Page 8 THE LEXHIPEP April 2, 1963 PAUL'S PUNS —PAUL CANADY When nine-year-old Gerald answered the phone at 11 p.m., a voice said: “We are making a survey of delinquent youth. If you have any children do you know where they are at this moment. “Yes,” replied Gerald, “we have, and I know, but can you tell me where my parents are?” Parents are people who bear infants, bore teen-agers and board newly-weds. Old Lady; The weather here in Florida is so warm all year round, how do you tell winter from summer? Hotel Clerk: In winter we get Cadillacs, Lincolns and stuffed shirts. In summer we get Chevrolets, Fords and stuffed shorts. Woody was giving his friend the first ride in his new low-slung foreign import. After they had been driving a while, the friend appear ed to be puzzled, so Woody asked hm was was wrong. “I can’t figure out what that long wall is we’ve been passing.” “That’s no wall,” snapped the driver. “That’s the curb.” A businessman called his wife from the office late one afternoon. “I’ve got two tickets for MY FAIR LADY,” he told her. “Wonderful, darling,” she cried. “I’ll start dressing at once.” Please do,” he replied. “They are for tomorrow night. A tramp knocked on the door of an English Inn called the “George and Dragon.” A tall, bony and homely woman opened the door and glowered at him. “Could I ’ave a bit to eat, Mam?” “Not on yer life!” the woman screamed, slamming the door in his face. He knocked again, and the woman again opened the door. “Gould I ’ave a few words with George?” he asked. A teacher once had the son of the town’s outstanding citizen and banker in her class. The boy cheated constantly and yet she was afraid of telling his father. She finaUy wrote on his report card: “Forging his way steadily ahead.” Tlie reason the average girl would rather have beauty than brains is that the average man can see better than he can think. A small town is a place where everybody knows what everybody else is doing, but they read the local paper to see if they’ve been caught at it. It’s nice to see people with a lot of get up and go, especially if they are visiting you. The lieutenant, in a good mood, entered the barracks and said, “I’ll give five bucks to the laziest man here.” They all rushed forward to put in a claim except the Texan who drawled from his bunk; See Us for Your Spring Wardrobe Daisy’s THE GIFT SHOP UNUSUAL GIFTS Cathell Building Lexington, N. C. FRIENDLY MARKET Fairview Drive Lexington, N. C. Compliments of City Drug Co. Compliments of PEOPLES DRUG CO. 545 East Center St. Phone 246-2993 'Typewriters rented by the week or by the month. The J. F. Ward Co. Merchandise of Quality Ph. CH 6-2344 Lexington, N.C. CLEANINS (^•2515 “Just roU me over and slip it in my pocket.” Compliments of INDUSTRIAL BANK Member of F.D.I.C. Compliments of LANIER HARDWARE Headquarters For Sporting Goods PARKER-MILLER DIAMONDS LEXINGTON STATE BANK Lexington & Welcome Member of F.D.I.C. FRED O. SINK PRINTING HOUSE SNOW FINALLY FALLS ON LEXINGTON On February 26 a rare thing happened; it snowed! The down fall began right after morning classes convened at L.S.H.S. and continued heavily through the evening. Naturally school was closed on Wednesday, February 27, and students enjoyed a holi day on which to sled, sleep, and study la very little bit). Although the .snow did not live up to pop ular expeitations of a real snow, it was a welcome change in the weather. Fortunately, the day lost will be made up at the end of the school year rather than being taken oT the Easter holi days. Compliments of EMERY E. RARER Insurance Agency Compliments of BINNING'S INC. Talbert Boulevard ARMY - NAVY Your Wilson Sporting Goods Dealer E. 1st Ave. Compliments of Wennonah Cotton Mills Lexington, N. C. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler He’s actually a big help. Mr. Holcombe let’s him grade all his papers.