MEOCALX BREVARD PLANT €1SI) *(«. U. i MT. 0*>- CRONEX FOTOFAX DNEX Vol. 5, No. 6 E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc., Brevard, N. C. Nov.—Dec., 1972 CHRISTMAS WISHES IF YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE ANYTHING IN THE WORLD YOU WANTED FOR CHRIST MAS, WHAT ONE THING WOULD YOU ASK FOR? Here are the wishes of some Brevard Plant employees BETTE BATSON (Accounting) — “A real good Christmas for the rest of my family.” BOB DELWICHE (Process Control) — “A new E. E. Column.” TOMMYSMITH (Grounds) —“A21-inch color TV.” MARGE SOUTHER (IDP) — “Peace in the world.” CLARENCE SUMMEY (Control Main tenance) — “An understanding of all human beings because there’s none of us that understand each other the way weshould.” JIM PHILLIPS (General Maintenance) — I believe I’d ask Santa Claus for $177,000. This would pay off the cost of a new educational building at our church.” KEN WILSON (Finishing) — “Just a million dollars would do, I guess.” JIM CORN (Power) — “Just a safe, happy, healthy Christian family.” (continued on page 3) IN THIS ISSUE What's happening around plant? 2 Environmental Goals 3 Promotions 4 FOTO SAFETY News New Road News 5 FOTO EVENTS New DERA Board 6 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL EMPLOYEES | MERRY CHRISTMAS . . .We have a lot to be thankful for. It’s been a good year at the Brevard Plant. Production volume is up and total employment is up by 66 this year. HAPPY NEW YEAR . . . We have a lot to look foreward to. forecasts indicate still w. Our ^ higher production requirements next |jp ^ year which should provide job security for all of us and a need ^ for new employees. HA VE A HAPPY HOLIDA Y SEASON HIGHEST DU PONT DONATION TO UNITED FUND Du Pont employees at the Brevard Plant contributed $23,290 to the United Fund during the recent 10-day drive. This represents the highest donation in the 15-year history of the local plant. Combined with a $4,400 corporate gift, the United Fund grand total was $27,690. Based on employee res idences, distribution of funds went to UF Drives in Transylvania County ($16,465), Henderson County ($10,911) and Buncombe County ($314). Bat Masterson and Bob Coleman, Plant Co-Chairmen, credit the success of this year’s drive to the dedicated efforts of 60 group solicitors coupled (continued on page 2) 21500 OUR GOAL ml J. 0. Dense 25-YEAR CLUB Fifteen members and their wives attended a 25-year party at the Hen dersonville Country Club on October 26, 1972. The 25-Year Club consists of two retirees and 13 active employees at the Brevard plant who have a total of 459 years of service. Roger Davis — 42 years of service at the time he retired in 1971. Roger started work at the Newport, Dela ware plant in 1929 as a wage roll operator. He came to Brevard as a group supervisor in 1957. Ozzie Nebel — 36 years of service at the time he retired in 1966. Ozzie started work at the Parlin, New Jersey plant in 1929 as a machinist. He came to Brevard as mechanical foreman in 1962. Craig Porter — Purchasing and Mate rials Control Supervisor—has 35 years of service. Craig started work at the Chambers Works, New Jersey plant as a wage roll operator. He has work ed in several locations with the En gineering Construction Division and came to Brevard in 1962. Jack Dense — Rant Manager — has 34 years of service. Jack started work (continued on page 3) Shoulder-to-Shoulder To Fill a Noed