BREVARD PLAIMT U i »At Off- FOTOFAX Vol. 3, No. 2 E. 1. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc., Brevard, N. C. May, 1970 “CONTROL COSTS AND COMPETE” BOARD OF DIRECTORS .. ,by Bill Morrill AWARD WON (4th Time) Bill Morrill—Accounting Sup erintendent. As accounting superintendent, I am constantly concerned with ways of improving Plant operating costs for no company or plant can stay in business without producing com petitively. This has been brought sharply into focus recently by the concern investors have for our Company stock which has been selling at its lowest point in nine years. Disenchantment with Du Pont stock and many other stocks is probably the result of lack of earnings growth which reflects higher product costs and lower sel ling prices. Du Pont’s senior associate economist, Charles B. Reeder, ver ifies lower price levels. He explains that the Du Pont Sales Price Index (average price the Company is get ting for all its products) is down 20 IIM THIS ISSUE Foto People 2,3 Area of the Month 4 Bloodmobile Response 5 Plant Visitors 6 1970 DERA Plans 7 Hobby of Month 8 New Wise Owls 9 Foto Events 10 per cent from the base period (the average of years 1957, 1958, and 1959). Mr. Reeder added even if we raised selling prices this would not necessarily mean an improvement in earnings. For example, he cited that in the past. Photo Products Depart ment has had to raise its prices to simply recover the increased cost of silver . . . without any added profit. He summed things up by say ing when competition forces prices down we must try to offset this by running a tighter ship, by controlling our costs, and by trying to improve productivity to the fullest. In the Company’s annual report for 1969 Du Pont president, Charles B. McCoy, said; "Du Pont sales rose to a new high, but earnings declined as a result of the cooling of the economy by Government anti-inflation efforts, coupled with rising costs and lower selling prices . . . Controlling infla tion is of the utmost importance, and the U. S. Government’s efforts will Continued on page 7 March 30th was a banner day for all 924 Brevard Plant employees on roll who parlayed 399 days and 1,800,000 exposure hours of care and caution into a Plant safety award. Each employee will receive a company-sponsored prize in honor of this achievement. Twenty-six award prizes were displayed in the cafeteria so each employee could choose one that most pleases him (or his family). Although the prize is highlight ed now in the mind of each employee, there is something else of far greater value than this material possession. The safety or well being of all em ployees has been protected by day- after-day individual and group efforts to keep serious injuries from happen ing. The attainment of this safety record is of greatest significance. Let’s keep adding hours and days to our safety record so this time next year, we may look forward to another no-injury milestone. See Photos (Below & Page 5) WE’RE SAFETY AWARD WINNERS pi-ant 399 DAvl hme injury