I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (continued on page 2) BREVARD PLANT oUPONt cnonex4 •««. u. V FOTOFAX ONEX Vol. 7 No. 1 E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc., Brevard, N. C. March, 1974 MAK. ON JOB: use A TRAINED EYE TO SEE THEM SLOGAN ELIMINATE HAZARDS I974 OFF JOB TRAIN ALL EYES TO DO LIKEWISE ' • • • WHY safety. ■ ■ I I ■ The above question is popping " " " " " up all over the plant. You see it on an outdoor sign, on match book covers, -ri_iio looi IP on pocket pencil holders, and stamped IN THIo looUc on letters. It’s the well-advertised highlight of the Brevard Plant 1974 WHAT’S HAPPENING 2 , CREDIT UNION 3 was this highlight chosen for STAFF CHANGES 4 Eddie Frost, 1974 Program Chair- SAFETY WINNERS 4,5 rnan, says, “There was a significant DERA DOINGS 6 increase in the number of submajor PROMOTIONS 7 injuries in 1973 (six) versus 1972 TESAtMiKir' nni iptjpc! r (one). Each of these might have been injury trend, it seems we may have forgotten just WHY doing things the safe way is important. We need to V CAROLYN GARLAND OF IDP PONDERS THE QUESTION. refresh our memories on the WHY of safety so we can turn this trend around in 1974.” After choosing the keyword, “WHY”, the Program Committee thought of something to give it a triple signif icance. To fit in with on and off-the- job safety performance of each em ployee, individual letters were ex panded to Work, Home, and You. To help carry out the 1974 plant safety program on a month-to-month basis, safety topics have been assign ed to each month with the word, “WHY”, included in each title. Brochures have been distributed to each employee explaining these topics. Monthly topics are: