REPORTOF ASSOCIATED 1 CHARITIES The following is a general re port of the case work done by Associated Charities during the month of August, 1946. The As sociated Charities is one of the Red Feather year-round services of the Community Chest. , NTumber of cases applying -IS dumber of cases accepted -14 Number of old cases -12 Number of new cases -2 Number of cases reopened -3 Number of cases transferred __ 2 Number of cases to be closed -4 DISPOSITION OF CASES ACCEPTED: Sickness - 10 Help with milk, clothes and W shoes-1 Help with food, medicine and shoes - 2 Help with food and med icine - 1 Help with food only-4 Help with milk only-1 Help with medicine only —1 Insufiisicent income -2 Help with food for one week for family of five. Man physically and mentally unable to work and wom 4n not eligible for vacation pay 'at mill. Death in family after long ill ness. Clothes for widow. Desertion - 1 Woman with four small chil dren. Help with food and milk. Halifax County Case-1 Colored family given food order one week becajise of emergency. Transferred: 2 To Halifax County - 1 # Case needing permanent care To Lions Club - 1 Case in need Of eye glasses General Report: Number of office interviews —28 Number of home visits - 14 Number of telephone calls about cases - 10 One of the families given as sistance by Associated Charities during August was that of a wid ow with four children, ages, twen IPty-six, twenty three .thirteen and ten. The mother came to the onice of Associated Charities and re quested help with food until her daughter, then ill, could return to work. The daughter, who has been employed for the past eight years at one of the local mills, has been sick since the middle of June and was a patient at the hos %pital for a while. Her doctor would not allow her to go back to work before September and told the case worker that she was in a very run down condition. An unmarried son, from whom the mother received an allotment while he was in Ser vice was discharged last January and came home. He secured work locally but was not satisfied, and decided to re-enlist in the Army. He was sent to Fort Bragg on 0 June 18th and carried with him the necessary papers, all filled out, for his mother’s allotment. He was shipped out several days later and the mother has never heard a word from him since, nor has she received the allotment. An August 20th she could not man age without assistance any longer and came to the Associated Chari ties. 4 iii-rag COLD WAVE Each kit contains 3 full HOME KIT ov""s of Salon-typa ^ soiuuon with Kurlium, W 60 Curlers 60 end tissues- cotton appli- * cator. neutralizer and Takes only2 to 3 complete instructions. Hours at Homo ROSEMARY DRUG CO , TAYLOR DRUG STORE j /It'*!___. THEALGSNllNSGLOW M SEPTEMBER 9-15 •’'Wr/ m, is the flower 0 - 1 W FOR SEPTEMBER I * WEEKOSCOPE ** C \ f, i C YOU ARE A VIRGO NATIVE ^ I .v ANP SHCULP ENJOy 1 GOOD HEALTH AMP A , LONG LIFE ■ J/ V //ATlCMAl PROHIBITION PARTY ( ORGAN IZEP 77 yEARS AGO i77fi — sy a RESOLUTION OF -.THE CONTINENTAL / CONGRESS THE NAME UNITED STATES VJfiS l. VK IMI3 WV IN ID)*!' rwINLO >UU wy COMPOSED THE SWR SrMGLED BANNER WHILE WATCHING THE BRITI5H ATTACK _ OH BALTIMORE California admitted TO THE UNION— rjaa \ iC\\ /HE SEWING MACHINE'S 100’H BIRTHPAy Treat Britain anp her colonies in AMERICA APOPTEP THE GREGORIAN . CALENDAR ON THIS PAy (1752) r yys'/I""' (HI Leaping doctors and nurses SAy THAT CHEER/ "GET WELL "MESSAGES ! CN GREETING CARDS BRING QUICK _. RECOVERIES I O.HFMfiV National dog week (til the 21st) ' (THE MAN) —5-T~l I BORN IB62 .... TRUE 10VEIf 11KE GHOSTS, WMCEJA fffFJU/MMe- EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT AND ■ JmnZ