\«s^ Thii CAtFUS itEItALi* 4 VJITH THE .CA.FUS CLUBS ALL 0RGAl''iIZATI0N5 §C(^ —By Doris P.oole- The Dramatic Club ORGAimIZATION The Dramatic Club under the sponsor ship of airs. 'A. S. BullucK and Ivirs. A. J. bryant has met once this school year. Officers of the club are: President, xir. Charles Jiggetts; Secretary, Loris Poole; Treasurer, iJliss Gwendetta Pratt; L.st y-ar the thirty members of the., club very readily participated in the plays given. The plays v:ere: "Thanks giving Adventure", "Uncle Santa Clause", and "Under-Current", The main aim of the club, to dramatize plays, vjas shovm very success fully through the contest play vvhich v.on first place at the district tourna ment and see Charlie Jiggetts, Henry Ivloore, Delia Scott and Melvyn hurt displciy their wonderful talents. Unfortunately the play was not recognized at the State Tournament in Raleigh. The club wants to make this year a much better one than last. V/ILL'YOU HELP US? f The Glee Club Ijnaer the direction of Llrs. A. S. Vililliams, the glee club was organized in September. About fifty members joinijd but due to football, classes .and other things the number has been reduced. Other members are novj being tried out for the club. The club has performed once during this year. In chapel on Fridaj'’, October 2nd, the student boay and faculty witnesse the group in various numbers including spirituals, a popular number and a, patriotic number. It is now rehearsing for the Christmas program.. will th., club bring back nine first places hnd three second places this year. -O' J' o / Boy Scout Troop 101 of Henderson under the supervision of their new Scout Master, Reverend Saint Paul Epps, has enrolled twenty-six members. The officers are as follows: Senior Patrol Leader..Charlie Jiggetts Junior Scout Master.... .Vifilbert Knight ’Troop Scribe ....Melvin Burt Bugler,Robert Scott Patrol Leaders ( Wilbert Knight ( 'dilliajn Davis (Charlie Jiggett ( Melvin Burt Nine members of scout troop 101 went to Camp V/hispering Pines during the sumiaer. The most important thing that this troop h^s done recently is the collecting of scrap ana the help it rendered in this capacity at the Vance Theater a fev\f weeks ago. Most of the scouts are first class and are vjorking for merit badges. The few that are still second class are working with great anxiety for the advancement -and honor of being first class scouts. 0 The Band The Henderson Institute Band reorganized under the direction of Mr. Louis Randolph Johnson shortly after the school term began. Memuers of the band are: Cookce Bobbitt, Willie Whitfield, Walter Jordan, Robert Gcott, Irene Hunt, Hilda Thigpen, Edith Paschall, Ed^'^ard uullock, Johnnye M-.e Taylor and James Foster playing trumpets, Hfiyw'ood Vdlker, Eva Mae Green, Junius Crews, Marcia Y'.argin, Doris Thorpe, John Williams, John T. Crews, and Matthew Lurhan, clarinets and saxaphones. Calvin Harris, Lavvrence McDougle, Annie belle.- Stegall, "'addtll Avery and Samuel Burt, Percussions, They aro now v/orking on a program vjhich is to be prt;sented in the auditorium soon. May a successful year be theirs. N.F.A, With the help of their advisor, Mr. J. W. V.arren, Jr., the Henderson ■Chapter of New Farmers of ilmerica completed the election of officers for the year 1942-43 on Wednesday, October 7. On Friday the newly elected officers w9re installed ruing assembly by the principal, llr. 0. T. Robinson, The officers are: President, James Greene, Vice-President, S;imuel Floyd; Secretary, Clarence Hargrovv:;; Treasurer, Melvin Turner; Reporter, Cookee Bobbitt; Parliaiaentarian, R.aynah Edvjard. During the time of war their work is very important. The Youth Council The Youth Council, a division of the N.A. A. C; P,,-sponsored by x^ss C. A. Terrell has as its officers for this year the following; PrtsiUtnt, Charlie Jiggetts; S-.cretary, Arcelia bryant; Treasurer, Wiloert Knight; In Octobi^r the twenty—third, the council gave a Very good xNegro Poetry Program in assembly. Those displaying