EVENTS NEW RESEARCH BUILDING AUTHORIZED AT BREVARD Approval has been received from the Executive Committee for construction of a multi-million dollar Research and Develop ment building at the Brevard Plant. The project is scheduled to get underway sometime in 1974 with occupancy expected in 1975. The new facility includes a 35,000 square foot, 2-story, mo- s dern structure with offices, labs, conference rooms, and a techni cal library. The building will be located south of the main plant admini strative offices on the right hand side of the main entrance road. With the new unit, an expanded Brevard R & D Group is ex pected to number approximately 60 employees including research scientists and support personnel such as technicians and office employees. The decision to build this R & D facility at Brevard follows a trend in providing on-site aid to production units. Similar labora tories exist at Photo Products Plants in Parlin, N.J., Rochester, N.Y., and Neu Isenburg, Germany. A new R & D lab has also been recent ly approved for the Towanda, Pa» Photo Products Plant. Tom Hallowell, R & D Super intendent, receives good news about the new Research Budd ing shown above. SIX EMPLOYEES PROMOTED EDWARD M. CARTWRIGHT Promoted To . . . Shift Supervisor Casting Area PERRY G. DAVIS Promoted To . . . Shift Supervisor Coating Area JAMES D. HOLLINGSWORTH Promoted To . . . Shift Supervisor Coating Area HOMER C. COX, JR. Promoted To . . . Foreman Maintenance Services AARON MASTERS Promoted To . . . Group Supervisor Casting Area CONGRATULATIONS! JAMES G. QUEEN Promoted To . . . Group Supervisor Casting Area WATERTOWER LANDMARK REMOVED The water tower with the big Du Pont oval that stood vigil over the Brevard Plant for the past 16 years Is gone. It was dissected in mid-November by R. E. McLean Tank Co. of Gastonia, S. C. and shipped to Ft. Mills, S. C. Many “sidewalk superintendents” watched the five McLean Co. workers take the tower down piece-by-piece until all that remained was four foundation blocks. Why was it removed? ... To Make room for the new No. 5 Polyester Unit. HOSPITAL PLAN FROM PAGE 2 It is expected these changes will even tually result in higher premium costs, when some experience has been obtained. But for most employees (those with a year or more of service), any increased premium costs will be paid by the Company since these are basic coverage improvements where the Company pays the full premium.