Horney, Phoenix Compete In Southern Track Meet galf Mile Runner Makes Only Points for Greensboro In Meet. Wednesday, April 29, Bill Horney and Clarence Phoenix, representatives of the Greensboro High School Track Team, left for College Park, Mch, to compete in (J,e South Eastern Track Meet which was l,eld Saturday, May 1. Both Horney, ,vlio is ca])tain, and Phoenix, have starred on the track team for the past two years. Phoenix failed to })lace in the meet, but Horney finished second in the half mile and scored the only points of the meet for Greendsboro. greenwo lassies trounce high point Final Score 58 to 7—Ruth Watson Pitches Good Game and Pulls the Babe Ruth Stunt. 'Jf- The High Point girls baseball team was completely swamped by the Greens boro .girls Tuesday, April 27. The score was -W to 7. .Vlthongh the score was one-sided the game was interesting, hut luid to be called at the end of the sixth inning after the High Point lasses were entirely outclassed. 'J'his game marked the eighth straight win for the locals and the second in the champion ship. lliith Watson, ])itehing for tlreenshoro, net oidy iritehed well, hut also liit lliree home runs. She was re- s|)on.silile for ten Greensboro tallies, more Ilian tlie enlire High Point team miulc. By winning this game G. H. S. meets Winston-Salem in the third game of the title series Friday, April 30. Line-up: Greensboro—^BaP,an,ce, 3b; Hoffman, lb; Hutchinson, ss; Watson, p; Murray, c; Tilley, ss; Tate, 2h; llussel, cf; Aber nathy, rf; Tye, If. High Point—Totty, Ih; Royal, ss; Evans, rf; Peedin, cf; Fritz, 2b; Hayne, ss; Armfield, c; Penny, p; Venable, If; Gihscii, If; Ribbons, 3h. WINSTON WINS IN TRIANGLE MEET Greensboro Second, High Point Third. Winston Seven, Greens boro Three, High Point One. First Place. Friday, Ai)ril 23, at Winston-Salem, Greensboro High took second place in a track meet between the representatives of the triangle cities with thirty-four points. Winston-Salem with sixty-five points took first place, and High Point "’ith seventeen finished third. Greensboro was disqualified in the mile relay on account of one of her men slightly varying from the course. How ever, the. Gate City lads took three first Jilaces. Those first ])laces and winners for Greensboro were: Hurdles, Glascock; lialf-mile, Horney, and shotirut, Brown. ii inston-Salein, who led the field in scoring, took seven first ]daces. Events and their winners for Whnston were: Pole vault, Blackwood; 100 yard dash, 'Iordan; 2^0 yard dash, Jordan; 440 yard dash, Lentz; discus throw, Wray; javelin throw, Brewer; high jump). Brewer and Buie tied. High Point, who finished third, took une first and several second and third places. .‘\mong tl,(. large mnnher of fans who 'illeiided the meet from Greensboro there "rre three Greensboro misses who start ed hiking but finished their journey to die I win City in a coal truck. Judah Shohan said Tuesday that he ''anted to leave a message with the stu dent body, but it must he discreet. What could it be? Crawford has been riding around with Julian Meadows lately. ^lartha Broadhurst, Pllizabeth Hodgin aud Betty Harrison were home Plaster. GRAMMAR SCHOOL MEET Records Broken 50-yd. dash—Louise Goodman, Aycock, 7 2-5 seconds. 70-yd. dash—Kate I,. Hutchin son, Mclver, 9 2-5 seconds. 80-yd. dash—Rosa Davis, Ay- cock, JO 3-5 seconds. 5()-yd. dash, Harry Wimhish, Caldwell, 7 seconds. 6'5-\d. dash—Eddie Harrison, C aldwell, 8 seconds. 75-yd. dash—Gilbert Cobb, Cald well, 9 4-5 seconds. 85-yd. dash—Robert Williams, Caldwell, 10 1-5 seconds. 90-yd. dash —Rcbert Watson, Caldwell, 111-5 seconds. Pole Vault—Richard Quate, Mc lver, 7 feet () inches. Running broad jump)—Robert Williams, Caldwell, 5 feet 11 in. Discus throw—Robert Watson, Caldwell, 95 feet (i inches. GIRLS WIN FIELD MEET IN WINSTON Score 39. Ruth Watson is Star With a Total of 15 Points. The Second Annual High School 'Track Meet for girls was held April 25 in Win- don-Salem. The Greensboro Higli School girls came first with a total of 39 points; Winston-Salem second, 25 pioints; and High Point third, 18 pioints. 'i'he 4Vent- worth girls failed to score. Ruth Wat- •on, Greensboro, was the individual high scorer, with a total of 15 pioints. G. H. S. girls took (i first pilaces, 2 sec- ind pilaces and 4 third pilaces; 'Winston girls, 4 first pilaces, 1 second pilace, 1 diird pilace; High Point girls, 5 second places and 3 third pilaces. 50 yd. dash—Chandler (ML S.), Fritz (H. P.), Abernathy (G). '.Lime, 6 4-5 ■ccends. 75 yd. dash—Abernathy (G), Fritz (H. P.), Walker (G). Time, 10 seconds. Hurdles—Walker (G), Ixithy (H. P.). rime, 9 1-5 seconds. Standing, hrpad juinpi—Walker (G), Fritz (H. P.), Abernathy (G). Dist ance, 7 feet 7 inches. Running high jump)—Watson (G), Chandler (W. 8.), tie. Distance, 52 inches. Basketball distance throw—Watson (G), Carmichael (W. S.), Bennet (H. P.). Distance, 75 feet 9 inches. Baseball distance throw—Watson (G), Tye. (G), l^arlowe (H. P.). Distance, 174 feet 3 inches. Stilt Relay—WHnston-Salem, Greens boro, High Point. Pdag Relay — Winston-Salem, High Point, Greensboro. Miss Nellie K. Dry, faculty advisor of girls’ athletics, took with her 19 girls. They were: Duella Walker, Ruth Wat son, Joe Abernathy, Marguerite Harri son, Allene Dixon, Marguerite Tilley, Ethel G. Rogers, Virginia Shelton, Lydia Ballance, Evelyn Stratee, I>ola Michaux, I.ouise Whittington, Plmma Griffin, Jane Harris, Virginia Douglas, Mezpah Show, Lillian I.ye, Evelyn Russel and LJnda Gorrell. G. H. S. GIRLS’ TEAM WIN FIRST CHAMPIONSHIP GAME The Greensboro Hi girls won their first ehanipionshipi game from Mehane by an overwhelming score of 32 to 6 on Apiril 19th at Mehane. In the final inning the G. PI. S. team scored fourteen runs. Ruth 'Watson made a homerun when the three bases were full. She pitched a spilendid game for her team. 'Ihe en tire team pilayed good ball. This made the seventh straight win for G. H. S., the most overwhelming and most uninteresting one they have yet pilayed. Greensboro ^03 148 14 32 Mehane 210 120 0- 6 H 1 GH LIFE GREENSBOROHIGH WINS ALL FIVE MATCHES B. H. S. The Next Meet is Scheduled With Winston, at Country Club of Greensboro. JONES IS DEF FATED Andrews, Sockwcll, Kendrick, Stone and Gillespie for Greensboro, While •Jones, Sharp, Vernon, Play for Burlington. 1 lie (ireenshoro tennis team won all five matches pilayed against the Burling ton net men at the Country Chili Tues day, Apiril 27. Jones, of Burlington, considered one of the best pilaycrs in the state, went down to defeat in the singles match against Andrews, of Greensboro. Ten pilayers were as fellows: Greensboro: Andrews, Suekwell, Kendrick, Stone and Gillespiic; Burlington, Jones, Sharp), ^'ernon, Jones. i'he next match is scheduled with Win ston at the Greensboro Country Club. The only additional game pilanned at piresent will be with High Point. G. H. SAREmiPlONS BY DEFEATING W. H. S. The Local Girls Have Won Every Game of the Season—Kept the Lead Throughout the Game. ^ The Greensboro girls’ baseball team won the ehainphonship of the district by defcaling Winston-Salem in the last ehamiiionshii) game lL-7, at Melver sehc.ol last Fridai'. The local girls have won ever\- game of the season and have contested with the best girls’ teams of the state. The Green.sboro girls began the game by making 9 runs, allowing the Winston- ers only 3. They kept the lead through out the game. Lydia Ballance knocked the only home run of the game, but many long and hard hits were made by both teams. IJne-iipi: G u i: ]: X SI! 01! o W i x stox - S a le vr Watson Davis Pitcher Murray Lennille Catcher Hoffman Cline First Base Tate O’Brien Second Base Ballance 'VVVolsallger R. Shortstop) Hntchin.son Efird Iv. Shortstop) Abernathy Holder Right P^ield Russel Biles Left Feld Myers David Center Field Jackson Pinkston Third Base Score by innings: R- ■Winston 320 200 0—7 Greensboro 911 120 0—14 SIX WEMlRAlNiNG TO TOUGHENJJRIDDERS Twenty-three New Men Answer First Call for Spring Football Practice- Practice to Continue Six Weeks. 'J’wenty-three new men answered ‘the first call for spiring football practice on Wednesday, April 21, at Mclver field. While several varsity men are out Coach P’ordliam is holding piractiee.s primarily to develop) new material. He has a list (it POO new fellows he is trying to get out so as to develop) a slate ehampiion- shipi team next year. Practice will continue every after noon for six weeks. At the end ot this time the team will pilay either 'M ins- ton-Salem Pligh School or the Greens boro boys who leave at the end of this year. Worth Ferree was home from Duke during the holidays. Garnet Gregory was seen piarking in the Journalism room Tuesday Friday, May 7, 19'26 Brown Suffers Broken Bones Due to the tact that Theron Tirown recently broke two bones in Ins ankle, G. H. S. will he greatly hand.capipied in coming track meets. Brown has been high scorer for this season, staring in piole-vault, discus, javelin, and shot pint and broad jump). 'Ihe accident oeenrred while he was piartieipiating in the triangular ii;eet lield ;d Winston-S;dem P’ri- day, Apiril 23. It was not until the following day, however, that Brown learned tluit his injury would keep) liim from the track for tl'.t rest of the season. ■"•i- I GREENSBORO IS DOWNED AT HANDS OF MEBANE L'riday, .Vpiril 23 at IMehane, CSreens- horo liigh was eliminated froin the state eliampiionshipi race, when they tasted de feat at the hands ot Mehane by the score ot five to four. Mehane came from be hind and staged a ninth inning rally to pint the winning run across the pilate. Greensboro started oft in the first b\' un corking a heavy hatting attack. After two men were away, Jonc! hit the hall over the fence for tiie circuit. Greens boro managed to pint three runs across the pilate in tlie first frame. Mehane pint two runs across in tlie tliird and both teams tallied one each in the sixth. They tonghf neck and neck until what piioved lo he llie fatal ninth tor llie Gate Cil.v lads. Hiner was on tlie mound tor Mehane and Taylor did the twirling for Greens boro. With the excepition of ihe first, Riner piitehed good hall for Mehane, and was touehed for only six hits. While Mehane liad two big frames at the ex- pien .e of 't’aylor. Greensboro piaved the I way to tlieir downfall by booting the five I times while Mehane errored three, i Mehane R. I Riggs, 3h .... .2 I Cheek, Hi. .. 1 j Rimmer, pi. 0 Nicholson, c. . 1 Bradshaw, ef. 0 P’trrcll, ss. 0 Satterfield, rf. 0 Morgan, 2b. 0 0 Wilkerson, It. 1 3 Total 5 9 H. S. Greensboro R. H. S. W'yrick, 2b. 0 1 Jones, ss. 1 0 Brewer, c. 0 1 Fife, p. -- 1 0 1 largrove, ef. . T 1 Tufty, 3b. 1 2 Taylor, If. 0 0 Whitehart, lb. .^.O 0 Burgess, rf. 0 0 Total 4 5 TUMBLING EXHIBITION GIVEN BY BOYS GYM TEAM Several of the boys who have received gymnasium training at Caldwell, under the direction of J. C. White, gave an ex- hihition in Chapicl Wednesday, Apiril 21. Tlie demonstration consisted of various tumbles. Outstanding among the: tumbles were dives over the “horse”; a dive through the legs of a boy standing upion the “horse’’; and a dive over several hoys lying on a mat. 'I’he cast wheel elepihant walk, and heads stands done npi on the “horse” also brought forth apipilause. 'J’hese tumbles are a piart of the gym nasium training given tlie grammar school-;, under the instruction ot coinpie- tent piliysieal directors. GREENSBORO CLASS TANK TEAMS TO COMPETE AT N. C. C. W. On Friday night, May 7, at X. C. C. W. the girls' class swimming teams will com plete for honors pireliminary to the final swimming meet to be held in High Point the middle of May. 'J'he final meet will be between cornpietitors from High Point, Greensboro and Winston-Salem. On Wednesday, May 12, the Greens boro swimmers will pirobably go to Win ston for piractice meet with the Wins ton girls. GREENSBORO HIGH TRIMS POINTERS THE SCORE IS 5-4 Locals Chase Petty, of No Run, Not Hit Fame, From The Mound. LUFTY" IS STAR OF FRAY ^ Gate City Lads Continue Hitting At tack on Howell, Fite Relieves Tay lor, Both Tight in Pinches. Tuesdai', Apiril 20, at Cone Park, Greensboro turned tlie tables on High Point and defeated them by the score of 11 to 4. The game was closer than the score would seem to indicate and the two teams for six innings fought dcspierately tor the lead. The locals had on their balling togs and smarting under Ihe no run no hit de feat tliat had been given Ihem in Ihe fur niture eit\’ a tew (lavs pirovious started oft like a wliirlwind. Greensboro, after retiring Migli Point scoreless in the first, touehed Petty for enough lilts to pint two runs across the pilate. High Point came hack in the second and knotted the count at two each, and in the sixth tlie\' elia.sed two more runs across Ihe pilatter. Greensboro unloosened a heav>' liitting attack in tlie sixtli wliicli netted tliem four inns and cliased Petty, he ot no liit no run fame, from tlie mound. Howell then took npi the piitehing bur den tor Liigh Point and was tonelied for five runs in tlie seventli. Greensboro garnered 13 liits olT ot I’etty and Howell, tliree ot wliieli went tor extra base liils. High Point got next to Taylor and L'ife, who relieved liim, for a total of five lilts. Both Greensboro piitehers were inclined to he ratlier wild, hut they settled down in the piinehos and were stingy with the number of liits tliey gave up. Taylor fanned five, Petty seven, Howell two. Taylor gave up two bases on balls, Fife four, and Howell two. Line-upi and summary: Giiimx^siioito Ah. R. H. Wyriek, 2b. 5 2 2 .tones, ss. 5 1 2 Brewer, e. 5 1 1 Hargrove, ef. 5 1 2 Tufty, 3b. 4 1 3 Pennington, If. 4 1 1 Wliitelieart, lb. .....3 2 1 Taylor, pi. _.3 2 0 Jobe, rf. 2 0 1 Fife, p. 0 0 Gardner, Ih. 1 0 0 Wood, e. 0 0 0 Totals 39 11 13 Ilioir PoiN'i' b. R. H. Wall, cf. 4 0 0 Pierce, ss. _...2 0 0 R. Petty, If. 3 1 1 Myers, 21). 4 1 1 Howell, pi. 0 0 0 Scott, rf. .3 1 1 'J'. Petty, pi. _.3 1 1 Hinkle, 3b. ._._..4 0 1 Kearns, lb. 3 0 0 a Bryant 0 0 0 Kemp), c. : 1 0 0 Totals 27 4 5 a Batted for Hinkle in the ninth. Score by innings: R. H. E. Greensboro 200 004 50x—11 13 1 High Point 020 002 000— 4 5 3 Summary—Errors, Jones, B. Petty, Myors, Kearns. Two base hits: Wyriek, Putty (2), Pennington, B. Petty, Hin kle. Stolen bases: Llargrovc,. Lufty, Wall, Howell. Sacrifices: Pennington, Lufty. Base on halls, oft 'J'aylor 2, Howell 2, Pile 1. St nick out by 'Taylor 5, by 'T. lVlt\’ 7, by Howell 2. Hits oil' 'T. Petty, 8 ill 6 innings; cfl' 'Taylor, 5 in 6 innings; ofl' How(>ll, 5 in 2 2-3 innings. Winning piitelier, 'Taylor, losing piitcher, T. Petty. Cmpiirc.), Stuart. 'Time, 2:10. Norman Block has been stationed in the halls of late. Did he remind you of a Roman senator? Sammy Goode and John Betts went out to the three-cornered piond to shoot terrapiins. Joe Britton and the Madame (former ly -known as “Babe” Duncan) are in town.

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