BREVARD PLANT lyEDCAL]! FOTOFAX ONEX Vol. 10, No. 6 DECEMBER, 1977 "IF YOU WERE ABLE TO GIVE ANYTHING YOU WANTED TO THIS CHRISTMAS, WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE?" ยง Howard Gosneii, General Mechanic, Maintenance Services... "I'd give money, / guess. It would go to the Crippled Children charity. They are a worthwhile cause because children are where we all start anyway." Dora Galloway, Service Operator, Casting Area .. . "Td give friendship. It's something you can give everybody. Friendship is some thing you can't buy. A good friend to talk to is more valuable than all the money in the world." Ida Sharpe, Service Operator, Finishing Area .. . "Tdgive my love and friendship to everybody / come in contact with. Mainly, Td continue to teach my ten children and eight grandchildren the true meaning of Christmas . . . the love of Jesus Christ." Herb Owen, Service Operator, Coating Area . . . "Td give everybody good health. A lot of people aren't lucky enough to have it ... especially the underprivileged." SAFETY MESSAGE AND BEST WISHES FROM PLANT MANAGER "During the past year, employees have made a concerted effort to improve our safety performance. I am delighted to report that these efforts have resulted in significant gains. In November, the plant received its 7th Board of Directors Award for working 2.3 million manhours on the job without a lost work day. "In December, the Safety and Fire Protection Division completed an extensive two-week safety survey. The plant received a "Good" rating which is a significant improvement over the S & F ratings of 1975 and 1976. Survey Engineer, Bob Christopher, was particularly complimentary about the substantial progress that has been made in upgrading our work prac tices. "This was gratifying since the basis for a sound safety program is the diligent adherence to safety rules and good work practices. "While improvements have been noteworthy, we cannot afford to become complacent. Much remains to be accomplished and I urge each one to continue the same fine effort during 1978. "Off the job safety shows a modest improvement but remains a source of concern. In the coming year, let's take safety just as seriously at home as we do on the job. "Christmas is a special time of the year. The blessings we have received are many. May the joys of this season have a special meaning to you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas and a prosperous, safe New Year." John H. Golden