Big Tom Walker Suggests Winning Name G. T. “Tom” Walker suggested the winning name. FOTOFAX, for our pub lication. Tom began work with Du Pont con struction as far back as 1947 and came to work at the Brevard plant in August of 1958. He is presently the Maintenance Shift Foreman assigned to “A” shift. Tom lives in Sherwood Forest, and has three children: Thomas B. Walker, of Du Pont Photo Pro ducts Sales Department and formerly of the Brevard Plant Finishing area, Carol Walker, who has worked at the Brevard Plant as a summer employee, and David Walker, now in Brevard High School. Eloise, Tom’s wife, works with the Tran sylvania County Board of Education. Tom stated that he thought his sug gestion was appropriate, and a little un usual. The judges thought so too. In all, 68 different names were submitted by 117 people. Several people submitted the same name. The frequently suggested name was THE X-RAY, with 14 entries. The second most popular suggestion selected by the judges was PHOTO FACTS, a different spelling of the win ning entry. PHOTO FACTS was submit ted by Perry Davis of the Coating Area, and also by Carroll Wagner of the Main tenance Department. THE PICTURE, sug gested by Lloyd McJunkin of the Power and Grounds Department, was the third most popular suggestion. Fotofax, Tom Walker’s suggestion, was selected by a panel of 13 judges who used a list of all entries, without the contributors’ names. The judges were: Darnell Ashley, Casting Bruce Gosnell, Coating Gary Babb, Finishing Bill Johnson, Control Lab Malcolm Hamilton, General Mechanical Spalding McIntosh, Control Mechanical Arthur Hefner, Power and Grounds Bill Baughn, Facilities Planning Martin Harris,/Process Control Ann Kitts, Mill Office Shirley Hall, Mill Office Robert Galloway, Stores Mary Bishop, Secretarial The editor of our new publication, FOTOFAX, is grateful to all who have shown an interest and have participated in finding a name for our publication. Your future comments and suggestions will be welcomed at any time. “Qiana” A New Du Pont Product A versatile new fiber with outstanding esthetic properties and performance super ior to any existing textile fiber was announc ed last week by Du Pont. The new product, trademarked “Qiana” (pronounced Key-ahn-a), is the result of 20 years of research. It is expected to make its first commercial appearance in finest quality, high-style women’s apparel. Dr. Wallace E. Gordon, a Du Pont vice president, described the fiber as represent ing “an entirely new body of technology in man-made fibers”. He said it is unique “in terms of ingredients, fiber chemistry, pro cess technology, molecular structure, and esthetics and performance.” Dr. Gordon reported that “Qiana” has been made into fabrics that have the hand and visual characteristics of silk with even better wash-wear properties than other man-made fibers. The fabrics resist wrink ling better than any now in commercial production. He said work has started on “applications far beyond those chosen for early development.” Dr. Gordon stated that while the ge neric designation for “Qiana” is nylon, the new fiber is different from other nylon fibers. The new fiber is being produced in FOTOFAX -a publication of E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA 28712 editor, Oscar Harbin OLIVER J 0WN8EY RT. 1 BOX 230 PISGAH FOREST N C 28768 BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 66 BREVARD, N. C. BVD limited quantities at a pilot plant at an existing production site in Chattanooga. Larger market development facilities are being constructed at the same location to provide additional supply during the first half of 1969. Dr. Gordon stressed that the company is optimistic about the long-range poten tial of this product in a wide variety of applications and has committed “multi million dollar” investments to its develop ment and production. He said, however, that “Qiana” probably would not have significant impact on corporate earnings over the next few years. Jim Hollingsworth Promoted Jim Hollingsworth was recently pro moted to Group Supervisor. Jim is a long- service employee of this plant, having be gun work in January, 1958, with the sili con operation. He was a Reactor Operator in silicon, has worked as a Senior Ope rator in the Finishing area, and as a Pro cess Operator in the Control Laboratory. His current assignment is A-shift Control Lab Supervisor. Jim lives at Route 1, Pisgah Forest. He is married, and has two children: David, 12 years old, and Vic, 9 years. Jim, his wife Bessie, and the children attend the Temple Baptist Church. ISl’ A Jim Hollingsworth THIRD CLASS Did You Know? F. E. and F. O. Stanley, the twin brothers who built the Stanley Steamer automobile, pioneered in the development of the photographic plate and perfected the early x-ray equipment. The sale of these inventions financed them to build the Stanley Steamer, the automobile power ed by steam (1897)! The Steamer sold 1600 automobiles in 1900 —more than twice the number of gasoline powered automobiles sold that year. In 1907 at Ormond Beach, Fla., the Stanley Steamer set a world speed record of 197 miles per hour. TAXES Maybe we shouldn’t be to critical of the government for not being able to man age on the 20% they take from our wages. We sometimes have difficulty getting along with the 80% they leave. r\