THE ||| DOWNIE’S Walking upside down high in the air, with all of the confidence of a fly strolling across the ceiling is only one of the unusual and dar ing stunts that the Dancing Down jes, aerial gymnasts, will present when they appear in a featured role at the Rocky Mount Fair on September 29-October 5. The two Downies work on a uni que rigging of their own design and disdain the use of nets or any other safety devices. Their rigging consists of two stationary -upright ladders, joined together at the very top of a horizontal pole. From this cross bar is suspend ed feetloops, free swinging pole Roman rings and other props. Resides walking upside down these daring young men work to gether to perform thrilling gym jiactic stunts all of which call foi ■extraordinary stmegth. One of the members of the act, while hanging from a trapeze by his toes, supports his partner who hangs by a cord suspended around bis neck. The Downies present their aerial routine in a rapid, accomplished manner that earmarks them as being one of the outstanding at tractions of its kind. Their performance on the free swinging pole suspended from the top of the rigging is unparalleled. The partners support themselves, their bodies horizontal to the ground, while the pole moves in pendulum fashion. The Dancing Downies were se cured by the management for pre sentation at The Rocky Mount Fair through George A. Hamid, Inc., the nation’s outstanding backer of thrilling, outdoor pre sentations. MNEGRO FARM AGENT S NEWS oy L>. J. KJMlGU'i ;?f l\ egi o Lounty Agent Fourteen dairy animals paraded on toe Enfield Fairgrounds in the' cattle show, September 4th. Elev en 4-H Club members competed for hours. On exhibition were fam ily cows brought in from Mis sissippi, Tennessee, Warren Coun ty and local Dairies. Kashmir Pansy, a purebred Guernsey heifer from the Chock oyotte Dairy, Roanoke Rapids, was judged the best animal by County Agent W. O. Davis and his as sistants, Farror and Calhoun. Her bert Newkirk of the Inborden 4-H Club won her through his out standing achievement as a mem ber. The exhibitors and their placmgs m the Dairy Cattle Show are as follows: Class A. — Older Cows. 1st. James Silver, Inborden Club; 2nd. Ashley Whitaker, Dawson 4-H Club; 3rd. Freeland Summer, RaiinTny Mill Pond, and 4th Knoll Arrington, Albert Tillery. Class B. — Heifer^: 1st Herbert Newkirk (purebred Guernsey) Ingorden 4-H Club; 2nd. Curtis Wright, Dawson 4-H Club; 3rd. Benjamin Whitaker, Dawson 4-H dub; 4th. Leon Speller, Daw | eon 4-H dub; 5th. Herbert Smith, | Sam’s Head 4-H Club and 6th | Plummer Hardy, Eden 4-H dub. I Class C. — Baby heifers, calv m ■ \ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiAngelc ' spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. La. Price. Johnnie Leslie of Norfolk, Va spent a few days in the home ol Mrs. J. R. Wrenn last week. Jack Wrenn left last week foi Wake Forest College. Mr*. A. O. George’s parents o: Mmporia have been quite ill. Mrs 49eonre was called home last Fri 1st. Ernest Letsinger, Sam's Head 4-H Club; 2nd Guston James, Sam’s Head 4-H Club. Class D — Purebred Guernsey bull, Mary’s Chapel Community Club, led by Collin McNeil, Mary’s Chapel 4-H Club. The first and second place winners in class B will be on ex hibition at Raleigh Fairgrounds on September 10th. All members and visitors enjoy ed a picnic lunch given by thi 4-H Council before the parade. I I MADS AND BOTTLED BY CHARLES JACQUIN et Cie, In I PHItA.. PA. • PST. 1BB4 RECORDER'S COURT NEWS SEPTEMBER 10, 1946 Arthur Batts, colored of Landis, M. C., plead guilty to speding and was fined $10,000 and costs. Bennie Richardson* John Rich ardson, Otis Richardson and Agnes Richardson, colored, of Hollister, were each found guilty of resist ing arrest and Prayer for judg ment as to Agnes Richardson was continued upon payment of the costs and as to each of the other defendants a sentence of 10 months roads to be suspended upon payment of a fine of $50.00 and costs and on condition each remain of good behavior for two years. nf Rmnnkfi Rapids, was found guilty of re sisting arrest and was given 12 months roads to be suspended up on payment of a fine of $75.00 and the costs including $25.00 for use of J. Bracy and on further condition he remain of good be havior for two years. Alexander Lynch, colored, of Scotland Neck, R. F. D., was found guilty of driving while drunk and was fined $50 and costs. Operators license revoked foi 12 months. Henry Sherrod, colored, of Hob good, was found guilty of non support and was given 8 months roads to be suspended upon pay merit of the costs and the sum of $20.00 for the use of Della Fleet wood and upon condition he pays or causes to be paid to his wife Arline Sherrod $15.00 monthly for the support of herself and child. Gilford Alston, colored, of Little ton, plead guilty to assault on his wife and was given 9 months roads to be suspended upon pay ment of the costs and a fine of $25.00 and on further condition he remain of good behavior for four years during which time he is to refrain from the use of in toxicating beverages and not visit cafe of Sam Robinson. Ned Hawkins, colored, of Lit tleton, R. F. D., plead guilty to improper brakes and judgment is suspended upon payment of the costs. Jesse B. Overby, white, of Ma con, ana luuuma ored, of Essex, were found guilty of violation of motor vehicle laws and were each fined $20 and costs. Lee Morgan, white, of Roanoke Rapids was found guilty of assault on his wife and was given 4 months roads. He was also tried last Thursday for non-support and placed on suspended sentence. Henry Ellis and Robert Easter colored, of Roanoke Rapids, charg ed with affray; Robert Easter nol guilty and Henry Ellis fined $25.0( and costs. C. R. Allen, white, of Roanoke Rapids, was found guilty of non support of his wife and childrei and was given 12 months road: to be suspended upon payment of the costs and on condition he re main of good behavior for two years during which period he is to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverage and that he authorize his employer to make his check pay able to his wife each week. , _ I “I like that on-tap, I never-deep convenience l I ^3/0999^ I “It’s the low operating \ cost that interests me!” i • _ _ _ ——————■ 0 XTES PEOPLE are talking about the new, modern automatic I electric water heaters - and they're really something to talk about! Completely automatic, carefree, efficient. safe, and thrifty. An electric water heater supplies instant and plentiful hot water 'round-the-clock, with no attention from you. And, on the low. off-peak rate, an electric storage water heater delivers four gallons of hot water for a mere penny! ) 1 r fowr forts &<*4zs ....... .*.*. ^-v— ' -< I • . 1 4 ^v:. . ' >;.. >.- ... \ . . - '' _ ________ ...... ..A. ■:■•/ _SL -■•<•- ----! V •: ■ '&*.