stentonan vol; XXXIII, issue 3 north Carolina schooi of science and mathematics October 2013 Common Application brings struggles for Seniors By Su Cho Many seniors are in the proeess of applying to different eolleges, mostly through the Common App. However, many students, counselors, teachers, and even some college admissions offices are struggling with the glitches found in the newest version. The Common App continues to lock students out of their work or bill more than once for a single application. The newer version was designed to look simpler and show colleges the same information as before. Many colleges such as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Northwestern University extended their deadlines because of student complaints of not being able to log in and tell if their payment had been accepted. College admissions offices were also having problems retrieving needed documents. Even colleges with later due dates like the University of Chicago, Duke University, and Cornell University extended multiple times for one college and also the whole system was really slow. A lot of error messages showed up. It made me worry about deadlines, but I was really happy that most THE COMMON APPUCATION Photo courtesy of their early deadlines from Nov. 1 to Nov. 8. Some students feel aimoyed and irritated about the technical malfunctions of Version 4 of the Common App. Senior Grace Guo says, “I was really frustrated because it charged some of my friends colleges eventually extended their early action or decision.” Senior Evan Brooks says, “It has been very frustrating of course. Dealing with the frustration of applying to college is already stressflil but dealing with a new developing system that most of my colleges use for their applications adds even more to it. Hopefully Common App will improve for the class of 2015 and beyond.” However, other students are indifferent about the situation. Senior Abby Smith says, “I wasn’t using it [Common Application] at the time, so it wasn’t a big deal for me. But, for the students who were applying early decision, it was definitely more worrying.” Senior Puja Patel says, “I wasn’t too worried about it. Although I was applying early, many schools extended their deadlines.” As of now, the Common Application says most of the bugs from the site have been fixed. Students should be able to log in and college admissions offices should no continued on Page 2 News from around the world By Jungsu Hong Earthquake of magnitude 7.3 hits Japan An earthquake of magnitude of 7.3 struck early Saturday morning off Japan’s east coast, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Japan’s emergency agencies declared a tsunami warning for the region that includes the crippled Fukushima nuclear site. The earthquake hit at 2:10 a.m. Saturday Tokyo time about 170 miles off Fukushima. About 19,000 people were killed. Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom split after six years On Oct. 24, 2013, it was announced that Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom will be splitting after a three-year marriage. The British actor, 36, and Australian Victoria’s Secret model, 30, met in 2007, and married in 2010. Their son, Flynn, was bom in Jan. 2011. Prince George gets christened Prince George made his first public appearance in three months Wednesday, as he arrived with his parents. Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, for his christening at St. James’s Palace. George was dressed in an elaborate lace and satin christening gown that’s a replica of one made in 1841 for the christening of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter. (Source - AP) HIPPO all the rage for Hunt residents By Steven Liao Two champions, knees flexed, gazes intent, swing furiously as they sweat out shot after shot, point after point, and match after match. The winning shot is delivered. Thunderous cheers flare, vuvuzelas blare, and the victorious individual, in his tmsty striped pajamas, is mobbed. Under a mass of humanity emerges a victorious fist, clutching a single, savory ping pong paddle. It is official: HIPPO season has begun. HIPPO, short for Hunt Intramural Ping Pong Organization, is an annual ‘underground’ ping pong tournament that pits three celebrated ‘champions’ from each Hunt hall against ‘champions’ from other Hunt halls in a round robin tournament. The showdowns occur on Friday and Saturday nights, are unsupervised, and give each hall a chance to claim glory through the art of the paddle. The hall lounge transforms into a raucous arena within minutes of the ‘champions’ taking the field. Describing the atmosphere, Shouri Gottiparthi, this year’s HIPPO organizer, said, “It’s not really about the ping pong, it’s more about just the hype, I guess, because it’s really fun. “I mean, if the entire hall is cheering one person on, sometimes it’s dumb, but they just like harass the other team, and it’s kind of fun, and it builds the hall’s unity, and it’s just a fun activity.” According to Gottiparthi, after the initial round robin tournament, playoffs will begin in January. Quickly becoming a Hunt tradition, HIPPO was founded two years ago by Zach Herbst ’12, Jin Kang ’13, and Corey Su’13. Su started the idea, but at a smaller scale, in a match between Fourth East and Fourth West. HIPPO then expanded to all the Hunt halls under Herbst’s direction. Kang made his mark by coining the name HIPPO. Since then, HIPPO has survived to its third year and is steadily becoming a Hunt tradition. The victorious hall in 2011 -2012 was Fourth West, while the victorious hall last year was Fourth East. And to all past HIPPO participants, organizers, and Hunt residents, Herbst passes on the following remarks, “HIPPO provides some ftm competition and bonding - after hours - in Hunt. I encourage everyone to continue playing and enjoying themselves, as that’s what HIPPO was really about.” While the jury is still out on this year’s favorite to win, one thing is for sure: there’s still a lot of ping pong to be played, a lot of hall pride to be displayed, and a lot of glory to be gained. SG update By Kim Ngo This past month. Student Government has been work ing on improving the school to the request of the student body, ranging from reconfirming student discounts to providing students with a more effective way of grade transparency. Student Government is divided up into different committees which have been working on various things in response to the request of the student body. The goals and progress of each committee includes: Academic Affairs- Teachers have been notified about providing students with a pre-trimester grade report as a way to increase grade transparency. Academic Affairs has also changed mid term reports from numbers to letter grades. Outreach- Every two weeks, a new Vlog describing the goals, progress, and future events Student Government is hosting along with pictures of the student body at Student Government run events are posted on the Student Govern ment Facebook page and on a newly created YouTube Stu dent Government page. Programming- Hosted the first fall Lock-in and the Senior breakfast The focus of the Programming Committee now is on Mr. Uni, an all-male pageant which will be held in December. Student Affairs- Student discounts have been recon firmed for the 2013-2014 school year. The Student Af fairs Committee has also been representing the student body at the I-week planning meet ings. In addition to this. Student Government has been work ing with the Director of IT in order to design a new SGA website that includes a peti tioning system that wilf allow students to raise awareness and get electronic signatures for important issues, as well as an online bill management system so everyone can see the con tent and status of all legislation that goes through the senate. A new Student Government seal was also created thanks to Co directors of Public Relaions Julia Hu and Josh Jiang that will be used by Student Gov ernment from now on. The new NCSSM Student Government Association Seal pictured left will be featured in all SG materials. Photo courtesy of Kim Ngo