f FACTS GROWTH PAIIMS AND GAINS Fotofax asked Jack Dense, Plant Manager, to comment on happen ings in 1970 and expectations in 1971. Here’s what he said. 1970 . . . “Many changes have taken place during 1970 at the Brevard Plant. Modification of facilities and procedures has increased the output and quality of Cronar* base, a new coater has been brought on stream, and Finishing crews have been expanded to meet higher demand. Approximately 80 more jobs have been created this year bringing the total plant population to more than 950 employees. A substantial wage increase was made effective February 10, and improvements in shift differential and a major improvement in the pen sion plan were effected. On the negative side, our safety performance has been very poor. After winning the Board of Directors’ Award in March, we proceeded to have four major injuries during the balance of the year. The Brevard Plant has grown rapidly in the past few years, and planning is underway that will lead to new products and further ex pansion of capacity of Cronar* laase. Other projects are in the plan ning stage that could lead to further expansion, but no definite deci sions have been made at this time.” 1971 . . . “Looking ahead at 1971, we should enjoy a period of reason able stability with gradual increase in output. We need to make the best possible use of this period to improve our performance in all areas of activity. Safety performance must be improved significantly and will require much improved safety discipline on the part of all of us. In order to stay competitive in the market place, we need to direct our attention to quality improvements, elimination of operator errors, yield improvements, and other cost reduction programs. These necessary improvements will require effort on the part of all of us to insure continued job security and to demonstrate that that the Brevard Plant merits consideration in future expansion plans of the Department. *Registered Trademark United Fund Tops Goal The United Fund cause is taken seriously by our plant and construction employees. This was proven by a whopping $18,653.11 contribution during the recent Du Pont Plant Drive. It’s 47% over the $12,700 goal. This years highlight “If you don’t do it, it won’t get done” pointed out the community responsibility on the shoulders of wage earners who are capable of helping the needy and less fortunate. Du Ponters showed they were willing to accept more than their share of this responsibility. “Success of the campaign was due to several things”, said Bill Buell, co-chairman along with Ray Miller. “Employees responded generously, solicitors were enthusiastic in expres sing the need, and line organization provided full backing and support”, he added. Final statistics are: Contribution Transylvania Henderson Other Counties Plant Employees Construction Grand Total Employee Source $10,871.27 7,091.00 237.84 $18,200.11 453.00 $18,653.11 •If Summing up successful drive. Both Transylvania and Hender son County officials expressed whole hearted appreciation for the outstand ing response by Du Ponters. They said all employees should be proud of the way they backed the campaign as an investment in the future health of our communities. Regular as Clockwork. Attendence . . . For five years going on six, Silas Carver of Casting has flashed his pass at the start of his shift to the on-duty patrolman on a continuous, uninterrupted basis. This spells out a perfect attendance record. Silas feels being to work every day and on time is something you’ve got to have a desire for. He would like to make it through without mis sing a day up to his retirement. “I feel the same way about go ing to church”, he said. He feels just that seriously about life’s responsi bilities. It’s a fact that a person who accepts a job accepts the obligation to be at work when he is scheduled. If he is absent, someone else has to do his job. Silas wants to do his own work . . . News of Servicemen Fotofax, Better Living, and the E)u Pont Magazine are being sent to all Du Ponters who have entered the armed services. We sent an accompanying let ter with our last issue asking service men for comments and news. Their replies will be in a future serviceman’s column. There are 37 Du Ponters now in the service of their country. Of 61 plant groups solicited, 29 had 100% participation. One group in Power & Grounds had 100% Fair Share contributors. Robert Miller was the solicitor. Based on suggestions by sev eral contributors, a couple of changes will be made in next years drive. These are 1) Buncombe County residents may contribute by payroll deduction, and 2) payroll deduction periods will be expanded from 1, 6 or 12 months to 1,3, 6, 9 or 12 months. Other changes are also being considered. The successful results of this years drive has had a healthy side effect. To be recognized as a Du Pont employee in your community is to be known as a person who understands and responds to the needs of others.