LOCAL SOCIAL ITEMS Items of Interest Received Last Week but not Published Doe to Lack of Space Mr. and Mrs. Frances Taylor of Colerain spent the week end with Mrs. Lucy Hudson. Mrs. Mary L. Vincent has re turned from a visit in Fredericks burg. Mrs. Walter B*ucom of Chapel Hill spent several days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Jenk ins and her sister, Mrs. William Thorne. Mrs. Marion Hudson entertained with a luncheon at her home on Washington Street last Tuesday honoring her out of town guests. Mrs. K. V. Hamilton of Durham and Mrs. Jamie Brown of Rich mond. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Shaw, Mrs. Blanche Jones and Mrs. Howard Jones spent Saturday in Richmond. Misses Virginia Anderson and Frances Grant of Elizabeth City spent Saturday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Vaughan and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Reynolds spent the week end in Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mer ritt. Mrs. Marvin Williams and Mrs. Stella Wilson attended the All Brahms Program at Chapel Hill this week. The Junior Christian Endeavor of the First Christian Church en joyed a hike to Camp Sam last Saturday where they had a weiner roast. Sandwiches and drinks were also served to nineteen children and three adults. Mrs. K. V. Hamilton of Durham spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Padgett. Mrs. Cora Routen of Durham spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rice. Mrs. Jamie Brown spent last week in town with relatives. Mrs. Harrison Jordan of Gra ham visited relatives in town last week. Mrs. L. E. Keeter of Scotland Neck spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lee. Misses Ethel Pearson, Lucille Harris and Mary Walter Shell and Mrs. Stella Wilson attended the hour of charm concert, all Girl Orchestra under the direct ion of Phil Spitalmy at the Mos que Theatre, Richmond, Va., Wed nesday March 13th. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Willey of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of a son on March 17. Mr3. Willey was the former Miss Evelyn Baird of this city. Walker - Norton Mrs. Henry Wyatt of Roanoke Rapids announces the marriage of her daughter, Mildred Aleese Nor ton to Raymond Lewis Murphy of Walker, Mo. The wedding took place March 4, in Emporia. Mr. and Mrs. Murohy will make their home in Roanoke Rapids. WELDON NEWS (Crowded out last week) Miss Virginia Suiter of Duke University visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Suiter, last week end. Miss Frances Oakes spent Sat urday in Richmond. Miss Christine Alston of Rich mond spent Sunday and Monday ate her home here. , Miss Martha Ellis of Richmond spent the week end at home. Mrs. Ruby Murrill of Wash ington, D. C. is visiting her sister Mrs. Bena Crocker. Walter Oakes spent Friday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel have returned home from a visit to Richmond. HOSTESS TO BOOK CLUB The Book Club met with Mrs. W. O. Davis Tuesday afternoon at her home on Cedar Street. The president Mrs. Alex Johnson pre sided over the business session and Mrs. W. D. Norman presented the paper “nature as an avoca tion.” The hostess assisted by Mrs. G. H. Nash and Mrs. R. L.. Hicks served a sajad plate with coffee. WELDON GARDEN CLUB MEETS The Garden Club met in the borne of Mrs. J. M. Mohorn Fri day afternoon at 3:30. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. L. C. Green and Mrs. W. L. Alston. The pres ident, Mrs. W. D. Norman open ed the meeting by reading a poem. A study of phlox was given by Mrs. F. J. Bounds. Miss Elizabeth Clark gave the March Log, which was very interesting. Mrs. Mark Garris gave a contest and Mrs. C. E. King and Mrs. W. L. Alston were winners and received prizes of flower seed. The flower exhi bits were lovely and numerous. Each one received a blue or red ribbons. Plana to atetend the State Gard en Club meeting in Raleigh were made by the members. About eight members expect to attend Refreshments of ice cream and cake was served by the hostesses. After the meeting flowers were taken to several shut-ins in town. TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR AIR CARGO Thermostat temperature control units are now being used aboard all-cargo planes to insure perish ables crossing the country via air without any loss of vitamins. The thermostat is set at the specific temperature desired before the plane takes off. When the temper ature drops or rises above the ideal point, a corored light flashes in front of the plane captain who can make the proper adjustment by a control knob near his seat If modern methods of teaching are so much better than the old. r-™1— will Kids finish school quicker ofl ~ —1 APRICOT Cjfldvored BRANDT HUT Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds, 8 ronchitis •* i EVERY RETURNING VETERAN e OF WORLD WAR II * Should have his honorable discharge reg istered at the courthouse in Halifax and should have at least one extra photostat copy made. Then if there is a fire or if the dis charge is lost, you will have an actual record of the discharge itself. i We will make a photostat of the dis charge and of the service record for a total cost of 1.00. If you ask us to, we also will ta* e the discharge to Halifax and have it register ed at the courthouse, and there is no extra charge for this service. Just mail us your discharge and service record and state the number of photostat copies you desire (enclosing one dollar for each copy) and also state whether or not you want us to register same at Halifax. Yovr papers and the photostat will be returned promptly. ★ RODGERS, HALL AND HALE HOTEL BUILDING SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. - I I 1MP Hii 1 h J:'>«.X‘XvXvXv‘,>:'X-X'>x*xW:.’vX*>X,x,x*v.,.xv/X?Kx®S5ot® i