September 29, 1960 THE LEX HIP EP Page 7 LEXHIPEP HOLDS FIRST ASSEMBLY —ANN ROGERS The first assembly of this school year was held this morn ing at 9:30 in the auditorium. It was given by the LEXHIPEP staff as a kickoff for their sub scription drive which starts this morning. The scene of the program was a beatnik coffee house with members dressed as beatniks. En tertainment including dancing, baton twirling, vocal, piano and organ numbers, impersonations, and a combo was provided by some very talented representa tives from each class at L.S.H.S. with a special number by Lexing ton’s Austrian exchange student, Monika Kolar. Each person par ticipating was given a free sub scription to the LEXHIPEP, and a cash prize was presented to the winner in each division. Eight issues of THE LEXHIPEP are published each year, with all editions being eight pages except the Christmas and Senior editions, which have sixteen pages. The LEXHIPEP, which is en tering its 38th year, begins its campaign for subscriptions this morning. The paper will contain sports, school news, all the latest gossip, jokes, and interesting fea tures. Every students is urged to subscribe to his school newspap er—the LEXHIPEP. CONFERENCE HELD FOR SCHOOL OFFICIALS —BARRY WILLIAMS An administrative conference for elementary and high school principals was held here on Tues day, September 20. The confer ence, which was held in the Lex ington Senior High audritorium, attracted some 400 principals and school supervisors of the Pied mont area. This was one of a se ries of such conferences being conducted throughout North Car olina by the State Department of Public Instruction. L.S.H.S. principal, C. E. Wike, served as host for the occasion. One of the guest speakers was Dr. J. E. Miller, Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Other talks were given by Dr. Vester Mulholland, director of research; Nile Hunt, director of instructional services; Dr. Geralu James, director of voca tional education; Carl Walker, public school accountant; Mrs. Ann Maley, state supervisor of school lunchroom program; Joe Cashwell, state high school super visor; and Miss Marie Haigwood, state elementary school super visor. The purpose of this and other such conferences was to help principals be more familiar with their work. Morning and afternoon sessions were held to explain various programs of activities to the school officials attending. Did It Really Happen? —RODY DAYVAULT George Mason was the name; he was a publisher who had a weekly television show to review new books. Only two days before some unknown writer had brought him a manuscript to read. It was based on science-fiction ideas of outer-space and possible life on other planets. He had not liked what he had read of it. His secretary had called the young writer and had told him that Mr. Mason was not interested in publishing the odd book, for it was too irrational for the average mind. Now, as Mason sat down in his dressing room awaiting his show, his thoughts again turned to the book. Had he done the right thing? Would the book sell? “No, I shall dismiss that idea from my mind,” he thought, as he lay back in his easy chair and lit a cigarette. Slow ly everything seemed hazy. He felt as if he were drifting off into a state of unconsciousness. When he awoke, he was in a strange place. The people came near! They were different; they all looked exactly alike! His sub-conscious told him that he was on a strange planet. They took a firm grip on him and led him to a strange house. They did not speak. They must use a form of mental-telepathy. Yes, now he could understand their messages. Suddenly he realized that he was in extreme danger. They were going to torture him. Thoughts began racing through his mind. “Why me? Why pick me? Why did they pick me to kidnap from earth?” Then someone did speak! The voice said, “George Mason, you have been chosen because you are typical of your kind. Yes a typical ‘earthling’! We must conquer earth!! For you see, here on our planet we have no more XM302Y, which is necessary for our existance. I believe on earth you call this substance Nitrogen. The greater part of your planet is composed of this precious element. We must conquer Earth and use it for our supply of this substance which is now near exhaustion here on Crypton. We find this substance necessary for the creation of electricity upon which everything on our planet de pends. We must have your abundant supply! We plan to kill all life on your planet by extreme heat. That is why you are here. We need someone to run the tests on. We must find the temperature that will cause death for every member of humanity on earth.” Now, they were strapping him in a chair in a small dark room. Slowly he could feel the heat rise. It was intensively hot! Now, it seemed that he was burning within. As he screamed with pain, he awoke in his dressing room. On his hand was a nasty burn. Was it from his cigarette? He called his office at once. “Call that young writer back and tell him I’ve changed my mind. Suddenly I like the idea of life in outer-space. Tell him to watch my show; I’ll plug his book tonight.” What brought about this sudden change? Did George Mason, a completely sane man, really go to outer space? Was it all a dream? That is something only George Mason and I know. He will never tell for fear that people would think him crazy. But what about me? I won^ tell-either^ for I am the last living soul here on Crypton. THE GIFT SHOP Compliments of UNUSUAL GIFTS Cathell Building PEOPLES DRUG Lexington, N. C. STORE Subscribe to THE LEXHIPEP COAAMERCIAL BANK OF LEXINGTON For the best for Compliments of your feet LANIER HARDWARE WOODRUFF^S SHOES Headquarters For Sporting Goods FRIENDLY SMITH'S Men's & iBoys' MARKET Fairview Drive Lexington, N. C. North Main Street Clothing Compliments of Shoes — Furnishings City Drug Co. See your Master Jeweler for Orange Blossom engagement Compliments and wedding rings. of COSTNER^S JEWELERS CAROLINA PANEL 10% Down 10% Month COMPANY ROBY A. LEONARD WHOLESALE COMPANY 815 West Center Street Phone CH 6-2669 Lexington, N. C. PICKETT & GREEN “The Shop For Men’ Seafords' ‘Home of Fine Shoes” LEXINGTON, N. C. Compliments of Eat At Famous BECK'S BARBECUE DIXIE FURNITURE COMPANY Inc. Lexington, North Carolina G. W. SMITH LUMBER CO. SASH — DOORS GLASS — LUMBER Phone CH -59964 LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY MG - Austin-Healy Cadillac - Oldsmobile Dealer Phone CH 6-5285 Get Ybur IBack-^To^School Ciothesi From Us! Boots’ Shoppe