PAGE TWO THE LEXHIPEP DECEMBER 19, 1924 Wake Forest Glee Seniors Organize Club Pleases Dramatic Club The Wake Forest Glee Club, which appeared at the Auditorium Tuesday evening, December 2, was very much enjoyed by all. Those who did not hear the talented young men missed a rare treat. Presenting a program of orchestral, humorous and classi cal selections, the Club made a very great impression.. Although the whole performance was good; selections given by Mr. Skinner and Mr. Savage were out standing features of the evening. Ap pearing in the majority of the num bers, they showed their “stuff” and proved that their Alma Mater con-' tains some real artists. Another noticeable feature was the unusual pep displayed. The Club is touring the State in a large motor bus and was brought here under the auspices of the Baraca and Philathea Classes of the F.rst Bap tist Church. From here the Club went to Mars Hill and then to Ashe ville. On Tuesday, December the second the Senior class met to organize a Senior Dramatic Club. The meeting was called to order by the president and the floor was open for the elec tion of officers. The following were elected: Dick Walser, president: Florence Swaim, vice-president; and Dwight Johnson, secretary and Treas. Program committee— Bob Raker, Stephanie Bragaw, Miss Walker, Mr. Hunt. It was decided to give some sort of entertainment once a month and charge a small admission fee, there by making some money for tlie class. The meeting was then adjourned. L.H.S. Defeats Concord Last Friday night the Lexington High School girls basket ball team defeated the girls from Concord High School 24 to 15 in an exceedingly ex citing and well played game Lex ington kept the lead for most of the game, but there never was a time when they were far enough ahead to make it one-sided or uninteresting. The work of Miss Varner was out standing for the visitors, while the play of the Lexington girls was fea tured by the smooth team-work of the entire team. Virginia Smith led In the scoring. This was the first game of the sea son and also the first game '.hat has been played in the new Lexington High School Gymnasium. Wliat HapiMuied Mama—“Fighting again. Herbert? Didn’t I tell you to stop and count one hundred whenever, you were an gry?” Herbert—“But it didn’t do no good ma. Look what the Jone.s boy did while I counted.” Judge Olive Visits Us Last week, Lexington High School had a visit from one of her old friends Mr. Olive. Although this was Mr. Olive’s first visit this year, all of us remembered him and some of the splendid talks that he gave us. His talk v^as mostly about good losers and winners and he referred us to an article in the American mag azine by Edgar Grest. He praised our foot-ball team and the coach, a cherished allusion: but he said that none of us wanted to know that L. H. S. would win every time because, if we did, there would not be as much enthusiasm, pep, and yelling, which is a part of the game. He used as an example, IVake For est, and Carolina, telling what good losers the Caro'llna men wore. He told us many things about Wake Forest, and concluded by tolling us what a good Glee Club Wake Forest had, and advising us all to come and hear them sing. Those of us who come were well rewarded, because it was a treat com parable to any we have received this year. Herbert Waters — “Look here, waitress, I have just found this blouse button in my soup!” Waitress in L. H. S. Cafeteria “Thank you so much sir! I have been looking everywhere for it.” The Old Pig Skin and L. H. S. With four fine victories and three stinging defeats the Orange and Blue closed her fifth year in high school football, which was marked by the fighting spirit that is always shown in every contest that is played un der the name of Lexington High School. With only fair prospects, the charges of Coach Robbins entered upon a hard scedule, but with a de termination to do their best. In the opening game with Leaks- ville, the eleven played, undoubtedly, the best game of season sending “Moose” Tenney and his team back with a 27 to 0 defeat. This was thought before hand to be a very close game, but in the fiist few min utes of the first quarter Lexington easily demonstrated her superiority. With the attack centering around Gene Young, we smashed the line and arched the ends for four hard earned touchdowns. The next game with High Point is a sad story. The Pointers brought over a bunch of “ringers,” and ex perienced players and licked us 13 to 0; but it may be said that neither of these touchdowns was earned In comparison with other games played by this “ringer” team, Lex ington held them well and deserves credit for the game. The contest with our old enemy, Salisbury, was also lost, but this was a new thing for them because this is the first victory they have gained over us in five years. The score was 13 to 6 but this gives but a poor idea of the game. We made nine first downs to their three, but old fate turned the trick and they picked up a fumble and blocked a punt and turned each into a touchdown. Lex ington scored when Berrier inter cepted a pass and dished by four men and for sixty yards to the last tute in the line, no matter what po sition, Bob Chitty could always fill the bill. He was a valuable utility man. and could play any position on the team. Pat Young was in general an all' round utility back-field man. H® (Continued on page 3)