THE HOME SPHERE Senior 4-H Camp ! c Monday morning, June 28, 3*7 boys and girls who are mem- E bers of the Senior 4-H Clubs of1 Halifax County will go to Camp £ Manteo for a week of instruction end recreation. While there they ; Will have classes in handicraft, and swimming and supervised recreation. They will go sight seeing and attend the "Lost Col ony" drams. The week will be filled with activities for each of | the club members present. The following girls and boys j from Halifax County will be in imp or June 28-July 3. J( annette Wommack, Emil illups, Tudy Staton, Pat Statoi oris Strickland, Barbara Allc taton. Jeannette Faison, Stel! raxton, Shirley Ann Whit< ead. Faye Harris, Patrie rovvn. Judith Faye Phillip erry House, Opal Jones, Ha/, arlyle, Evelyn Rae Harris, Sy ia Vaughan, Donald C. Mai rey. Joe Howard Burt, Ralp lardee Rives, D. S. Moss. Wr Hazelwood. Jr.. Johnnie Bas :obert I. Weathersbee, Robert Jlsbrook. Harold B. Tippctt SUITS I -·- lii $29.50 To $49.50 Shorts. Regulars, Slims, and Stouts. Use Our Convenient Credit Plan LITTLE'S 924 Roanoke Ave. Phone R-849-1 Peck, Merchants Win Warrenton Softball Games '' J Warrenion — The Warrentoi Λ Softball league played two game a i Tuesday night. ~ ! In the first game of a doubl header the Merchants beat th 'j Veterans in a close and excit ing game 8-7. The Merchant scored 8 runs off 10 hits an ^ three errors and the Veteran 1 scored 7 runs off 5 hits and thre .. errors. The score was tied i the fourth 6 all and the Mer chants gained their winning run _ in the bottom of the 5th. Bal Dan B. Moss, James E. Condrev Ernest D. Shearid, Jr.. Lorenz W. Locke. Johnny J. Burt. Jr George D. Phillips. Colema Best. Eddie Roebuck. Edwar Warren, and Wayne Bosemar a teries for the Merchants were Gamble and Drake for the Vet erans Poteat and Bottoms. Vets 000 610 0—' Merch 032 120 x—1 In the last game the Peck: L ran off with a onesided victory over the Lions 20-8. Peck col lected their runs off 24 hits anc 12 errors on the part of the Lions . The Lions who seemed to havi trouble all night fielding the bal gained 8 runs off 9 hits and . errors committed by Peck. Raines was the big man of th· night. He hit two home run for Peck, one with no one oi ι and the other with two on. Bat teries for Peck were Flemin, and O'Neal and for the Lion Reid. Harris and Read. j Tony Harris had to relieve Ή P. Reid on the mound in th fifth inning when Reid was hi on the hand by a line drive. Mr 1 Reid received a good hand whei i j he left the box. Most of the spec tators were for him. He is 6 FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL » BLOUSES jj $Q-88 Values To $8.95 Qnn "It Costs So Little To Look So Lovely" 1005 Roanoke Avenue MAD!1 1771 ¥ fît1 raUKJL· VALU Ju 's why CHEVROLET and ONLY Chevrolet IS FIRST! More value—more motoring enjoyment for your money—day after day and year after year! That's what you want, and that's exactly what you get in this smarter, smoother-riding, more dependable and more economical Chevrolet. You get more value in its trim, tasteful, style-leading Body by Fisher; you get more value in its road-smoothing, road-leveling Unitized Knee Action Ride; you get more value in the thrilling performance with economy of its world's champion Valve-in-Head engine and in the stopping-power of its Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes—all exclusive to Chevrolet at lowest prices and with low cost of operation and upkeep! Yes, CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in all-round value. That's why more people buy it and more people drive it than ony other make. That's why you and your family, will be wise to choose a Chevrolet, tool » SPECIAL EXTRA-LOW PRESSURE TIRES on Wide-Rim 15-inch Wheel»* ( 24-111, preifur· only—ail around) Chevrolet offers you the fire of fires for easy, restful riding. Remarkable new extra-low pressure tires that give a much safer, more comfortable ride; absorb road shocks instead of transmitting them to you and your car; provide safer stopping, greater blow-out protection, and long, more luxurious mileage. All due to larger tire-body, more air at lower pressure, advanced tire design. *Optional at small extra cost. TRI-CITY MOTOR CO., INC. , Sales — CHEVROLET — Service ! Noted Actor Has Role In Lost Colony Drama HARRY IRVINE Manteo, N. C.—Harry Irvine, noted British India-Born a c t or now a naturalized citizen of this country will have the role of his torian'in THE LOST COLONY, i Paul Green's exciting and roman tic drama opening for its eigh j th season in The Waterside Thea tre on Roanoke Island July 1 ! and continuing through Labor i Day with shows each week, Wed nesday through Sunday nights. 1 Irvine is a graduate of Oxford ! University, playing his first thea trical engagement with Sir Her bert Tree in Richard II. I Later he came to America in Forbes-Robertson's farewell to j in 1915-16. He has played i η ; Walter Hampden's last perfor mance of Hamlet and was a lec turer and teacher during a 10 year period ending in 1826. ' He returned to Broadway to play Thomas a' Becket in T. S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathe dral." He is president of the American Shakespeare Founda tion. His book. THE ACTOR'S ART AND JOB, was published by E. P. Dutton in 1942. Last j season on Broadway he appear ed in Joan of Lorraine, Dear Ju , das, and Skipper Next to God. , Roanoke Rapids include We s t er ι Union Telegraph. the Carolina j Telegraph Company with a mod ern dial system, and 10 incom ! ing and outgoing mails daily. The peach crop in the 10 early Southern States is estimat ed to be a third smaller than last year. J Card of Thanks To ail my friends in Roanoke Rapids who so generously con tributed to the government bonds which were presented to me on June 11, I want to ex press my sincere appreciation. Every contribution, small or large, is of equal significance to me because I believe it came from the hearts of my friends. For all the kindnesses shown me while I worked with you, and for this provision for my future pleasure and enjoyment, I wholeheartedly express my love and gratitude to every child and every adult. Sincerely, Clara Hearne years old and is considered one of the best pitchers on any or the teams. His injury was nol considered serious and he said he would be ready for the game Thursday night. Peck Ill 169 1—20 Lions 113 030 0— 8 Choose The Dixie Hotel A* OCEAN VIEW VIRGINIA FOR YOUR VACATION Centrally located. Fine Beach, Boating, and Fishing Facilities. Weekly Rates $12.00 to $21.00 Single rooms, $2.50 day Double rooms. $3.00 up Breakfast, 35c to 75c Dinner, 75c to $1.50 PHONE 81272 For Reserrations and Information FOR THE TRANSPi C A I JOHNS EÇUIPPI 2-WAY For Quick, I D R-5 Veteran News The Veterans Administration has opening for nurses in hos pitals and regional offices in Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia and Maryland. Begin ning salaries range from $2,644 to $5,902, depending upon train ing and experience. Nurses who wish to apply or who want more information should write to the Chief of the Nursing Division, Veterans Administration. 900 North Lom bardy Street, Richmond 20, Vir ginia. Veterans are urged by the Veterans Administration to use official VA premium mailing en velopes when paying National Service Life Insurance premi ums by mail. Use of the yellow envelopes, j VA said, helps expedite handling of G. I. insurance payments since full information necessary ■ to process the payment already is included by VA before the | envelope is mailed to veteran policy holders. Q. If I filed a change of ad dress with the VA hospital or regional office where my claims folder is on file, will the i same change by made on my in surance records. A. No. Change of address for purpose of compensation or pen sion is not a notice of change of address for insurance pur poses. VA Form 889, "Change of Address," should be executed by 1 the insured to notify the Insur ance Service at 900 North Lom bardv St.. Richmond 20, Virgin- 1 ia. Q. When may a veteran de cide whether he will pursue training under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act (G. I. Bill) or under the Vocational Rehabilita tion Act? A. After eligibility has been established uiader both laws. j The daughter of a civilian I employee at the Naval Air Str , tion, Jacksonville, Fla., had a 1 chronic case of hiccoughs so she ι was taken for a ride in ι plane which zoomed, rolled and snap ped in an effort to scare her ou* of them. The ride didn't euro the girl, but it made her father pretty sick. I In 1945 North Carolina's 77 j principal crops had a total va I lue of $613.037,700. Ε m * m wm Α κ m mm ** I IΝ ΓAN I J AND CHILDS SANDALS 1.99 AND 2.49 • WHITE • RED • BROWN Size 1 to 8 MARKS SHOES ! "Too Smart For Word»" BEST IΝ )RTATION I. L A ON CAB :D WITH RADIOS Ifficient Service [ A L 34-1 « state College Answers Timely Farm Questions QUESTION: When ι h ο u id ime be applied to pastures? ANSWER: At any time when abor is available and you can jet on the field with the spread er. However, if there is danger .hat the limestone may wash j iway, it should be put on at a J ime when this danger is at a ninimum. QUESTION: What are the nost practical types of silos? ANSWER: Permanent silos ire of two types. The upright ower silo, which is more com· non. is usually cylindrical. Its liameter usually ranges from ι ?ight to 20 feet, and its height, ;rom 30 to 50 feet. The oth'.-r : lype is the trench silo, which nay or may not be under- j 'round. It ranges from a width . >f five to seven feet at the bot tom, and seven or more feet 1eep, to any suitable length. Tho important thing is that it must oe well-drained. QUESTION: Is the mulching Df new pasture seedings advis able? ANSWER: Yes. Spreading a small amount of manure or straw per acre is valuable in protecting new seedings. Navy top - bracket ftbô11 teams will meet in Ne»v Ye. k City the week of Sept. 5. 19-1D. in compétition for the All-Navy j Softball Championship. AUCTION SALE Wednesday, June 30 11:00 A. M. Rebecca Johnson House 1219 Washington St. • Owner Has Decided To Sell—Leaving City • TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED For Full Information CALL ROCHELLE REALTY CO. Phone R-710-fi A twonky three-tome thot ore reody for fun end ociiort. Gaily styled for every daytime, playtim· occoiion. Choose your pair todoyl MARKS SHOES "TOO SMART FOR WORDS" —— TheNewsisTU-TONE PLATFORMERS smartest οι*»i„ $10.95. AS SEEN IN VOGOk AAAA TO Β And Just look it the wardrobe-scheming colors you can hivt in highs or mid-heels, a wondrous variety of completely new designs. HARKS SHOES "TOO SMART FOR WORDS" Ϊ