Returns to City hh mm: . Shown above is Jack Vincent, Roanoke Rapids boy, who has re turned here to live. Vincent has become associated wifti I. F. Ro chelle in the firm of Vincent- Ro chelle Insurance Agency. He will be in charge of the business. A graduate of the local high school and the University of North Caro lina, class of ’40, Vincent entered the service as an enlisted man. Later he entered finance OCS completing his course in four months and getting his commis sion. He then was assigned to the Third Air Force. Prior to going into the service Vincent was em ployed by George R. Poole, cer tified public accountants of Ral eigh. After his discharge from the Army in January of this year he returned to Raleigh and again be came connected with Poole. This month, however, he decided to come back to Roanoke Rapids and go into business for himself. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE—Wood, green or dry. Place your order while it lasts. Prompt delivery. R. L. Powell. Tel. R-781-3. 6t.-p. FOR SALE—4-room house with hardwood floors. Just complet ed and now ready for occupan cy. McRae Faison. Phone R-814-6 lt-ch. FOR SALE—7-room house in Wel don. Lot 85x365 feet. 8 full grown pecan trees and two large grape vines on lot. McRae Fai son. Phone R-814-6. lst-ch FOR SALE!—Four 4-room houses two 6-room houses, one 5-room house. McRae Faison. Phone R-814-6 lt-ch FOR SALE!—Beautiful residenial lota in nearly every section of town. Priced from $225,000 to $1,000.00 each. McRae Faison. Phone R-814-6. lt-ch AUTOMOBILE FINANCING. FHA Loans, Fire and Automobile In surance at a saving. McRae Faison. Phone R-814-6. lt-ch. FOR RENT — Immediate posses sion, two rooms upstairs. Mrs. Perry Smith, 317 Jefferson St. It. FOR SALE—Good pair heavy Simmons Double bed springs and iron bed. Methodist Par sonage 800 Jackson Street, lt-p FOR SALE!—1 Gernesse Cow giv ing about 5 gallons milk per day and calf 6-weeks old. Nath an Turner, Bay Street, Gaston, N. C. lt-pd. FOR SALE—One double Simmons bed, dresser and Chiffonier; bed has fine Kingsdown mattress and box springs. W. S. Dean, 401 Jackson street, Phone R-449-1. lt-pd. Youth Week (Continued from page 1—Sect. A) tary; Ruth Futrell, Secretary; Adrienne Cooper, pianist; Flora Ann Davenport, superintendent I Primary Department; Alice Twid ely, Superintendent Junior Depart ment; Tha Jane Moore, Secretary; i Ruby Blowe, pianist. The follow- 1 ing are B. T. U. officers: A1 < George, director; Louise Twiddy, ; associate director; Frances Right- < myer, secretary; Ruby Blowe, Jr., leader; Lois Lyles, Intermediate B. T. U. leader; Ruby D. Hasty, B. r. U. pianist; Margaret Lou Geor ?e, W. M. U. president; Billy Moore in charge of prayer meet ng. Lost year Youth Week was ded cated to the young people who lad gone into service from this :hurch, so this time an effort was nade to put as many veterans in iff ice as possible. Robert Britton’s Sunday School class, which is made up of veterans, will serve as deacons. They are: chairman, Forest Lee Bryant, Sanford Brown, Coyt Brown, Charles Ma haffey, W. T. Hasty, Everett Dav is and Edgar Barnes. Committees are: Publicity, Ern estine Smith, chairman; Alice rwiddy, A1 George, Billy Moore; flowers, Margaret Lou George, Ann Wood, Josie Johnson; Program, Louise Twiddy, Flora Ann Daven port; banquet, Lois Lyles, chaii man; Lorene Medlin, Christin Bush, Ruby D. Hasty, W. T. Ha* ty. The Youth Choir members are Joanne Black, Anne Wood, Josi Johnson, Dolores Sheffield, Dorc thy Connell, Ruth Futrell.^Kub Blowe, Mary Lynch, Syretha Ins coe, Tha Jane Moore, Stella Am Justice, Sybil Wood, Barbara Brif ton, Patsy Moore, Wilma Nicho son and Annie Erwin. i-a_—zaa |HERE IT IS.... [ AFTER-EASTER ALL SPRING DRESS SHOES GOING AT THE RIDICULOUS LOW PRICE OF *5°° REGARDLESS OF REGULAR PRICE. • BLACK •BLUE • RED •BROWN I NOT ALL SIZES IN EVERY STYLE — BUT HUNDREDS OF PAIRS FROM WHICH TC I CHOOSE. f| MARKS SHOE \ [ STORE • | i MARKS SHOES — “TOO SMART FOR WORDS” ■ 1031 ROANOKE AVE. — OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ’TILL 9:00