I PAGE 6 THE LEXHIPEP MARCH 19, 1942 POPeyes — by i. c. u. I see through this glass darkly ’cause the groundhog saw his shadow, DUO I do see through some things, and r mma aiming to tell you about them every one. It's beyond me how men can be come engaged and tnen tlirt up a aizzy, to say nothing of the dates they have plus the girls hearts they "try" to break, if i were a couple of ghis (.Who are engaged to these jerks 1 re fer to) I’d murder a couple of guys at L. H. S. Oh! wnat fools these women be! I gotta little note t’other day which said, Quote; "Don’t leave Vestal Ever hart and Ann McLendon out of your gossip column next issue.” How could I help but put them in? Everybody’s been sitting up and taking notice to that torrid romance. "Golfcourse Annie,” now you stick to high school and leave “Zonnie” Frye alone. This is what I heard in the halls one day, "I don’t think Jack Myers should have quit school because it seems that Dan Allen is taking his Place in Juanita Hanes’ heart. Too bad. Jack!” I wonder who Mildred Fleming is thinking about these days. Hurry, Mildred, and tell us who ’tis, or do you still love Zeno? two ifen I could see him—You don’t know when you’re well off. Why is it when one mentions a sol dier Miss Roberts gets ail read and in a dither? Smitty, whom do you love? Dallas, Johnny Davis, Carson, or Arthur? No fooling, she has everyone of ’em at her beck and call! Heartbreaker! You said it!! Jean Griffith talks incessantly of Percy—Well, it s nice to know at least one person loves you. Do you remember Marvin Conrad, that tall, dark, handsome man wno attended school here last year? Wal now, thought I, evvabody had forgot ten him as I, but "Gini” McBride sho nuf hasn’t. She poured out her heart to me. Marvin, won’tcha please come home? Someone just said that Ruth Burk hart is very lonesome now. Could it be that a little boy out at Beck’s Church is breaking her heart? Wal now, since I wuz speaking of Beck’s Church, I am reminded of Car oline Driver, whose lover is out thar and he is none other than Calvin Fritts. Wal now, that’s rat sweet. It must be true love with Geneva Poston and Bruce Craver. All I know is what I see! Who is the T-ville boy mb Myers (Senior) has been talking about? These men who believe in letting their girl friends take over their cars! Well Lib’s been driving a ’41 Plymouth late ly. Tell me how you rate it! Marjorie Everhart and Johnny Simpson have up a real case of love. And they’re so nice, too! Ruby says she and Delos have called it “quits.” Ruby says she still loves him though. These gals who do what their heads tell them to do. I always do what my heart says. Could be the reason for my troubles, couldn’t it? Do you remember when I told you Evelyn Everhart has a lover? Really she has. He lives in Norfolk, Virginia. Keep reading my column and maybe sometimes I’ll tell you his name!!! What’s happened to Tritt and Ca- dow? You never see them together anymore—And Cadow doesn’t go flit ting around on air anymore. Conclu sion: They don’t love each other no more. Tut! Tut! And me a thinkin’ it the real thing all the time. “Mem” seems to be “out of circula tion” here of late. Off men for life, "Mem”? Slip over, gal; there’s an other old maid who wants to jine you. Men of L. H. S. I have news for you! A certain group of girls who went to a certain convention really were glad to get back to see you! They say: “We really know how to appreciate Lexington boys now. They’re the nicest in the whole state,” Quite a compliment, I’d say. Little Known Pacts About Big Peo ple At The Beta Club Convention. Betty Bickett said, “Lexington boys for me.” And she practiced what she preached by being with Bill Raker all the time. Dot favored State! Let me add that her cousin. Cliff, showed her about and also that he’s the “State” I’m talking about. Phyllis and “Jukas” took in a couple of shows. Let me add that Miss Johnson was the most popular delegate there. I won’t tell. Miss Johnson! Swannell had a soft spot in her heart for Mayors’ sons Wonder what happened to George Gaines? You know he and Lib Davis were once sweet on each other. But now Lib focuses all her attention on Toby and Hoyt Sink. But I believe something is going on inside that girl that no one knows about! Is she still in love with George?? Draw your own conclusions. Barbara confined her interests to Lexington. Good girl! Ann White was entertained by one “cousin,” or should it be vice versa? What’s wrong with Philip Sowers? There’s a boy with looks, brains, and what it takes. I can’t understand why some girl doesn’t have him hooked. Paul Shaw has so many lady friend admirers that he’s been distributing his photographs all over school. Dern the luck, I never get something for nothing. (Did getting it for the best looking boy make his head grow a lit tle?) Jackie’s and Walter Foil’s love for each other blossomed! I guess she was just about the proudest girl there! Parks and Betty were inseparable. You shoulda seen “Dirty” mowing ’em down. Philip, Aurie, and Steve were the sly ones. Don’t let ’em fool you. They did have them a girl. Ah! yes, my friends; love’s what makes the world go around! At least it made the Convention. Mrs. Hed rick says comedy is the result of the unexpected—Well there were enough comical mishaps down there to fill a book but I’d be murdered if I spilled ’em. Bill Morris and “Ekie” are just about the happiest couple I’ve spied lately! Did you know Margaret Yarborough is sweet on Jim Witherspoon? Did you Jim? Truf will come out sooner or later! Sybil, shame on you—Quit saying you don’t care for Maurice! Actions, my dear girl, prove differently. Nell is still “that way” about “Jack.” Boy, would I tell that man a thing or Bye for now, POPEYES. P. S. Thanks for helping me. Keep sending the gossip in. DAVIDSON FUNERAL HOME 2213 AMBULANCE 2212 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON PAGE 1 1. Ostrich. 2. 26 lie east of the Mississippi; 20 west, and 2 are crossed by it. 3. Lou Gehrig, “Red” Grange, and Tom Harmon, respectively. LATE SHOW SAT. NITE MONDAY & TUESDAY 4. Beta Club. Walter F. Brinkley. 5. “Dewberry” Everhart. 6. It has been proved that twice as many women than men are. 7. Santa Anna, leader of the Mexi can armies. 8. The fiction that crocodiles weep in sympathy for their , prey. 9. The liver which weighs 57 ounces, 49 and 10 ounces designate the brain and heart, respectively. 10. Acapulco. James CAGNEY In “CAPTAINS OF THE CLOUDS” IN TECHNICOROR Dennis Morgan Brenda Marshall CAROLINA LEXINGTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE Complete Home Outfitters PHONE 487 For QUALITY CLEANING DIAL 444 We Call For and Deliver CASH AND CARRY Men’s Suits, O’Coats, Hats 39c Ladies’ Plain Dresses, Plain Coats 49c DICK’S DRY CLEANERS SNAPSHOTS TONIGHT Snapshots at night are as easy to take as the usual outdoor pic tures. Simply load with fast Kodak Super-XX Film, use a couple of Photoflood lamps, and shoot away. You’ll get interesting snapshots and good ones, too. The kind you’ll want to have enlarged later on. Load up and shoot tonight. See for yourself how easy it is. Jack Dickerson, Mgr. Opp. Bus Station — E. 1st Ave. Lexington’s Newest and Most Modem KODAK SUPER-XX FILM, PHOTO LAMPS, and helpful in- formation here PARKER-MILLER COMPANY JEWELERS Leonard’s Cleaners is the best. Take it there to get it pressed, They’ll guarantee you’ll be well-dressed. Let them know, they’ll do the rest. LEONARD’S CLEANERS LEXINGTON’S LARGEST AND LEADING Phone 588