpti DRESSED & PRAWN FRYERS-LIVE FRYERS Regular Ceiling Prices. Young and Extremely Tender. Out Customers brag on our \ superior quality. j EGGS NOT YET BUT SOON AT j 10th St. & Roanoke Ave. | By Tri-City Motor Co. Every Saturday OUR RESIDENCE OR RANCH EVERY DAY WELDON EVERY THURSDAY EMPORIA EVERY FRIDAY j -O DRESSED FRYERS SUPPLIED FOR BANQUETS j PULLETS FOR LAYERS j j Try our fryers in dinners served at Croatan Cafe and G. & R. Grill | 1 -°—:— | ROANOKE CHICKEN RANCH i PHONE R-6322 j