june 2011 senior wills the stentorian | ncssm status, To J’naya late night talks, cra2y stories and random music videos. To Cassie all the bouneiness and energy that even Tigger doesn’t have. To Otis skipper the title of most amazing soccer dad ever ,To Connor Smith super fVinny jokes. To the Lady Unis bball team a super ballin season. To the Lady Unis soccer team CONFERENCE CHAMPS!, To the class of 2012 I wish you an amazing senior year. much. To “The Pop Tab Kids” I leave you with a promise that the friendship we’ve had will maintain for years to come. Any time that you need anything at all. I’m just up the road. To the rest of the junior class I leave the sarcasm and the paradigm that made this place bearable. In general I hope that I made as much of an impression on the class of 2012 as they have made on me. “Never fear that which you do not know, embrace it. I’ve ever worked with and I love you all; to the new MPCs, make the best of it because it will be the workservice of your life; and to all I’ve met here, laughed with, experienced the bad/good parts of life with— thank you for the year you’ve given me. I, Reena Gupta, being of soxmd mind and body, do hereby leave Grishma Alakkat, I, Taylor Haag, being of sound body and mind, do hereby leave Chanell Bryant lounge bonding, a whipped cream stain on her mother’s zebra rug, and wonderful analogies involving whale carcasses and tubeworms. To Josh Nunn, I leave late night aim conversations and lol- nighters, as well as an amazing senior year. To Rebekah Proctor, I leave funny physics I leave nothing. Bummer. I, Deanna Harrell, being of'sound mind and body do hereby leave Troy Royal a billion and two “\^oa Now” moments in the hallway, extra dry instant grits, bright leaf hotdogs, and a tub of country crock butter; Bailey Ogle a love for gigantic bows and beastly basing moments; Cassie Nellis tons upon tons of last minute im r- T.’- ,, mmmKi- m To Molly Bums restless leg syndrome, MALK, roommate love, magnolias and a whole wardrobe full of wheat thins. To Pemell and Jeremy early morning breakfasts. To Chanell the water faucet dance to “Grenade”, To Ivana and Johnell memories of my first “all nighter” spent in your room. To Xavier random outbursts of Miley Cims, To Osaro left right wheel chair wheel chair. To Nkenge Cameron my heart and crazy schwag and To the Senior Class of 2012 memories of an amazing senior year and best wishes in the next phases of our lives. jump in, go for it with all that you have. For that is the only way to experience tme joy.” I, William Greene, being of sound mind and body, do not wish to extend my time at NCSSM by any artificial means, and have made the decision to disperse my legacy as follows. To Mr. Fowler I leave many voyages across the Brocean, screenings of terrible movies, and general good times. To Cori L, Annie V, Paetra M, and Jennifer A I leave you the Happy Half hugs that I looked forward to so I, Mara Guevarra, of an adrenalized mind, do hereby leave lots of love, laughter, and sitting-in-the-halibondingtothe supermegafoxyawesomehot halEfamily/sisterhood that is GReynolds; my children even more love, college advice, a promise to Skype them, and a future wedding invite; Jennifer our faux awkward dates and the best AIM conversations; Mia the loving phrase “ako din!” and the Ate role; Jaisah and Ana the legacy of Misfits and whispered Nathan-expletives; Jillian my single and our JGL fangirling; Geliy my failed sister “secrecy”; Gina a promise that I will give her a letter on her birthday for the rest of my life and that I won’t convert to Mormonism; my IBL Lovers, the reassurance that they make me happy and I love them all; to Generation Fire, I give my thanks, love, and appreciation for everything; to my nine other MPCs, just know that you guys are the best team Deveney Brown, and Alice Huang the best hall ever. Third Bryan, with the lovely Linsey Morrison; Alice Huang and Janice Wong the perfect room 301; the ladies of Third Bryan a wonderful senior year; Emma DeJoumette and Paulina Kriska fun new adventures on 1st Beall; Avi Aggarwal, Viggy Kumaresan, andGayatri Rathod a successful and fun-filled year with Bhangra Club; Knmal Amin, Vipul Vaccharajani, Aakash Gandhi, Avi Aggarwal, Lance Kapral, Jerry Sun, Zack Fowler, Michael Robinson, and Madelaine Katz a productive 31st session; David Ojo a new soccer mom who loves him as much as I do; Ahmed Zaeem the courage to not be a scrub; Krunal Amin Wednesday Chemistry labs and a Boss who loves him; Ravi Chittilla optimism; Cori Lopazanski relaxing Fridays and heart to hearts; Avi Aggarwal a fun and exciting miniterm; and Michael Robinson another year filled with happiness, new memories, laughter, and all my love - just like the amazing year he gave me. conversations and a balloon. To Israel Nelson, I leave a pink belly button ring and my prayers to the chemistry god. I leave 1C lounge privileges and bonding time to Breima Muldrow. And finally, to J’Naya Marville, I leave a great senior room, and a room at Carolina to crash at any time. I, Justin M. Harden, being of sound mind and sexy body, do hereby bequeath the following: To Eoin Walsh - I leave “Two games of Smash” and the hope that you can hang on to your energy drinks much longer next year. To Russell Turner -1 leave an autographed teimis ball. Maybe you can sell this and buy some tennis lessons. To the tennis team -1 leave all of our bro talks and slayings by coach. To Charlie Mize and Joshua “Lawson” Edwards - I leave board games. To Alex Schmid - I leave your plate. To the class of 2012 I leave all the good times that can be had at this school and the hope that senior year is right around the comer. Finally, to Delaney Bmmmer Photo courtesy of Yusra Iftikar physics questions; the junior cheerleaders the legacy of creating a states worthy routine; Ashley Jemigan fantastically laughable sunburns and zumba dance skills; Liz Bevels “The Office” ring tone and hours of wasted time on loldemort; Delaney Brummer a love for a subject no one else cares about; and Evan Scarborough multiple cool ways to write your name and initials and math class doodles. I, Sam Holden, having never possessed sound body or mind, leave my congratulations and love to the 2012 Drama Board, my pink pants to the prop closet, my love of science to Aakash Ghandi, my love of science fiction to Ashley Dimuzio and Abigail Armstrong, my hatred of Donna to the unofficial Dr. Who club, and wishes of good luck to all the future seniors of the class of 2012. I, James Kenneth Hollingsworth, of Continued on page 7