HimpmHIl »"lipiU|P"|pi»l||pH"l|pi»IHVernon Edgar Whitley, Marvin William Scott, William a Camp, Jr„ Robert E .May, R. H. MoCommons, James W. Whitby, ■•■■I . ln|l II •* ,|| *■■■! I* .] Grover Woodruff, Winfield Hasty, Daniel E. Faison, Robert Lee Moore, Curtis E. West, Edgar EL King, Robert Lee Ingram, III ||(| llll| lid || HI ]| ml| h ’|Thomas A. Cooper, Marvin F. Matklns, James G. Whitby, Thos. EL Cook, Jr., Elmer E. Chambliss, Bandali White, Robert 1* _■■■IMmIIIii ■nnJlnllll«llMwMl..«..JInllb»l Harris. Joseph A. Crouch, Davie L. Harper, Brutas W Book, Robt. B. Northingtn, Eugene Basil Glover, William C. Moody, Frank W. Harris, Wayne C. Green, Rufus 8. Finch, Lawrence W. Myrick, Walter G. Cooley, Charlie L. Whitby, Melbourne Barry Jones, Robert A. Rogers, Rufus J. T. Wood ruff, Clinton P. Deberry, Herbert 8. Edwards, EL Charles Leatherwood, Jr., John Wayne Thomas, Alex Bullock, Jr., Frank P. Hunter, Cecil Coburn, Wilbur Anderton, Latt Harris Shearin. . .. - — —— .. — . ill THE ROANOKE R API OS O.'t TAB laid NBWSpapei Home-Print F ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. CL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946 01 H3HKI1N Lions Club Celebrates Its Children's Christmas Party iTnnVi vflor fViRnannlfP Ranids I ~ -— * — ■ • ■■■ Lions Club celebrates Christmas by giving a big party to “poor ' jlidren” in the city. The occasion r? one the membership of the club looks forward to with much pleas ure. This year the club staged its annual Christmas party for the Kiddies last Friday night in the lunch room of the High School, where more than 50 children were jpade happy with gifts of toys and PpjKhing, large bags of fruits, nuts and candies. ■i “Doc” Glover was “Santa Claus,” , «ind Sammy Marks acted as toast master. The club members and the kid dies sang Christmas carols,, after which ice cream and cookies were served. About 80 Lions were pres ent to enjoy being hosts to ap proximately 50 children. In addition to the party the JJons Club distributed this year 50 large baskets of food td needy , families. ^Meeting Held By N.C.P.A. The Eastern North Carolina Per sonnel Aassociation held an or ganizational meeting at Rocky Mount Cabins Thursday night, December 12, at which time the constitution was presented and, upon motion of J. M. Mayfield, 'Divas unanimously adopted. Frank S. Kemp, chairman of the nominating committee, gave his report and the following officers were elected: John M. Scott, President; Quil len Ward, vice-president; Hattie Saunders, secretary - treasurer; Clyde Fisher, recording secretary ■ The board of directors included: Frank S. Kemp, J. Laughridge and C. F. Saville. I Slight Damage Is \ Caused by Flames At 120 Jackson St. ; The telephone system and ‘Doc” Glover were too fast Monday after noon about 4:30. A Herald report ! er was calling the fire department b“checking on news” when some one in the department “bawled out”: “Hang up, the Eveready j Cleaners is on fire.” Slamming the receiver down the reporter beat the department tc Ljne scene, xne n#vereauy wcauci: v/asn’t on fire, but a Christmas tree and its decorations in th« home of Robert Oliver at 120 Jack son caught on fire from an un j known cause causing damage tc I the living room furniture and th( Qfront window of the house. “Doc” Glover, operator of th< cleaning establishment, rushed inti his place, grabbed a fire extin guisher and had the blaze out be fore the firemen arrived. It wa fast work all around—the tele phone, “Doc” Glover, the reporte: and the fire department. Announcement h The public, is cordially invited ti ^attend services at Guma Chapel ii Kings Township on the Littletoi Highway. Services at 7 o’clock P. M. Sun day. Sunday School at 2 P. M Sunday. Services by Rev. E. 1 Morgan. Lt. Harbour's Citation Is Permanent Lt. Clarence Cornelius Harbour, USNR, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Harbour of 1107 Hamilton street, Roanoke Rapids, has received a permanent citation for his Air Medal from Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, for the Presi dent. Lt. Harbour, currently serving with Torpedo Squadron 19 in the Pacific, received the award for outstanding airmanship against enemy forces in the North Pacific area. During the war, citizens were temporary, or incomplete, for se curity reasons. Text of the full citation is as follows : “For meritorious achievement in aerial flight as pilot of a torpedo bomber in Torpedo Squadron 13, attached to the USS Franklin, dur ing action against enemy Japa nese forces in the vicinity of the Volcano and Caroline Islands, from September l to 13, 1944. Partici pating in numerous attacks against heavily defended enemy bases, Lt. (then Lt. jg.) Harbour carried out bombing and strafing missions a gainst gun emplacements, ship ping facilities, troops, and tanks. Pressing home vigorous attacks at low altitude in the face of in ^ me, iic ttiueu in the infliction of damage on .1 supply area and destroyed several grounded aircraft. His skill, cour age, and devotion to the fulfill ment of each vital mission were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Ser vice.” Ruby A. Moore Is Given Discharge , T/Sgt. Ruby A. Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Moora, of Gaston, has received her hon orable discharge from the Women’s Army Corps at the Fort Dix Sepa ration Center, New Jersey. Miss Moore arrived at Fort Dix for processing to civilian status from a 25 months’ assignment as a supply sergeant at Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island N. Y. (Continued on page 5—Sect. A) i "1 Winter Arrived Officially Sunday Winter came to North Carolina officially at 5:45 a. m. Sunday, bringing with it some of the most pleasant weather experienced in the state for a week. High temperature ranged in the high 40’s or low 50's Sunday, with early morning lows generally just below the freezing point. Linwood Lewis In Jail; Breaks Jaw Of Roger Cullom Linwood Lewis is being held in the city jail pending posting of a $500 bond. Lewis is charged with secret assault, growing out of r fight with Roger Cullom Iasi Thursday night. Cullom was treat ed at Roanoke Rapids Hospital foi a broken jaw, alleged to have beer suffered in the affray. Both mer are white. • Roger Johnson Is Held Under $500 Bond, Auto Theft Roger Johnson, white man, ii being held under $500 bond pend ing his appearance in court on i charge of stealing an automobili belonging to Harold Brake. Th theft of the car was reported ti the police department Saturda; night and officers made a quici arrest about 15 minutes later Johnson was found with the car officers say, between Ninth an< Madison streets. Nomination Of Trustees Chest Board The Nominating Committee of the Roanoke Rapids Community Chest, headed by Carl S. Thomp son, chairman* has submitted the following nominees for the com ing annual trustees’ election. All named have agreed to serve on the board if elected. They are: Dr. W. D. Hall, M. C. Savage, A1 Drew, Rudolph Williams, J. C. Hoyle, W. H Carter and George Nethercutt Each year in January four trustees are elected from the con tributing members to serve on the; board for a two-year period. Hu four trustees whose terms expire 1 at the end of 1946 are: J. W. Tal • ley, S. H. Crumpler, O. Griffin an£ l C. D. Liske. , Additional nominations may he ’ made by petition signed by at least : twenty contributing members ana ' presented to the president within ’ ten days after the list of nomian» : tions has been announced A copy of the official ballot sriK , appear in a later Issue of thok I Herald with the date of election l announced at this time. ' * We Wish You All the Very Best of Everything! I • I Christmas is a wonderful time— because it reminds us that no matter how busy we are, no matter how great our responsi bilities, we can always find time to be generous to and considerate of others. And therein lies our own greatest happiness. THE HERALD Paper Situation Is Serious The Herald, like many other newspapers, is now being “hit” by the newsprint paper situa tion. For the past few months it has been diffi 1 cult to buy newsprint and the problem has be ; come increasingly more difficult. This week and next The Herald prints only 16 pages. This is not enough pages to take care > of our advertisers, but we are confident you 1 will understand and bear with us in this situa 1 tion. FRANK R. THOMAS, ; Advertising Manager V ' 5