HIGH LIFE PAGE THREE Grirls of ’22 Ride the G-oat H our friends at G. H. S. have some of At N. C. C. W. : them at bargain jjrices. Tills is an olTer vou cannot afford to miss. There are three literary societies xVe are having a hifr time. This is at N. C. C. \V. Tliey are named Cor- nelian. Adelphian, and Dikean, after; three charaders of ancient times who Rucker & Co. COTTON MERCHANTS Members of New York Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange RUCKER BONDED WAREHOUSE CORPORATION Storage of Cotton Capacity 30,000 Bales The Habit of Thrift IS foundation OF SUCCESS Acquire this habit by depositing in our savings department. Interest compounded (luarterly Atlantic Bank & Trust Company senior girls,—and hoys, too. By the wav. if vou are intending to reside stand out because of their admirable traits. L. the fall, a committee of f.,11 semester ends, three (one from each soviety) meets to divide the freshman roll into three equal parts. Each society then sends | football. —-Myrtle Kllen LaBarr. '22, at S. C. C. W. I Business Directory! Auto Supplies Davie St. Auto Exchange "U-NO. the ruy who puts water in it” Dealers in used cars 211 S. Davie St. With best wishes that you are en- oving life at G. H. S. and that you Dixie Sales Co. VuKmotve Fleetri al Se vice—,Oran,e Front) Phone 1123. 109 S. Davie St.. Greensboro,N.C. Attorneys jt to earh person on its list an in-, vitation to be initiated and become a member. It is not possible for a ■rir] to join either of the two societies that did not draw her name. The initiation ceremonies began J. S. Duncan A Daring Rescue I’was llalloweVn night and Main Brooks, Hines & Smith Attorneys a”d Coonscliors at Law G EENSBORO. N. C. Louise B. Alexander ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 3 Banner Boi'ding. (ireenshoro. N. Thursday night. November the sec-j "'■‘’'■t ond, with the Cornelians, and ended i '■’'>’'? gliosts, witch- Satnrdav night when the Adelphians '““S'" initiated their new members. Each j merrily to each other. „ uu r • Cars were going up and down the; Shuping, HODDS & DaVlS street, decorated with strips of black Sidney S. Alderman ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COUNTY COURT HOUSE Dr. C. I. Carlson CHIROPRACTOR Complete X-Ray Laboratories N. H. Silver Co. CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Greensboro High Point society followed its initiatory cere monies with an elaborate banquet in Spencer dininc room. The following: girls of ’22 are Cor nelians; Katharine Grantham, Mary Alice Fowler. Nellie Irvin, Emma Leah Watson. Gladys Holland, Mil dred Little. Virginia Stainback. The following are Adelphians: Mary Denny. Margaret Hartsell. El len Stone. Myrtle Ellen LaBarr. Ai- leen W'^olfe. Lucile Wynne. Doris Stinnett. Carlotta Barnes. Martha Cox. Marv Anderson. Gray Fetter, Maude Jones, Margaret Smith. The following are Dikeans: Ruth L'nderwood. Margaret Pickard. Ruth Benjamin. Margaret Coble. Frances Harrison. Annie Maie Whittington, Ernestine West. With the Girls of ’22 at N. C. C. W. Dear G. H. S.: Howdy! It grieves us much to learn that an epidemic of bad Eng lish has again threatened the welfare of our Alma iMati'r. It is. however, a source of great relief to know that our ailing friends have been terated and yellow and glaring jack-o'-lan terns. A very large crowd was gath ered in front of one building in par-, ticular, on the second floor of which, a ])ig dance was going on. Suddenly in the midst of all this, gay e.xcitement, a fire alarm rang: out— one bell— two bells— three hells! Dong! Dong! Dong! Here comes the fire truck! Everyone looks to sec where it is going. Look! It stops in front of the building where the people are dancing! See the crowd as the people come rushing out of the building. Now, everyone is out at last. No! Look! Every eye is turned upward at the startled cry. There in a third story window is the form of a woman! Tongues of flame are seen through the wn-i dows! Thev are drawing nearer and nearer. The crowd which was so gay a moment ago is now dumb with horror! Look! There he goes! A voung man is iheading his way thru the crowd toward the building. Ev ery eve is on him as he starts climlv ing from wnidow to window. It looks as though the flames from the win- Attorncy.s and Counsellors at Law Offices in Banner Bldg. Greensboro, N. C. William P. Bynum ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 205-206-207—County Court House E. D. Broadhurst Cafeterias The Arcade Cafeteria t Under Benbow Arcade) A. E. Nowlan and F. A. Pritchet. Props. Vanstory’s F O R Dentists Drs. Coble & Poindexter DENTISTS Grocers Richardson Grocery Co. 210 S. Davis Strfcl I’liom- 910-3341 Patterson Bros., Inc. CLOTHING + - Henry Hunter Insurance l)v that nationallv famed physician. c I ATf I wt • L dows mav envelop him anv moment. I)r. better bpeech Week. WV wish • , ■ , , I BUY Odell’s WHERE dUALITY TELLS 4^ Srbtffttiau dlnitelru Gompang Vhere Mor-t of the G. H. S. Students Buv Iheir Gifts r I f 4 i for Three Decades Leading Jewelers vou a speedy recovery. \e iinconqiiered tennis marvels! Mile. Lenglen would stand slight chance of winning laurels had she such as thou to fate. It does our hearts good to see vou ujiset Winston We wonder if that ‘'foreign counlrv” is not in the same boat as was tlie man xvho loved a woman hut wlio' ■cnicl neither live with her nor with- H. S. Overwhelms Strong out her. Winston would he deep Oak RidgC TcaiU azure if Greensboro’s future eitizens (Continued from paBc i) did not lake her down a few [legs 'bdge team never knew what to scvtual times a vear. expect. lame has- come to rest amongst Line-up and suinmaiy : There is a deathlike silence below as the mob. lireathless with suspense and horror, watches him ascend the burning building. Look! He has reached his jdestination. Into his arms he clasps the form of the wo man—a dressmaker’s model. Elizabeth Glascock. Matheson-Wills Real Estate Co. KF.AI. EST.\TE—INSURANCE—BONDS GREt=;NSBORO. N. C. Guilford Ins. & Realty Co. 0. L. CIU HRS, Pres ' U)9 K. Market St. Plmne .312 i HINES Shoes, Hosiery, Repairing LADIES’ FllKF SHINE PARLOR Brown - Belk Company WE SELL IT FOR LESS 0M¥e30BELKSI0RES our ranks. W hen the Freslimen el- Green.shoro c ted tlicir ofiicers. tliev seiecled Nei- Lm roughs lie lr\ in for vice-president. I'he onh Greeiu* ((.apt. I excuse found for not making lier jiresidenl was the fact that she does not live in one of our dormitories. What we consider the biggest honor of all was given to Franee.s Harrison. Sh(‘ is tlie freshman representative in tlie student government senate. The freshmen have twenty members Whenn Turner Hodgin Jackson W illiams Swift Sellars WTlkins the house. Thev have not vet, -^Idnlosh Greensboro Music Co. I rank M. Hood, Uj?/'. Mandolins, Banjos, (ikuleles. Lui- tars and Violin.s Everything Musical Pianos, Sheet Music, Victrola», Records 123 SOVm ELM STREET U. S. Woolen Mills Co. Better Llothe.s for Less Money 304 South Elm Street Score in’ G. H. S. .-- O. K. I Scoring Burroughs, ql; Ihh rhl) fb periods: 0 0 touchdowns Wilkins. Oak Hidge Jones: Austin: Stiields' W ooten Baker Turner Hector Hollingsworth' Flowe Cole Sherrill Army Salvage Ware- | house Co. i' l.iniled .''tales Army and Navy t Surplus Materials j 227 S. Elm St., Ureensboro, N. U. I ' INSURANCE. i We wrile all kinds. Let us serve you J ! Fielding L. Fry & Co. i 231’v S. Kh,i Si. I'Ik.iiv 4,3 | ..4. J. W. Scott & Company Dry (ioods. Notions and Mill Agents We Only .Sell .Merchants 113-113 Wasliington .Street Orceiislx'ro, N. C. Greensboro Drug Co. FILMS Promptly Developed THE SHOP FOR MEN Guilford Hotel Corner Red Lion Tablets 4c WILLS’ BOOK & STAIIONERY fi 11 fi 0 : G. II. McIntosh .if...,—. 6 ol s..ir 2: ' i 0. H. L. Flowe. Points after touchdowns; ^ill- For G. 11. $.. Block] l>een elected. Three G. H. S. girls have been nominated, however. They are Mildrc'd Little. Nellie Irvin, and \ irginia Stainback. (Jrades were given out last week, some were' good, others were medi um. and a few were liad. One of the -Latin students made 1 on Latin. You i^uiis 2. folks would appreciate tliat if vtm Suhstitule realized that the Latin teacher has for Turner. Ford for Wrenn, Conley',^ l>een teaching thirty years, and, inci- for Hodgin. Turner for Block. Wrenn | dentallv. has acquired a degree of for Ford. Hodgin for Conley. Harri-, j strictness. There was also a 1 made "on for Sellars. Everett for McIntosh, j by a member of ’22 on chemistry. for Oak Kidge; Brantle) for Cole. ? The ogres who preside over English Blythe for Shields. Lapsley for Hoi-: j classes console the freshies with the iingsworth. j remark that 3 flatters a freshman. Referee. McAlister. Davidson: ; | Speaking of English, the class of ’22 Empire. MeConckie. \ . P. I.: Head! | has a monopoly on certain trite ex- linesman. Hendrix. Davidsoin . pressions. We will be willing to let, Sykes. ^ Huntley-Stockton-Hill Company FURNITURE LUCAS BROS. Dry Cleaners—Pressers 120 bL Sycamore St. Phone 2277 THE GUILFORD HOTEL la the Heart of Greensboro Double Service Cafetria and Cafe We have one of the best and most talked of Cafeterias in North Caro lina. Excellent service and jirices reasonable. i SYKES SHOE SHOP | i ? • EXPERT REPAIRING * • • • Ladies’ Work a Specially Phone 806 f • no W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. | FOLKS S.AY—.And You Hear It Everywhere When you waiitt good shoes it’s Dobson-Sills GREENSBORO’S OLDEST AND LARGEST SHOE STORE WALTON’S SHOE SHOP 112 W. SYCAMORE STREET Hi?h Class Repairing Our Specialty I PHONE 3185 For All Cold Troubles X/ICKS w VapoRub

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