Friday, December 18, 1925 HIGH LIFE Page 3 Students Down Faculty In A Thrilling Game 19 - 12 WUNSCH IS STAR! Wrongs of Classroom Revenged by Students in Annual Battle. HARD KNOCKS GIVEN FACULTY Former Stars Given New Positions When W. Watson, J. Watson and R. Henderson Act As Officials. Although Wednesday afternoon Dec. 7th was a cold afternoon one of the hottest football games of the year was played at Cone Park when the faculty and student elevens held their annual crash. The result was: Students 19, Faculty 12. The interest in the game started when the faculty came on to the field holding aloft their waterboy, little Bobbie Wunsch, dressed for the occasion with a blue sweater adorned with a white “F” and it was rumored that this letter was for Fassifern. The water boy clasped his water bucket in one hand and held on to the shoulders of the mighty Fordham with the other as the faculty made, their mad dash across the gridiron. The game opened with the students’ kicking to the faculty and brother Char lie Phillips received, but was downed on the twenty-yard line. After unsuc cessful attemi)ts to gain through the line Colterane booted the ball to the 12-yard line. Here the students worked a “shoestring end” on their coach and a pass from Burgess to Wirnbish car ried the ball to the two-yard line and on the next down Burgess carried the ball to the first touchdown of the game. Maus scored the extra point. Thru a fumble the students received the ball and made another score but failed in their attempt for extra point. Half ends lS-0 in favor of students. In the second half the faculty made two touchdow'n.s, one by recovering a fumble and the otlier by a long pass and a series of line plunges. Both tries for extra point were unsuccessful. In the last quarter the students, after a long run by Smith, made another score wdth Wyrick carrying the ball. Before a try for the point could be made the game was called on account of darkness. SENIOR GIRLS BEAT JUNIORS IN FAST GAME Juniors Eliminate Sophomores from the Championship Series But Are Beaten by Seniors 14-8. Monday afternoon Dec. 7th at the Chas. D. Mclver School, the Juniors and Seniors played their first game of bas ket-ball of the season. The girls played w'ell and the game was full of exscite- ment. At the end of the first half the score was 6 to 4 in favor of the Ju niors. Watson and Lentz scored for the Juniors, while Tilley scored for the Sen iors. The next half both teams played hard and the game ended with a score of 14 to 8 in favor of the seniors. Til ley and Harrison played well for the Seniors, while Watson, and Clement did good work for the Juniors. The line-up for the game was as fol lows: Seniors Forwards—Tilley, Hobbs. Guards—Harrison, Brown, Curtis. Substitutes—Michaux for Hobbs Junior Forwards—Lentz, Watson. Guards—Clement, Harris, Farbon. The Juniors eliminated the Sopho mores from the championship Dec. 9, by defeating them 23-16. Tilley starred for the Sophs making 10 of the 26 points. Shuford and Bain played a good defensive game for the Sophs. Watson made the 23 points for the Juniors. She played a very good of fensive and defensive game. Clements and Harris did good defensive work for the Juniors. I thank the goodness and the grace, Which on my birth has smiled. And made me, in these Christmas days A happy Christian child. Jane Taylor. Foctbai.l Awards On December 7 the letter “G” was awarded to the following; Coaches—C. C. Fordham, Jr., W. H. Coletrane. Manager—Guy Hill. Players — Louis Glascock, Ray Henderson, Howard Wirnbish, Theron Brown, Giles Homey, William Homey, James Wat son, William Petree, David Quate, Ned Lipscomb, Joe Faulkner, Roy Smith, Chester Strader, Phil Shelton, James Maus, Willard Watson, and Charles Wyrick. UPPERCLASSMEN WIN OVER RIVALS Seniors Defeat Sophomores While Juniors Defeat Fresh men, Both Hard Fought. December 8th, at Mclver, the second games of the girls championship race were played, Seniors vs. Sophomores and the juniors vs. the Freshman. In the first game of the afternoon the Juniors defeated the Freshmen 22-4. Watson and I>entz starred for the Ju niors w'hile Curtis w'as the outstanding player for the losers. In the second game of the afternoon the Seniors were victorious over the Soi)homores by the score of 16-2. Tilley and Harrison starred for the Seniors. 'I'here w’as no outstanding player for the Sophomores. “G” Wearing the symbol of this high school does not mean so much to anyone when they look about them in a class room of thirty and see them scattered all around the room, but that “G'’ means a great deal. That letter means that the student who is wearing it has gone through a period of hard work outside the class room, that he has given up his spare time to his school to help it rank better among the high schools of the state by working and trying to make it have a better athletic standing. This year there were twenty letters awarded the members of the football squad for their efforts throughout the season. These boys wdio received these monograms have something to be proud of all their lives. Their school appre ciated their efforts and considered that they were enough credit to the school in athletics to be entitled to wear at any time they saw fit this mark of appre ciation. All the boys who received this mono gram should remember that this was the reason that they w’ere given this award, and for that reason should conduct them selves at all times so that they will be a credit to this institution. ANOTHER FAD “Pop! Pop! Bang! poi)—poi)—put— put—put—ty—put—put—Bang!” “Look out there Boots! that thing’ll take the crease outer yer pants.” “Will it bite?” “Pop—pop—pop—put—put—put—” “There goes Tucck startin’ now.” And so the uproar goes for two or three minutes at the lunch periods and after school. G. H. S. has added a new squad to her transportation department. Bicycles, skates, autos. Fords, skeeters— and now'^ motorcycles. The parking lot in front of the nursery is now' being occupied by motorcycles. This new fad has brought G. H. S. five motorcycles—enough to start a fine motordrome. Skeeters are no longer the rage; their kindred gas-bugs with two w'heels and two cylinders have come to the front. There’s just one trouble with these motorcycles; one can’t ride enough gi—er— of his friends on them; just one at a time. “I think I’ll get me a motorcycle,” the envious bystanders are heard to declare. WINSTON TEAM DEFEATS G.H.S. Hard Fought Hockey Game- Final Score 3-1—Locals Score in Last Half. The G. H. S. Girls’ Plockey team came from Winston, Tuesday, Dec. 1, feeling rather blue. They showed the Winston team, how'ever, that they were hard to beat as the score was 3 to 1. Greensboro lost out at the beginning of the game and, although better plays w'ere made in the end, her score could not be raised. Everyone played well, but not as well as they have in other games. Dot Lea scored for Greensboro. Line up: Oreensboro Winston M. Lyon Jarvis R. W. I. Murray Saunders R. I. A. Applewhite Creech R. H. L. I.eonard R. Haynes R. F. R. Goodw'in Punly C. F. M. Price Reynolds C. H. D. I.ea Cline L. W. C. Norcom Bills L. 1. A. Lyon Kreeger L. il. C. VanNoppen Lentz L. F. It. Lipscomb Penkston G. Crews substituted for VanNoppen, M. Crews for Alliiewhite. Cline and Jarvis starred for Winston; Cline making two points and Jarvis one. GREENSBORO BOWS AG AIN TO GUILFORD Basketball Boys Defeated in Slow Game, Featured by Fumbles— Score 25 to 9. Once again Greensboro bows to Guil ford, Friday, December 11, at Guilford College Gym. The fast Guilford ca- gers defeated the Greensboro quintet 2i)-9. Greensboro played a slow, ragged game, allowing the Guilford boys to dribble past them at any time. Greens boro seemed unable to get the ball in their possession and there was a noted lack of co-operation on the part of the locals. Some of Greensboro’s most reliable men w’ere prevented from taking part in this game because of the football banquet on that night. Guilford played a good steady game throughout. Their Captain, Ferrell, played an especially good game. - He dropped the ball through the basket continually, making a total of fifteen points for Guilford. A large crowd of Guilford coherents saw’ the game. Greensboro Bessemer Lufty Shaw R. F. Matlock Wolfe L. F. Sockwell Ferrell (Capt) C. Ballard Finch R. G. C. Scott Hodgin L. G. Substitutions Caveness for Lufty, Tacket for Matlock, Sampson for Ballard, Arnold for Scott, Cannon for Wolfe, Coble for Hodgin. Referee, Thomas; Timekeeper, Coble. Will the next fad among our boys be motorcycles? Looks like it; there are several parked around and about the campus lately. Look out, you “skeeter”! You'd better hold on tight. Wonder how many “charlie-horses” the faculty were groaning over after the “Faculty-Varsity” game Wednesday? Glenn Holder was too long for the tape measure, when the nurses tried to take his measure. G. H. S. Hockey Squad Wins From Southern Pines Team Hoys’ Baskkthai.i. ScHEDrl.K December 8 Gnllford College High At Greensboro Deceml)er 11 Guilford College High At Guilford December 12 Bes.senier High School At Ues.semer Deceml)er 15....Jaine.stown High School At Greensboro December 18 Bes.semer High School At Greensboro January 8 Winston-Salem High At Greensboro January 11 Winston-Salem High At Winston-Salem January i:i High Point High School At Greensboro January 15 Keidsville High School At Reidsville January ifl Durham High ScluM)! At Greensboro January 21.- Open Out of Town January 22 Mooresville High School At Mooresville January 28 Open Out of Town January 20 Reidsville High School At Greensboro January 29.. .. High Point High School At High Point February .3 Wake Forest Freslnnen At Greensboro February 5 Durham High Scliool At Durham February 0 N. C. State Freshmen At Raleigh February 17 N. C. State Freslnnen At Greensboro State (diampionship Series will begin about February 10-15 LIPSCOMB AND SYKES HEAD TEAMS Ned Played Center During 1925 —Martha Will Manage, Plan and Lead Hockey Team. At a banquet given in honor of the football and hockey teams on Friday, Nov. 11, the captain of the football team and the manager of the hockey team were .selected for the coming year. Ned Lip.scomb, who played center on this year's varsity, w’as chosen to lead the Purple Whirhvind during the 1926 sea son, and Martha Sykes was elected man ager of next season’s hockey team. Lipscoinh’s election occasioned no sur prise in view of his popularity and ex cellent iierformance on this year’s var sity eleven, althougli the past season was his first year on the varsity. Ilis steady ])erformanee at center was one of the chief factors in the team’s successes this season, and his work at intercepting passes featured his playing. Ned was elected almost unanimously . Next year will probably find him playing at cen ter. The girls’ hockey team also selected a leader, Martha Sykes, who was a member of the 192.5 hockey squad. She will manage the team, plan the sche dules, and make all necessary arrange ments during the forthcoming hockey season. BESSEMER DEFEATS G. H. S. QUINTET 25-17 Game Marked by Lack of Cooperation of “G” Team—Bessemer Boys Play a Hard Game. At White Oak “Y” December 12, Bessemer defeated the G. H. S. quintet 25-17. The game was marked by lack of cooperation of the “G” team. At tempts to pass were futile and the team seemed to lack the pej) that marks a Greensboro team. 'I'his was probably due to the absence of some of the “old reliables” and also due to the fact that there W’ere only a very few Greensboro “rooters.” The Bessemer boys played a good hard game. They showed a marked ability to take the ball from Greensboro. The work of H. Briggs and Bryant was especially good. The basketball team this year has had a bad start but they need student sup port. The football team pulled out of a hole, and let’s watch basketball. FINAL SCORE 2 - 0 Points Were Lackinj*: Until Last Quarter of Game. NOKCUM AND LEA STARS Most Exciting Game of Season Be cause of Suspense of No Score Until Last (Quarter. The G. H. S. Girls' Hockey Team won from Southern Pines, Dec. 12 with a 2-0 .score. 'I’his game w’as the most exciting one of the season. No score was made until the last quarter when Greensboro made two goals in succes sion. Norcom and Lea scored for Greens boro. Greensboro Southern Pin-e.s Line Up M. Lyon Silver R. W. Murray Morrow R. I. Applewhite Stutz R. H. E. Crews Hayes R. F. Goodwill Blair C. F. Price Richardson C. II. Lea Mudget L. W. Norcum Cbandler L. 1. A. Lyon Wheeler L. IL N'anNoppen Caldwell L. F. I>ipscoinb Pottel G. Jx>w substituted for Price. GREENSBORO GOES DOWN IN DEFEAT BEFORE GUILFORD Greensboro Boys’ Basketball Team Loses Initial Game to Guilford High. IS HARD FOUGHT GAME Final Score Is 21-17 — Locals Show Lack of Practice—Many Stars Feature Game. 'riie boys’ varsity basket ball team of Green.sboro High to the Guilford College High School quint 'Fiiesday Dec. 8, at Caldwell Gym, by the score of 21-17. 'I'he game, the first of the reg ular season, was well played by both teams. However the Guilford team had the edge jirobably on account of lack of practice by the G. H. S. boys, who have only been practicing one week. Ferrell, center, and Shaw, right for ward, for Guilford, Solomon and Lufty, forwartls for (ireensboro, led in the scoring of the game. Line-up: Guilford Greensboro Shaw I>iifty R. F. Wolff Matlock L. F. Ferrell J. Sockwell C. Finch Arnold R. G. Hodgin Scott L. G. vSubsttutions: Ffir Guilford—Cannon for Ferrell. For Greensboro—J. Wat son for laifty; Solomon for Matlock; W. Watson for Arnold; Sampson for Scott. GASTONIA WINS Saturday, Dec. .5th, at Emerson Field Chapel Hill, Gastonia defeated Sanford 8 to 0. Due to victory over the East ern Chainjiions Gastonia is the winner of the Grid Championship of North Carolina. Sanford put up a fine fight but they were sinqily outclassed. Sadie Clement broke two scales, so they sent her to “Tatums” and weighed her on the coal scales.

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