Page Six HIGH LIFE November 6, ig^i *- G. H. S. BOYS AND GIRLS We can supply you with all your needs in our line, and will appreciate your patronage. We carry the “LUCKY DOG” SPORTING GOODS There is a Reason. Let us serve you. GREENSBORO HARDWARE COMPANY Phones 457-458 221 E. Elm St. K. B. Optical Co. 214 North Elm St. JOHN W. CAFFEY Manager Clean Clothes for Particular People Telephone 3529 CLEANING PRESSING ALTERING •f ^ * Henrv Hunter ‘Pay Cash and Save More’ 122 NORTH ELM ST. * * ^ Jos. J. Stone & Company Printers and Office Outfitters ENGRAVED INVITATIONS AND VISITING CARDS 110-112 E. Sycamore St. VapoRub For AH Cold Troubles ‘GIFTS THAT LAST” FROM Saslow & Cohen Jewelers National Theater Building WATCH OUR WINDOWS ^ ^ * ^ See “Nick” Mebane for your next pair of shoes and save money. NICK MEBANFS SHOE STORE 114 W. Market Street Rucker k Co. COTTON MERCHANTS Members of New York Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange RUCKER BONDED WAREHOUSE CORPORATION Storage of Cotton Capacity 50,000 Bales PURPLE WHIRLWIND DEFEATED BY CHARLOTTE HIGH GRIDMEN Charlotte Gets Big Lead in First Quarter—McNinch and Watson Are Stars. On Saturday, October 25, on the local football field, the Purple Whirlwind went down in defeat before the fast and heavy Charlotte High School team by a score of 24 to 0. Charlotte made a large score in the opening quarter when Sam McNinch booted the leather from the 17-yard line through the goal posts for a placement. The Charlotte hacks, led by the rushing fullback, Foard, carried the ball down the gridiron for five first downs, and McNinch kicked after Greensboro’s line tightened. There was an exchange of jiunts and a fumble made by Foard. AVilliams’ ]iass was broken up on the 50-yard line by Schwarz who tore off to Greensboro’s 19-yard line before the Whirlwind could check him. By an off- kick McNinch gained 10 yards and on the third play rushed the pigskin across the line. The second period was opened by Wil liams punting to Charlotte’s 20-yard line. Suttle returned by kicking to Greens boro’s 25-yard line. Williams punted out on the 50-yard line and Devant inter cepted a ]iass on Charlotte’s first play and ran to Charlotte’s 30-yard line. Shel ton then romped off 20 yards around left end and Charlotte’s line held fast. Taking the leather over on the 20-yard line, Queen City hacks, aided by a 25- yard penalty and by Suttle’s long run for 30 yards, scored again. An extra point was added wdien McNinch booted the ball between the goal posts. The Purple Whirlwind began to show good form in the second quarter. Wat son, playing for locals in position of backfield, was able on many occasions to stop the rushes of the Charlotte eleven by his great defensive work. The first half ended with the leather in Charlotte’s possession with 30 yards to go. The Queen City registered eleven first downs in the first half. The visitors who had shown great strength in the first half were unable to make gains against the locals, who held a solid line. Charlotte was not able to score during the third period and gained only two first downs. On the first kick-off the most spectacular run of the game was registered by Landis, halfback for Charlotte who caught the ball on the 20-yard line and advanced to the 50-yard line after dodging and throwing off all Greensboro tackles. Watson, Shelton and Goodwin starred for G. H. S., while Foard, Suttle, Mc Ninch and Schwartz were the high lights for Charlotte. The line-up and summary: Greensboro Charlotte Burroughs (Capt.) O’Neil I.eft end Koenig Yanan Left tackle Ford — Rowe Left guard Goodwin Schwartz (Capt.) Center Connelly Alexander Right guard Devant Kistler Right tackle Mans Presson Right end Williams , S. McNinch Quarterback Shelton Ferris L. I.eft halfback Hackney _ Landis Right halfback Watson Foard Fullback Score by periods: Charlotte 10 7 0 7—24 Greensboro 0 0 0 0— 0 Summary: Scoring touchdowns—Sut tle, Vanan, McNinch; goal from field— S. McNinch; extra points from place ment—S. McNinch (3). First downs— Charlotte 13, Greensboro 3. Siihstitutions: Greensboro—Henderson for Mans, Ogbiirn for Foard, Mans for Henderson, Wyrick for Mans, Williams for Koenig." Charlotte—Suttle for Fer ris, Mason for Kistler, Smith for Rowe, Phillips for Suttle, F. McNinch for Phil lips, Rowe for Smith, Smith for Alexan der, Suttle for F. McNinch, Redfern for Suttle. Umpire, York; referee, Hen drix; head linesman, Phillips; timekeep er, Parks. *- DOPE ON CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Western championship series ar ranged into four groups, 21 schools participating: Group 1.—Greensboro, Alexander- Wilson, Leaksville, High Point, Burlington. Group 2.—Winston-Salem, Monroe, Wadeshoro, Mooresville, Char lotte, Statesville. Group 3. — I.exington, Spencer, Concord, Salisbury, Gastonia. Group 4.—Mt. Holly, luncolnton, Shelby, lycnoir, Waynesville. Purple Whirlwind Championship November 4—Burlington vs. Alex ander Wilson at Burlington, 3:30. Winner plays Greensboro at Greensboro, Cone park, 3:30. October 31—High Point vs. Leaks ville at Greensboro, Cone park, 3:30. Winner draws a bye for .November 8 and jilays. The winner of the Bnrlington-Al- exander Wilson and Greensboro series on November 15 at Win ston-Salem; High Point and Greensboro, place undecided. Time 3:30. JUNIOR PURPLE WHIRLWINDS SMASH TWINS’ SECONDS B. Homey, A. Clements and J. Caudle Make Touch Downs— Score 19-0. The scrub team of Greensboro High met the second team of the Twdn City gridirons PTiday, October 31, in an easy victory of 19-0. In the first quarter B. Homey gave courage to the Junior Pur ple Whirlwinds by dashing dowm tlie field for a touchdown. Six points to taled the score of the first quarter, since G. H. S. failed to kick. Adam Clement added six more points to the score in the second quarter by a clever get-awmy with the ball for an unexpected touchdown. The kick sum med a total of seven points for the sec ond quarter. A clever pass from Adam Clements to Jimmie Caudle for a touchdowm with out a kick gave G. H. S. six more points in the third fight. Becoming satisfied with the score of 19-0, the Purples held the Twins at jolly playing in the middle of the field until time declared G. H. S. the easy winner. Summary: Touchdowms — B. Homey, A. Clements, J. Caudle. THE GIRLS' ATHLETIC COUNCIL HOLDS ITS SECOND MEETING Supervision of Points Discussed— Riding Heads Appointed by President. The Girls’ Athletic Council is on the job! The second meeting of the year wuas held Thursday, October 23. The points made by the girls during the summer W'ere placed before the coun cil for approval. As some of them had not been made under supervision, the question arose as to wdiether credit should he given. It was finally decided that all points, wdiether made during school or vacation, must he made under a supervisor. Unless this is done, the points will not count. Since horseback riding has become a sport which attracts many of the girls, it was decided that the president appoint a head to this sport wdio shall keep ac count of all points made. Now' that it has become such an easy thing to win a “G.N.C,” and that mono gram seems to have lost much of the honor which it formerly had, the coun cil decided that more wmrk would be re quired before any girl should be enti tled to one. Hereafter when a girl w'ears the state monogram it wdll spell hard wmrk in athletics. When it comes to playing football Johnny Ford is everything but a flivver. Also Lacy Wyrick is the lightning bug’s pink sw'catshirt in that line. Saw in the papers that Hickory has a lock-step on which she dances away for touchdowns. She won’t dance so easy when it comes to the state championship. HEAVY PENALTIES CAUSE LOSS OF LOCALS TO LEAKSVILLE HI -♦ — Young Stars for Greensboro High School Scrubs—Final Score Was 13-6. At Leaksville Tuesday afternoon the G. H. S. scrubs wmre defeated by the score of 13-6‘. Not until the wdiistle blew' in the last quarter did the second team admit defeat, as they fouglit through out the entire game, playing spectacular football. The never-die spirit of the locals re sulted in the last quarter w'hen Young, Greensboro quarterback, raced 36 yards for a touchdown. Greensboro failed to kick goal. The squad carrying the ball from one end of the field to the other by a succession of brilliant plays, w'as unable to score on account of penalties. Leaksville scored their first touchdowm in the second frame when Emerson broke through Greensboro’s line. Reynolds kicked goal. Dillon blocked a Greens boro punt from behind the visitors’ goal line, Crontz for lyeaksville fell on the leather for a touchdowm. Emerson and Slayton, backfield men for Leaksville, showmd up well, while Young and Watson played real football for G. H. S. Watson show'ed skill in punting. The line-up and summary: Leaksville Oree ns b o ro Roberson Caudle Right end Crontz Homey Right tackle Row'e Watson Right guard Richardson Turner Center Martin _ Taylor Left guard Festerman _ Browm lycft tackle Iva Mar Wimbish lyeft end Seitz — Faulkner Fullback Chatham __ Strader Right halfback Slayton , Clement lycft halfback Emerson (Capt.) Young . Quarterback Score by periods: Greensboro 0 0 0 6— 6 Leaksville 0 7 6 0—13 Summary: Scoring touchdowms—Emer son, Crontz, Young; point after touch down, Reynolds. Substitutions: lycaks- vilE—Dillon for Martin, Reynolds for Seitz, Crough for Chatham; Greensboro —Oghurn for Taylor, IJpscomh for Tur ner, West for Faulkner, Burgess for Strader, Goodwin for G. Homey, B. Horncy for Brown. HIKING CLUB’S FIRST MEETING HELD OCTOBER 21 The Hiking club held its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, October 21. The main object of tlie meeting wuis to elect ofiiccrs for the club and to decide upon a suitable day for hiking. About 50 girls w’ere present and Tues day was thought by all as the best day to go hiking. Edith Hargrove wuis then chosen treasurer and Elizabeth Hodgin press reporter. Many good times are being planned for the Hiking club this year; above all, the over-night hikes. This is the first year this has been tried in the High School. All girls wdio hiked as much as 50 miles last year are eligible for the first hike. Each additional 25 miles she hikes permits her to go on another over night hike. On each of these hikes a mother, a teacher, and a man w'ill he taken, so there need be no cause of fear. It is thought that these over-night hikes wfill encourage hiking as well as give the girls much enjoyment. When it comes to gaining ground Phil Shelton is quite the stuff; or in other words, Osw'ald, he escorts his dogs ar tistically when the oblong sphere is in his possession. Get me? One great coach has said to punt when in doubt; but around this joint it’s just as good to let that W. Watson tote it. Charlotte has a good team, but who knowN if it wdll play at Chapel Hill? ■ ^ By the looks of the soph team Mr. Farthing must he the man wdio puts class into class football. O. HENRY DRUG STORE BERNAU The Jeweler HARRY POEZOLT Tailo r MAKER OF HIGH GRADE CLOTHES Woolwoi'th Building I Ellis-Stone Co. I Greensboro’s Best Store for Women and Misses ■■tutiitntxttntntutnttttutttturtintuttitttn Greensboro Book Co. “The Book Store That Appreciates Your Business” 214 SOUTH ELM STREET J. D. WILKINS Building Material Contractors’ Equipment SAY IT WITH FLOWERS lUTTON’ s JEFFERSON BUILDING s PHONE 305 s PORTER LYON I DRUG COMPANY H 333 South Elm Street Prescription Druggists FRENCH AND DUTCH BULBS Phones 3550 and 3551 I H H Byrd’s Headache Remedy is Guaranteed. WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES WILLS BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. Greensboro Music Company FRANK M. HOOD, Manager Everything Musical a. ' PIANOS, SHEET MUSIC, VICTROLAS, RECORDS 123 South Elm Street ! I 5 '■tttxtutmutxtnmi —* 326—PHONES—327 Stratford-W eatherly Drug Co. Corner N. Elm and W. Gaston Sts. GREENSBORO, N. C. “We Always Sell the Best”