(;REEN - ROOM GOSSIP YOU’LL SEE- “Just Out of College” is a comedy in three ;ct.s, by George Ade. This play has been selected as the senior class play. 'I'rvouts will be held on March 30 and 31, in the high school auditorium under the direction of directors Wunsch and Rowe. Every senior is eligible. The play will be given in the X. C. C. W. auditorium on May 11 and 15. Tryouts for Phyllis Penn's “Faces and Cards" and Sarah Mendenhall's “Rough- Shod” will be held in the high school auditorium on Monday afternoon, March 21. These plays will be coached by their authors and will be presented at X". C. C. W. with Ruth Heath's “Masks Off'’ on A])ril 23. The “Workshop" has taken on of late llie ai)poarance of a kindergarten filled with playhouses. Members of the Dra matics 1 class nave been handing in their March work on miniature stage con struction. Some of these miniatures are especially good: Reverly Moore and John Gillespie's Act I of “The Poor Nut”; Margaret Hood's Act Ill of the same play; Bill Byer's exterior scene; Frank lin Morrison's set with curtains that move by pulleys; John Thornton and Frances Leak's futuristic stage with min iature lights. Edmund 'Furner's stages are real works of art. The Greensboro High School Dramatic Club has been invited to bring a one-act play to a neighboring town late in April. They will he given forty dollars for the single jierforinance. “Masks Off" is a fanta.sy, written by Ruth Heath, with the setting in the small kingdom of Roumania, on the Mediter ranean coast. The cast is: Romance, Catherine Duffy; Chris, a romantic young- man, Vernon Patterson; Pamela 1 borne, Thelma Miles; Dora, Frances Leak; Bob by Thorne, John 'Fhornton; Countess Karolyi, Melene Burroughs; Count Kar- olyi, Beverly Moore; Jean, Ruth Simp son; Leinsler, Le Grande .Tohnson; Gal lardo, an officer, Floyd Mills. The play is being coached by Ruth Heath, assisted bv Mr. Wunsch and Mr. Rowe. Historic old Spain. Beautiful costumes. Tambourines and castanets. Dashing senoritas and thrill ing romances. Gallant senors and gay torea dors. An Irishman abroad. An English governess in trou ble. And the Belle of Barcelona engaged to a scheming nobleman. An American lieutenant in love. In— “The Belle of Barcelona.” DEBATERS READY TO MEET WINSTON Banquet Will Be Held For De baters on April 2 In G.H. S. Cafeteria. DR. E A. SMITH IS TO GIVE PLAY HERE It Is To Be Given At The First Presbyterian Church, Sat urday Night, March 27. Dr. H. A. Smith, Director of Religion and Fine Arts at Boston University, is coming to Greensboro for two days, Fri day and Saturday, March 26 and 27, under the ausTiices of the First Presby terian church. On Saturday night Dr. Smith will ])resent a pageant, “The World of. Prayer." He has written many hymnals, is rec ognized as a master of religious page antry, and the F'irst Presbyterian church is delighted to have Dr. Smith here for Ih.ese two days. PEACE IS THEME OF CHAPEL TALK BY DR. WATKINS 'I'he Greensboro High School debating team is well under way. Mr. Farthing, coach of the debating team, says: “G. H. S. bas fine prospects for a winning team. The boys are working hard to "cL in shape. The negative team has its speeche. in fill' 1 form, and are set. ready to go. 'the affirmative team is not yet ready with its speeches, hut will soon have them I)repared. The members are co-operat ing heartily and giving each other some hot questions and answers. Many g )od discussions follow, and there is much lively disagreeing between the two teams." banquet will be given A]iril 2 at the High School Cafeteria in honor of the Winston-Sa’em negative team which will debate with the Greensboro affirmative team. Greensboro's negative team will debate wi ll the High Point team at High Point. The affirmative team consists of Henry Biggs and Llarry Gum]i; the negative, of John Mebane and Edear Kuvkendall. STUNT NIGHT HELD AT CALDWELL GYM The Play “The Spirit of Reform” Was Presented by the Pupils of Caldwell School. {Con!iiincd from patje our MISS BOYINGTON TELLS OF TRIP TO CAPITAL On 'Wednesday, February 24th, Miss Boyington, member of the G. H. S. fac ulty returned from a trip to Washing ton, D. C., where she attended the meet ing of the National Educational As sociation. At the convention Miss Boyington was very much impressed by the discussion which took place at a thrift booth, where the man in charge spoke very favorably on thrift in North Carolina. He spoke of tlie progress already made in this state toward the establishment of bank accounts by the students. He emphasized the importance of weekly banking habits, and the part of the stu dents, mentioning the fact that merely having a bank account does not mean that a person saves systematically. Miss Boyington learned a great deal in connection with the making of maps and notebooks, both of which are being emphasized in the teaching of civics and history. Aside from tlie con\-ention a visit was made to the Capitol where Congress was in session, and MisS Boyington had the pleasure of hearing a discussion in which Senator Simmons, of North Caro lina, took an active part. The bill had to do with the inheritance tax, and it vitally affected Duke University. The money will be exempt from such a only by peace can it continue to he ujierior. 'Hie tliird point is tliat peace is necessary for tlie commonwealth of nations. Differences of opinion between countries may lie dealt with in the same sensilile way as disputes between indi viduals or states. The world court is for peaceful adjustments of national and international difficulties.” “.\11 now believe in a I.eague of Na tions or some similar association. Presi dent Coolidge said recently, “It has been proved that we cannot place our main reliance on forces. We must cultivate the thought of _construction and not de struction." Dr. 'W’atkins showed the students a national poster bearing tlie inscription, “America First.” The thought of the jioster was America first, not in pride and arrogance, but in sympathy and tolerance. He ended liis talk by saying, “I hope tliat you Greensboro High School Stu dents will be citizens of the higher pa triotism." GIRLS—NOTICE! Mother-Daughter Banquet G. H. S. Cafeteria - April 2nd 6:30 O’clock. Tickets—75 cents. PLAY TO BE GIVEN BY SCOUT TROOP 5 NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS TAKE PLEDGE MCH. 11 Margaret Hood Presides At Meeting- in Chapel Period of Torch Light Society. PLANS MADE FOR SPRING Troop to Give Play at Odell Memorial to Make Money For Summer Trip. 'Hie Boy Scouts of 'Froop 5 will give a ])lay entitled “Kid's Awakening," Fri day night at 8:1-5 it the Odell Memorial building. “Kid's Awakening" is tlie story of a boy who is raised as a crook but wlio is finally led to an awakening by a Scout Master. 'Fhe admission will be 50 cents. 'Fhis is given to help the boys make iuoiiey for tlieir tri]i to "^'cllowstone N^a- cioiial Park. M iss Harmen, of Greensboro College, Gives Readings—Mr. Miller Gives Several Musical Selections. SNOW 'Fhursday night, March 18, the students of Caldwell School ])ut on a ])rogram for the ]uir])ose of showing the advan tages to the county children of an eight- mon'hs scliool term throughout Guilford county. Preceding the main feature of the eve ning, two selections were given by young violinists. 'Fills was followed by some interesting cow hoy songs by the hoys’ glee club. A grou]) of girls performed several gymnastic stunts. 'Fhe more interesting ones were the dog walk, front and hack somersault, through the sticks, diamond over, and cartwheel. ,4n interesting play called “'Fhe Spirit of Reform'! was given by the children. 'Fhe play showed the moral necessity of the father playing with his children. 'Fhe leading characters were Boyd Morris, Sue Gordon, Grace Curtis, Randolph Freeman, Dorothy Stewart, James Berry, Robert McDowell aiid Martha Hobbs. “What on earth!" I exclaimed, as a loud, ringing sound awoke me. I reached )ver and turned oft' the alarm. It was only ():3()! Could it be yes, I was to play tennis. Reluctantly 1 got out ot bed. “Oh, how queer I" I exclaimed, look ing out of the window. The grouiul was covered with snow, an diiiore was falling rapidls'. 'Fhe trees were white, anti the roofs of the houses were ]);irtly covered with snow. Per- ha])S I was dreaming all this, and would wake 11]) soon. '5'esterday it had l)een so warm and sunny, and this was the middle of March. I got back into bed, ,et my alarm for eight o'clock and went to sleej), dreaming ])eacefully of i game of tennis. 'Fhe Torch Light Society met at cliapel ])eriod 'Fhursday, March 11. Margaret Ht)od, the ])resident of the society, pre sided. 'Fhe new members were initiated by taking the ])ledge of the society. 'File business of getting ])ins for the members was discussed, and plans were made for the various activities to he carried out this s])ring. Miss Harmon, of the Greensboro Col lege for 'W'omen, entertained with several readings greatly enjoyed by tlie members of the societ.v. Mr. Miller presented a few musical selections, after which tlie meeting adjourned. MISS LULU B. CARR COMPLIMENTS G. H. S. She Says That Boys and Girls Greensboro High School Are Very Trustworthy. of JUNIORS SELL CANDY AT CHARM SCHOOL THURSDAY CHARM SCHOOL WELL RECEIVED BOBBED HAIR tax. 'Fhe Home Fjconoinics class has dressed the Girls Rest Room in a gay spring dress. Bright curtains adorn the win- dow.s and danty pillows invite repose. ''Fwas Faster Sunday. 'Fhe full blos somed trees Filled all tlie air with fragrance and with joy. —Longfelloti). “Oh boy! look at tlie newest flapper. Keen red hair slie s got, isn t it? 'J'here were among the comments made about a young lady standing with her iiack to several boys. “I think she’s a little too tall." “I don’t, and T bet I have a date with her inside of two days. ’ “You all shut up. I am going and get Mr. Phillips to introduce me.” “I think I will too.” • “Wonder if .she will he in any of our classes." 'Fhe hoys walked towards Mr. Phillips who was talking with the “new girl”. Suddenly ..he turned around, spied one of the hoys and said, “Finley Atkinson, do you have that Math today?” 'Fhe hoys faces fell. It was the same red hair, only bobbed, and the same familiar face. Miss Walkers. (Continued from page one i “Buy some candy. Don’t you want some candy? Yes, we have chewing gum.” Such were the remarks made by the candy sellers, and heard by all who attended “’Fhe Charm School." With the co-o])eration of the students who made and sold the candy, also of the people who houglit it, semester five was able to add $13.60 to their Junior-Senior fund. "You have hoys and girls in your school who are dei)endd)le and trust worthy," says Mrs. lada B. Carr, Gen eral Secretary of the Y. Wk C. A. of this city, when interviewed by one (i. H. S. Student Council member. Mrs. Carr is very ])ieased with the attitude the girls show iu having their fun in the right way, and with the man ner in which they conduct themselves. .Vs a whole she s:iys they reflect credit on G. H. S. “You will always have my hearty co- o])eration, and higli school hoys and girls, here’s to you,” declared the Secretary. CARNIVAL IS PRESENTED AT Y. W. C. A. BY CLUB WELL-KNOWN ACTOR IS TO APPEAR HERE SOON On 'Fhursday, March 4, Miss Boy- ington’s first period class was enter tained in Room 8 by a i^lay, “Flow lony Became N'aturalized.” 'Fhe play showed all parts of naturalization more clearly than they could be explained, and the use of real naturalization papers. also law student, considers unpractical, though George Boyd, (Phil Shelton) an exi)crt accountant, is willing to cooperate and so are Jim Simpkins (“Bob” Cave- ness), and Tim Simpkins (Floyd Mills), who toil not and have never seriously considered spinning. Homer Johns (Maddry Solomon), is a guardian of Flsie Benedotti (Louise McCulloch), the president of the senior class at a school presided over by Miss Hays (Mary Jane Wharton), who is loved and feared by all who know her, including the secretary, Miss Curtis (Sarah Mendenhall), who is always trying to think well of the senior class, consisting of Sally Boyd (Mar garet Fligh), who is George’s sister and Muriel Haughty (Matilda Robin,son), FJhcl Spelvin (Glenn Boyd MacLeod), Alex Mercier (Myra -WBlkinson), Lillian Staflord (Ruth Abbott), Madge Kent (Cynthia Vaughn), Charlotte Gray (Mil dred Nash), and it is hardly worth while to mention a junior, Dotsie (Frances Leaek), who is always in the way. Mr. AV. R. Wunsch was the coach of the play ably assisted by Mr. A. T. Rowe, Jr., and Miss Mary Wheeler, make-up manager. 'Fhe scenerv' for Act 1 was painted by Edmund 'Furner and the play was pro duced by special arrangement with Samuel French, 26 45th Street, New York City. W^ill Rogers, famous cowboy-actor, who has been with '/iegfeld 1^'ollies for years, is to a])pear in person at the Na tional 'theater some time in April. Mr. Rogers is one of the best-known come dians in the country. It is ex])ected that his a])i)earance will be greeted with de- fight by many Greensboro people. At jiresent he is touring tlie country and making talks in various tlieaters. 'Foo, lie writes liuniorous articles for a nunilier of daily papers. Among ids best-known stunts are tliose with the rojie. During these acts he tells jokes and comments on the city officials. Mr. C. D. Buckner, manager of the National 'Fheater, has persuaded him to come here. On Friday night, March 19, eight of tlie clubs from tlie Y. W. C. A. held a carnival at tlie lint. 'Flie purpose was to make money to send a girl to the Blue Ridge Convention. 'File liut was attractively decorated. Ffiacli club had a store in town to be in tiieir bootli as an advertisement. 'Flie store decorated the booth with their goods. 'Fhey gave the club some small articles that could lie sold for between five and twenty-five cents. 'I'liere was also a candy and cake booth. Some of the stores reiiresented were Hayward Jewelry Co., Sutton’s Flowers, and the Book Shoj), Maxwell House Coft'ee and Velvet Ice Cream. 'Flic comniittee in charge was ])leased with the result of the carnival. FORMER SPEED TYPIST DEMONSTRATES HERE (Continued from page one) oft'ered nor For one swallow does not make spring, vet one fline day.—Aristotle. We only wish there was a lecture every day at the eighth period. tyi)ing. Miss Regehnyer photograph of herself to the observer who could guess the correct number of words that she copied in a given time. Fhe only person guessing the correct number wa.s Glenn Flackney. He re ceived the ph.otogra]ih of whicli he was very jiroiid. Albert Tangora, champion speed typist of the world, has a record of 130 net words ])er minute, for one hour, while that of Miss Regelmeyer is 119 net words )ier minute, for one hour. Miss Regelmeyer was brought here under the auspice sof the Underwood 'typewriter Company. INTEREST AROUSED BY THREE UNIT COURSES 'File new unit courses which started with full sway are still swaying, bring ing many new enthusiastic members. 'Fhe girls in the Art A]ipreciatioii class are learning all about the dift'erent kinds of lines that the arti.st uses. 'Fhese girls have Miss Suinmerell on Mondays, and Miss Fckford from N. C. C. Mk on Wed nesday. 'Fhe classes are very much en joyed, because at the last meeting there were 24 inemhers. Miss Greeiiwaldt and her Dress Ap preciation class are doing fine work with 45 inemhers. 'Fhese girls are ])lanning to be correctly dressed this spring. At the last meeting of Miss Grogan’s Form class they had 10 per cent more members than at the previous meeting. “If you have the misfortune of getting a l)one in your tliroat, don’t sejueak,” she says. “Put your najikin up to your niontli, and remove it, and try not to look as if you are in pain.” Mother is tlie name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. —Thackery. il

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