PAGE SIX THE LEXHIPEP MARCH 2 6, 192 3 An Alphabetical Sermon for Today. A stands for Adam who in Eden fell To make us go thru death and hell (the grave) B for better in every way, So we grow from day to day. Cain killed Abel—yes, stone dead. And brought trouble upon his head. B stands for dues, we all must pay. Or we won’t walk in the narrow way. Esau sold his birthright too. As we of today are won’t to do. Freedom of speech, freedom of press. Makes our country all in a mess. Grace for'all of those who give Makes no difference how they live. H stands for Him, who died for thee. Help support the church, so it won’t hang on me. Isaac was to be the sacrificed son, But an angel stopped Abram before he begun. J is for justice, justice to all Has been progressing since Adam’s fall. t> i> ^'1 5 f^ I i> i> i> 6 ^5 t> i> d> l5 l> l> l> i 1? l> i I 4 32 I 3> t> )> 0 t> 0 32 32 $ 32 0 l> 3> i> 32 32 l> i> 32 I I i i i 3> 32 3t> 32 5©ie;©ieK^!eiei#i0ieie;0ieB'!eB!#!s SAVE SOME $10 per month paid in This Associa tion Amounts to $1,000 IN 84 MONTHS Mutual Building AND Loan Association i E. B. Craven, Sec. Kind friends, here is my subject to be, Heed it and the way of salvation’s open to Te. Look to wealth and not to fame For that is where you get your name. Money is what I’m goin’ to preach. Come nearer so you’ll be in my reach. X Is for no—noone needs to fear If he pays his dues while he is here. Open wide the heavenly door, I have a million and plenty more. Put in your silver c nd gold Not a mite should you withhold. Question not your valid state. You’re good enough to open the pearly gate. Ride to the ball in a fine new car Dance till you don t know who you are. S stands for shut, shut both your eyes. Put in your cash and dream of Para dise. T is for time which revolves around And changes us back to dust of the ground. Pnite, my friends to pay me more Or I will drive you out the door. Very good you seem to me. But I’m lackin’ of money, don’t you see ? Wicked sinners, you ought to give Salary enough for me to live. X is second, second to the last. Now let your gold come in real fast. Z is the last, and this, the last call: A balance is due me from you all. Salvation is not thru wealth attain’d And so I end with nothing gain’d. HUGH KEPLEY, ’23. iVIusic DeiJartment of L. H. S. Another new and interesting addi tion has been made to our beautiful new school building. The school board has been so gen erous as to install a new piano in the attractive room next to the office. This was chosen by Miss Annie Greenfield, the music teacher. Miss Greenfield, besides teaching piano, has also organized a group, in terested in songs and music, into a l> 32 |5 u> t> 32 32 t> (> d> i> 32 t> ?i> i> d> 3> u> i> t> i> >> 3> 32 l> i> d> ?i> 0 t> d> >> 32 2 d> 1? 3> d> "i> ^i> ■|> ~r> i> i> Auto Owners! Before You Buy A BATTERY Come and Inspect an EXIDE We do Repair Work On ALL MAKES OF BATTERIES FILLING STATION and SUPPLIES Raymond Bowers Lexington, N. C- y2 32 t> 32 i2 i> 3> 32 i> 3> 32 t> i> t> 3" 3' 3> 3> 3> 31 3> 3> 3> 31 b 3" 31 31 ~h 31 3' 31 33 32 i> 32 chorus, which is to take part in plays and recitals. This is not compulsory, but she would like for as many as feel like doing so to join. Each class ig a separate division, meeting at different times, but all learning the same songs. Notes will be taken, and a prize is offered for the neatest, best kept note book. Examinations will not be giv en, however. We are very grateful to the school board for this much needed addition to the school equipment. DRUZILLA EVANS, ’25. A Iligli School Orchestra. A High School Orchestra was or ganized last Wednesday afternoon. We are somewhat late in beginning, but have more than two months of school yet. The orchestra has eight members to start with. They will have their first regular meeting next Wednesday. Lexington has some pupils talent ed in music, so we feel sure she will rank among the best of the state high school orchestras. MELVIN LINDSAY, ’24.