VOTE FOR RUFUS G. BRITTON For Coroner of Halifax County Primary Election May 25, 1946 1’ou.^* support will be appreciated. (Political advJJ 'Big League* Ball Game Is Scheduled For May 1st The High School baseball field will be the scene for the ball game of the year Wednesday afternoon May 1, at 3 o’clock, when the roaring Lions of the Lions Club meet the walloping Braves of the Kiwanis Club. Coach Cranford floyle will lead his aggregation of Lion** including such standouts is Ray “Shadow” Stephenson, Zeb ‘Morganthan” Denny, Joe Talley, garl “Snowball I” Thompson, Ted ‘Snowball H” Speight, M. C. ‘Flash" Newsome, Graham Lynch ind other “big league” prospects igainst the Kiwanis All-Stars with ,uch talent as Ailmand “Whizzer” Vhite, Clyde “Smokey” Liske, Jenry "Slugger” Loy, Don Tiller, DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN ALL LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS * AND SUITS f VV'' . jx* it Coats and Suites to wear all through Summer and Fall. Solids, Tweeds, and Checks in soft as kitten’s ear woolens. I so \ ' a ON SALE NOW ONE RACK BETTER QUALITY DRESSES REDUCED TO CLEAR g To draw nods of approval, charming B silhoulettes in solids and prints — in one Kg and two piece styles. Beautiful fabrics— jj glorious colors. Choose yours to-day. k: