The Stentorian December 1992 North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Volume Xll, Issue 2 Above: Despite the stresses of exams, NCSSM students find ways to enjoy Christmas. Below: There is always the nasty reminder that it is exam time though. "Don’t forget moi^e hours!" " ^ 1 ■' fr % J-* It's that time of year again. Christmas is almost here and the exams are almost over. The season is in full swing with it's crowded malls, rude shoppers, ruder clerks, the S&M semi-formal, exams, and going home. Once again, the seasonal dance was a success. Somehow it seems students always respond to the idea of getting dressed up to go out on the town (even if it is just the cafeteria). There were a great number of students who turned out to experience the season with dancing, snacks, and a festive spirit. The event served as an excellent break from the monotony of exams, which also began Saturday with Chemistry. With the rest of exam week ahead, it was wonderful to forget about all of that for at least a few hours. The escape was made complete by the restaurant loop that was run to local restaurants, so students could make the evening more enjoyable. The dance was not the only reminder of the holiday season. As the first semester wound down many clubs held activities as well. Then there were morgue hours, those wonderful "quiet hours with an attitude" that run through exam week. No talking, no socializing, NO LIFE, for at least a time while everyone buckled down for the exams to come. So far, there has been no Primal Scream this year, and it has been greatly missed. The men's basketball team played their first home game with its accompanying shower of toilet paper. Halls have been decorated (third Beall looks wonderful), and everyone has gotten into the season despite all the stresses of the week. Next semester, when seniors are sone with college apps, and juniors are worrying community service, it will be pleasant to look back on Christmas, and to look ahead towards graduation and summer vacation. Now that everyone is leaving for home for a safe and happy break, it's time to realize the true meaning behind the season. Christmas is a time to spend time with your family and loved ones. It is a time that should not be overlooked, because all to often it is those very loved ones who are most taken for granted. Merry Christmas! In This Issue... News pg. 2-3 Features pg.4-5 Arts and Culture Pg-^ Opinion Pg-7 Sports Pg-S-9 Me^^kPage ' AN