M, ^CLASSÎHFD BUY SELL 4 RENT |[ΐΑΗΜ»/ PMiB , TRADE Wtiïïl t FOR SALE 18 u. fct. Deep Freeze with 3-4 horse power compresser. Can be seen at 228 Jackson St., Roanoke Rapids. If inteested, call Meherrin Valley Dairy, j Phone 61, Emporia, Va. Priced I $390.00 Τ & Τ pd. ! 0 FOR SALE—Wood. Sawed or unsawed. Any size load you want. M. C. Morris Horner town Phone R-500-1 t&t-7-29 ch. THE HERALD Classified "Want" Ads Minimum Charg· 45* Cash In Advance Count 5 Words Per Line One Time 15c per line Two Times 12e per line Three Times 10<t per line Four or mora times 9* per line In Memoriam—Card of Thanks, 50 words or less $1.00. Over 50 words 1φ per word. Cash in Advance Corrections of errors must be made before second in sertion. No allowance for more than one incorrect insertion. FOR SALE: 1941 1 1-2 ton long wheel base Ford truck—Has 2 speed axle & new tires. Ready for hauling—also 1937 Chevrolet car for sale. See S, H. Heu4fcess Phone R-701-3. 27-29-h. FOR SALE — Four-room house, 29 acres of land, water and lights, located on good high way 4 miles from Roanoke Ra pids; 235 peach trees and other orchard in good condition. Fai son-Ogletree Agency, 253 Roa noke Avenue, phone R-808-6. 27-29-ch. FOR SALE—Double bed, Sim mons beautyrest, mattress, springs, wardrobe trunk, Am erican Oriental rug. All in ex cellent condition at reasonable price. See Mrs. W. A. China, 620 Roanoke Ave. or Call R 607-1. Τ & Τ ch. FOR SALE—OU Stove, Baby Crib, Breakfast set, Ice Box, Radio Phonograph, cheap. George Joyner 309 Henry St. T. T. pd. FOR SALE—Delta Wood lathe 9" swing— 38" center also Mill Type wood lathe 8' Bed, 14" Swing. Gates H and Made Furn. Shop Roanoke Rapids Weldon Highway Phone R-627-1 T. T. pd. THE HALIFAX FARMERS SUPPLY CO. ROANOKE RAplDS, N. C. 1101-03 ROANOKE AVENUE GENERAL HARpWARE Paints—Plumbing Supplies Pipes and Fittings Seeds and Insecticides Farm Supplies and Equipment Electric Pumping Systems GLIDDEN-HEATH S MILLIGAN Time Tested Dependable PAINTS For Every PURPOSE Estimates Given on any Paint Job THE HALIFAX FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY 1101-03 ROANOKE AVENUE Phone R-512-1 ISPREDb The Washable Water Paint IN FLAT AND SEMI-GLOSS FINISHES MADE BY THE GLIDDEN COMPANY ^WALK ROUND YOUR HOUSE.. CHECK. UP AND SEE, WHAT NEEDS REPAIRING, INSTANTLY/ IN STOCK For Immediate Delivery! STEEL SASH ROCK LATHS PLASTER FINISHING LIME FIBRE GLASS INSULATION FIR DOORS HARDWOOD FLOORING ASPHALT SHINGLES A CDU ΑΙ Τ CEI Τ SHERWIN — WILLIAMS PAINTS Also Complete Line of BUILDERS HARDWARE ROANOKE BUILDERS SUPPLY, INC. ON WELDON ROAD PHONE R-883-6 FOR SALE—Rugs $6.50, J8.CÎ and $11.95. M. C. Morris Hor nertown Phone R-500-1 t&t-7 29-ch. FOR SALE—Baby Chicks. A1 kinds of feed and wire M. C Morris Hornertown Phone R 500-1 t&t—7-29-ch FOR SALE—Bedroom and Din ing room suite. Excellent con dition. Call R-508-1 after 6 P.M 20-22-27-pd FOR SALE—Second hand, elec trie churn, good condition Phone R-4117 Mrs. L. H. Nor thington. 7-20-22-27-29-3-5-pd MUFFLERS & TAIL PIPES fo: Buick, Pont., Chev., Fd., Plym etc. at saving. Also head lite lens for most early cars. Ear man's Barry-Irwin Store. 7-29-ch OUTSIDE & INSIDE ΡΑΙΝΊ at deep cut prices, enamel flats, brushes, thinner, pain remover. The more you buy the more you save at Ear· man's Barry-Irwin Store. 7-29 ch. BRAKE SHOES, factory lined low exchange prices. Brake lining, rivets, riveting jigs master cyl. kits, wheel kits master cylinders complete brake fluid, prices way be low list. Earman's Barry-Irwir Store. 7-29-ch Endurance Batleriesl Your bes buy, more power, longer life faster output. Starter & Ground Cables, batt. boxes Quality rebuild Generators £ Starters your car can depen: on. Cutouts, voltage regulators wiring sets. Earman's Barry Irwin Store. 7-29-ch DIAMOND TIRES are qualitj tires· tubes, jacks, pumps, etc Buy at Earman's Barry-Irwir Store. 7-29-ch FOR SALE: Adjoining lots, oi tract, cn Boiling Road, one mile West of town. 240 ft BUY YOUR ... • "Dunbrick" Brick • Drain Tile • Roofing • Hardware • Building Materials • Mortar Mix • Cement FROM RAPID SUPPLY CO. Waidon-Roanok· Rapids Highway PHONE R-6436 EMERGENCY LOANS 1-DAY SERVICE No Endorsers Needed You can Borrow $10, $25, $50, $100, or more on your own signature, car, furniture, with out endorsers and repa|É in small weekly payments. « COME IN TO SEE US Industrial Loans, Inc. 253 Roanoke Ave. Next door to Radio Station Phone R-808-6 BORROW THE EASY WAY FOR SALE NEW HOUSE Just Completed E. 10th St. Ext. Γ our rooms and bath wiih hard wood floors, kitchen and cabinets, electric hot watar haatar. Wirad for eltciric stova. On nica larga lot. Tarms can ba arranged. — SEE - J. Roy Taylor 1400 Washington 8traat Roanoka aRpids. N. C. 5 front, 255 feet deep. Clear, j drains well. Price, terms· iea sonable. J. M. SEAVER, 740 j West 5th Street. Rhone R-8351. T-T-ch. FOR SALE—One Vornado ekc tric fan, adjustable stand- 16 inch blades, 1140 imp., used only three weeks, suitable ίο:* store or home; also one used General Electric fan, 20-inch blades, 110 volts, good condi tion. Both fans priced reason able. Reason for selling store recently air-conditioned. Apply The Quality Shop. 922 Roa noke Avenue, Roanoke Rapids. N. C.—29-2-ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished bed room. 537 Jefferson St. Phone R-713-6 22-27-pd. FOR RENT—F*our room house with bath. Has four rooms of furniture which must be bought by person rentng. 1339 Hamilton street. 27 and 29 pd. FOR RENT—3 large room house and bath. Newly painted on inside. 1207 Jefferson Street. HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED— Avon Products, Inc., needs re presentatives in Roanoke Rap ids. Exceptional opportunity to build permanent income. Write immediately for interview in your borne. Mrs. Κ. H. Rey nolds, Greenville, North Caro lina. 8-10-TT-p. SPECIAL NOTICES POLIOMYELITIS Insurance maximum of $5000, complete coverage for every member of your family, $3.00 per year for each individual. W. P. Es monds. World Insurance Com pany, Henderson, N. C., P. O. Box 846. TT-7-29-ch. LOST, STRAYED, STOLEN LOST—Male puppy, black with brown chest, about 4 months old. Answers to the name of Rex. If any information notify Louis Edwards, 107 Clinton St. Roanoke Rapids. 20-22-27-pd. NOTICE OF SALE I Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Education of Hali fax County, and in conformity with the provision of the Laws of the State of North Carolina relating to the sale of School I property, the undersiged will, on i the 5th day of August, 1948, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the Court House door in Halifax. North Carolina, offer for sale at ' public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described ! property, to-wit: ι One frame building locate.1 ! on the below described land, formerly used as a school build ing, and known as the "Soutn Rosemary School". ! Also the following described jreal estate: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a point on the western side of the County road leading from W. H. Shell's home to South Rosemary where C. M. Pear son's and W. H. Shell's line crosses said road line and run ning along the said road line to ward South Rosemary 262 hi feet, S. 83 W. 420 feet southerly in a line parallel to the above named road 262Vz feet, N. 83 E. 42 feet, containuing two and one half acres, more or less, and be ing the same land which was conveyed to the Board of Edu cation of Halifax County by C. M. Pearson, et ux„ by deed which is of record in Book 299, at page 34, to which reference is hereby made for more particu lar description. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a corner of the original 2.5 acre school lot the said point be ing 262% feet from an iron stake in the line of W. H. Shell and being on the road from S. P. Johnson's to South Rosemary and runs with the original school lot S, H4 deg. 30 min. W , 420 feet to the land of C. M. Pearson, thence along his line N. 11 deg. 45 min. E., 400 feet to an iron stake on the before mentioned county road; thence along the County road S. 11 deg. 45 inin. W., 104 feet to an iron stake, the beginning, containing 1.5 acres. THE ORDER OF SALE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: The building located as above set out will be first offered for sale separatelj*. then the two tracts of land as a whole, then the whole property including building and land wi.'l be offered for sale and the high est aggregate bid will be declar ed the highest bidder. In the event the highest bid is for the building and land sep arately the successful bidder fur the building will have the privi lege and be required to remove the building from the land within sixty days from the con firmation of the sale and ten der of deed. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. This 3rd day of July, 1948. C. L. Kelly. Chairman, The Board of Education of Halifax County. W. Henry Overman, Secretary. 7-30-ch. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Sallie Courtney Kennemur, deceased, late of Halifax County, North Carolina, this is te notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, on or before the 20th j day of July, 1948, or this notice' will be pleaded in bar of their j recovery. All persons indebted I to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of Julv, 1948. CALVIN S. KENNEMUR. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF SALLIE 1 COURTNEY KENNE-i MUR. DECEASED Allsbrook & Benton, Attorney? ι Tu-8-24-ch. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as L^ecutrix of the estate of John Robert Ed-j wards, deceased, late of Halifax, County, North Carolina, this is j to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the j undersigned at Roanoke Rapids. North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of July, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of July, 1948. GERTRUDE SELBY ED WARDS, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ROBERT EDWARDS, DE CEASED Allsbrook & Benton, Attorneys Tu-8-24-ch. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by J. N. Carter and Mayme Carter, his wife, dated November 7th., 1947, and recorded in Book 568, page 509, in the Office of the Register of Doeds of Halifax County, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court house door in Haifax, North Carolina, at 11 o'clock A. M.. on the 23rd., day of August, 1948, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same being described as follows: Those certain lots or parceiS of land, situated in Halifax Coun ty, Roanoke Rapids Township, State of North Carolina, togeth er with all improvements there on, and described as follows: Those Four (4) certain lots shown and designated as Lots Nos. Twenty-One (21); Twenty Two (22), Twenty-Three (23), and Twenty-Four (24) on map showing sub-division of part of the "Hamilton Tract" owned by Dr. W. E. Murphey, Jr., made by C. R. Revelle, Surveyor, re corded in Plat Book 4, page 157, Halifax County Public Registry; each of said lots front Twenty Five (25) feet on the North side of Sixth Street and extend back the same width, between parallel lines, at right angles to said Street, 180 feet; reference to said map and to deed from W. E. Murphey, Jr., et ux., to J. N. Carter et ux., recorded in Book 561, at page 152, Office of the Register of Deeds of Halifax County, N. C., is here made for greater certainty of description. This conveyance is made subject to the reservations and restric tions in the aforesaid deed, and made a part hereof. This the 20th., dav of July, 1948. J. T. Maddrev, Trustee. Playgrounds Preferred As War Memorials OCONTO Wis. (U.P.)— Oco nto will build another practical war memorial from funds rais ed by the sale of articles rang ing from shoe polish to old auto mobiles. The auction, under the spon sorship of the local civil clubs raised $778 to build two tennis courts. Last year's auction gar nered funds for a children's wad ing pool. Oconto residents feel the war dead would rather have youngs ters enjoy themselves in recrea tion rather than look at war me morial statues. Merchants arid others furnish the articles for sale and club members provide the labor for building the projects. 1AIC η 111# SCRAP IRON AND TIN, If L D U I OLD CARS AND TRUCKS, METALS AND OLD BATTERIES. Halifax Waste Materials Co. JAKE SPIRE, Manager Weldon Road Phone R-568-1 LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN f» I A QC| WINDOW, PLATE ^ ■■ ^ ^ · GLASS and IVnRRORS, DRESSER TOPS, DESK TOPS, SHELVING. —Call R-568-1 ROSEMARY GLASS CO JAKE SPIRE, Manager Wcldon Road — Look for the Big Sign *2 The straight whiskies in this product are 4 years or more old 15% straight whisky 5 years old 20% straight whisky 4 years old 65% grain neutral spirits 86.8 proof CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. » Weldon Mrs. Frances Neville and Miss Hazel Neville are visiting in the mountains of North Carolina this week. Mrs. Lou Evans and children have returned from a visit to New York. Mrs. Hazel Sechler has return ed from a visit to Landis and ; Virginia Beach. Among those attending the ser- j vices at Spring Church from Weldon Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Crew. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and Mrs. W. L. Al ston and Miss Christine Alston. Edward E. Powell of Green ville visited his mother over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Coch rane and sons of Jackson visit Mrs. F. T. Rawlings of Key West, Fia., is visiting her par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Nash. I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Munch and I son of Midway Park, N. C\. were · guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. - Howell Jast week. f Mrs. D. W. Siefert. Mrs. H. G. Rowe and Mrs. Elliott Clark are visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. A. r Lowry cf Sweetwater, Tenn. j Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pierce and daughter, Emily, and Mr. and Mrs. Selden Pierce are spend ing a week at Virginia Bcach. Mrs. Floyd C. Dixon and dau ghter, Bettir Alice, of New Or leans, La., are visiting Mrs. S. J. Dixon. Oklahoma rianfall varies from an average of 42 inches annual ly in the extreme southeast of the state to 15 inches in the west ern Panhandle. lorro Egg Mash help« young bird· complet· their growth and de velopment. Feed from open hop· peri from 13th week to maturity and continue for rest of their live». g λ rest ot their live». Ι/Φ* PULLETS DEVELOP THEIR CAPACITY to . nay Stedman Stores Co. 198 ROANOKE AVE. PHONE R-738-1 Of the more than 800,000 muni· ipal fire fighters in America nly one out of eight is a proies ional full paid fireman. The resl re volunteers. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE Must Have / Three Bedrooms. Need Is Urgent WRITE BOX 111 Roanok· Rapid·, N. C. — or — PHONE R-32· WE BUILD TO ORDER Window Screens and Doors Any type and size for homes or industrial plants Quantity Discounts To Retailers and Contractors Also Adirondack Fur niture and Special Or der Woodwork of All Kinds. We have on hand a large quantity of well seasoned Black Wal nut and other Hard woods for sale at 35c per lumber foot. • Phone or Write For Prices Or Estimates DIXIE Woodwork Co. 140 BAKER STREET PHONE 421 W Emporia, Virgin!* If you want GOOD PLUMBING . . . that's our business. If you want BAD PLUMBING . . . that's yoiy business! Ο Fully Automatic WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC □ Table Top and ~~~~~~~~ U Round, 30 - 40 tf»g* ψη OC ε*""ο„. $97 20 - 30 Gallons GAS Installed at Reasonable Labor Prices * In Stock for Immediate Delivery: ! WATER PUMPS ... COPPER and GALVAN IZED PIPE . . . FITTINGS .. . PLUMBING FIXTURES . . . GENERAL ROUGHING-IN MATERIALS. 48 Years' Experience * STATE QUALIFICATIONS LICENSE NO. 296 C. F. Ζ IE I LE R & SONS PLUMBING and HEATING East 13th St. Phone B-898-6 Roanoke Rapids, N. C. V

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