IGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry GREENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL, NOVEMBER 6, 1931 MARTHA CARSON, EVELYN HADDEN, LEAD IN CAST Grady Miller and Joe H. John son Co-directors, Set Dec. 4 for “lolanthe” gilbert SULLIVAN OPERA Ed Landreth and Jimmy Hinton Are t Take the Leading Male Roles. HOMESPVN WINS AWARD IN MAGAZINE CONTEST Homespun wins first place in S, I, P. A. for the third time. Win ning the first time in the spring of 1927. In the spring of 1929 the magazine won first place again. In 1930 at the spring convention Home- spun won second place. On October 24, 1931, the publication again won first place at S. I. P. A. held at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Martha Carson and Evelyn Hadden lead in the opera, “lolanthe,” under the supervision of the music and dramatic de partments of Greensboro high school, will be presented December 4. It is a Gilbert and Sullivan. It has been stated that the music of the opera is unusually light and charm ing. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Miller, the co-directors, believe this to be one of the most successful operas they have ever attempted to produce. The plot is an unusual and compli cated one. The kind that Gilbert and Sullivan have made famous. It is a well known fact that if a fairy married a mortal she must die. lolanthe, a favorite of the fairy queen, married a mortal. The queen, because of her love for lolanthe, instead of killing her, has the little fairy exiled to the earth for life. They find-she has a 23-year-old son. This young man, Strephoii, by name, is in love with Chancellor’s ward, Phyllis. But Phyllis sees him talking with lo lanthe and accuses him of having another love. In vain does poor Stre- phon plead that lolanthe is his mother. Phyllis cannot understand how lolanthe can he so young and beautiful and still be the mother of Strephon. In spite of their lovers' quarrel, Phyllis and Strephon love each other and wish to marry. The Lord Chan cellor, a comical old man who rather likes to flirt with his many beautiful wards, refuses to allow Phyllis to marry Strephon even though he him self is inclined to want marriage. At this critical moment lolanthe ap pears and informs the Chancellor that he cannot marry because he is already her husband. To complicate the inter esting drama even more, the queen falls in love with a mortal. She then decides that it is all right for fairies to marry mortals, after all. REPRESENTATIVES PASS NEW LAWS Students Are to Return to Class Rooms After Last Period. MAGAZINE OFFERS PRIZES FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS 576 State Awards in Literary Division; Six Scholarships Given in Visual Arts Department. THIRTY-SIX GROUPS OUTLINED Scholastic, the national magazine for high school classrooms, offers $10,000 i prizes and scholarships for creative work by high school students in litera ture and in visual arts through the Eighth Annual Scholastic Awards. In addition to these prizes, which more than double those offered last year, the competition includes 576 state awards in the literary division. All sir scholarships are in visual arts. There are 36 groups of competition. The literary division includes the Wit ter Bynner Poetry Award, major prizes in short story and in essay, individual and school prizes for one-act plays, given by Samuel French, Inc., all Quill and Scroll journalism prizes, and other awards ,among which are five portable typewriters offered by L. C. Smith and Corona Typewriter Company and the Newspaper Institute of America. In visual arts, the George Bellovrs Memorial Award for pictorial work tops the list with three scholarships, changeable for cash prizes if so sired. Candidates for the George Bel lows honors are chosen from the pic torial arts group at large, which eludes five other elas^fications: torial arts group proper, the Eldorado prize for pencil drawings, two groups of prizes by Charles M. Higgins Com pany for work with drawing inks, and the Estejbrook drawlet pen prizes for designs or drawings with pen. •»For student sof design, there are prizes for straight decorative patterns, prizes for designs applied to textiles, the Carnegie Museum Awards for de signs derived from museum animals, and the American Crayon Company prizes for cover designs in crayon, tem pera, or water color for Everyday Art. In addition to the usual prints di vision, Milton Bradley sponsors a di vision for linoleum block prints. Nqw crafts groups are the National Supply Company’s prizes for reed and raffia work and the Ulster Wood Carving awards. Under the sponsorship of the William C. Dixon Company, last year’s prizes for jewelry and metal work have been doubled. Pottery and sculpture remain as before. Several booklets are in preparation by sponsors to assist participants in the awards. For complete rules and infor mation, write to the Scholastic Awards. Wabash Building, Pittsburgh, Penna. CHAPEL CONDUCT FLAYED The House of Representatives has passed on several measures for the im provement in various ways of this high school. If the Student Council like wise approves, these new rules will im-. mediately go into effect. The noise in chapel at G. H. 8. be comes noticeable enough to be discon certing to visitors and embarrassing to teachers and to those students who take any pride in their school. On these occasions, the House voted to accept the responsibility of quiet ing unruly students, and any member of the House will be authorized to first warn those causing trouble and, if this produces no effect, to take them to the Noise Must Cease The noise in the halls between the end of the last class and the dismission by the session room teachers thought to be unnecessary. Many of the students are in the habit of going to their lockers before going to their session rooms, and this, besides caus ing much of the noise, wastes the of the teacliers and those students who go directly to their session rooms. Students are therefore requested to return immediately from their last period class to their session rooms to hear all necessary announcements and be dismissed promptly. To enforce this ruling each member of the House of Representatives will stand at his session room door and see that no lockers are opened in his vicinity. Milk Bottles Broken Another condition which the House thought required immediate attention was the number of milk bottles broken or lost by the students. The cafeteria has to pay five cents for each bottle not returned. When over a hundred bottles are not accounted for, it can be easily seen that the cafeteria is losing money. No action was taken on this matter ex cept to ask the representatives to ask their classmates to do their part in eliminating this expense. Since the House was largely responsi ble for putting the Activities Card oft sale this year, the members thought that they should also take the responsi bility for seeing that the sale was cessful. Each representative has been asked to urge all those in his session room who signed for the tickets to buy them at the earliest possible date. SOCIOLOGY CUSSES VISIT CAPITAL CITY Students of Miss McNairy and Mr. Ham ilton Enjoy Sight of State Buildings. COLONEL FRED OLDS IS GUIDE Twelve cars, carrying the combined sociology classes of Miss Mary MeNairy and William 8. Hamilton, numbering 75 students in all, left for Raleigh, Thursday morning, October 22, at 7:30 o’clock. Colonel Fred Olds, Civil War veteran, met the group at the Y. M. C. A and conducted them through the following interesting buildings: State musemum, governor’s mansion, famous for its ten thousand dollars silver service which has toured the world three times, and a seven hundred and ninety year old piece of tapestry presented by the king and queen of Belgium. Colonel Olds pointed out the site of the first railroad. The Christ’s Episco pal church, with its one hundred thou sand dollar painting of the “Ennuncia- tion of Christ” was of great interest to the students. A visit to the Capitol and the Hall of History preceded lunch at Wilson’s cafeteria. Colonel Olds led the group next to state prison. It was learned that one hundred and fourteen men had been electrocuted there since 1911. Two men were to be electrocuted the next day. A trip to the School for the Blind and to Dix HU! for the in sane, completed the day of sight-see ing. As a token of appreciation, the classes presented Colonel Olds with a copy of “New Wings” and “Buds.” Laat year. Miss McNairy’s sociology classes turned over the excess subscrip tion money for the trip to the publica tion of High Life, which the staff need ed, greatly at that time. SEVENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF S.LP. A. CLOSES Margaret Knight, Nancy Hud son, Leah Baach, and Phyllis Hagedorn Represent G.H.S. THE MONACLE WINS CUP Delegates Attend Meetings, Reception, Movie Concerning Newspaper Work, and Banquet. banquet,- the presentation of the cups, and the Currents Events Tro phy brought to a close the Seventh An nua! Convention of the Southern Inter- scholastic Press Association at Lexing ton, Va. The banquet wag held in the Washington and Lee University dining hall with Dr. Raymon T. Johnson as toastmaster and James Henry Furay, !-pre8ident of the United Press Asso ciations, as main speaker for the occa- P.T. A. CONVENTION ATWILMINGTON.N.C. Children’s Charter, Theme of Meeting; Outgrowth of Gath ering Called by Hoover. BANQUET CLOSES SESSION Prof. Riegel Presents Cup Prof. O. W. Reigel presented cups in class A to Greensboro High school for the magazine. Homespun, and to John Marshall high school for the newspa per, The Monocle, and the annual and. The Marshallite. Honorable men tions went to The Rambler, Central High, Charlotte, N. C., for newspaper, The Acorn, Jefferson High, Roanoke, Va., for the magazine; and to The Fir Tree, Woodberry Forest School, Wood- herry Forest, Va., for the annual. For two days preceding the banquet the delegates, of which Nancy Hudson from Homespun, and Leach Baach, Mar garet Knight, and Phyllis Hagedorn, of High Life, were the G. H. 8. represen tatives, attended interesting and in structive meetings. The opening'event, a reception at the Delta Tau Delta fra ternity on Thursday evening, October 22, proved to be of entirely a social nature. Dr. Gaines Welcomes Delegates Friday morning Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of Washington and Lee Uni versity, welcomed the delegates, after which the winners of the 1930 contests gave short talks. Leah Baach spoke briefly for High Life. A moving picture- was then shown at the New Theater entitled “The Opera tion of a Great Newspaper.” Here the future journalists of the South were given an opportunity to observe the in side of the New York Times newspaper building. After an address, “Journalism’s Widening Horizons,” delivered by Prof. O. W. Riegel, acting director of Lee School of Journalism, the afternoon was taken up by a tour of the historic Washington and Lee campus, an inspec tion of the journalism and printing ex hibition at the University library, and group meetings. Mrs. Hill Leads Group The faculty group met with Mrs. Nora Payne Hill, of Danville, Va., as its lead er and the student group was presided over by Harvey Glass, of John Marshall High School, Richmond, Va. Friday evening the representatives were in vited to attend the Quill and Scroll ban quet -at the Robert E. Lee Hoteir the Roanoke chapter being in charge. At the group meetings on Saturday morning Prof. Karl W. Fischer of the Lee School of Journalism, and Dr. George Price, editor of the “Ring-turn Phi,” Washington and Lee newspaper, personally criticised all school newspa pers submitted. The criticisms of the magazines and annuals submitted were given by Douglas Doubleday, of the Lee School of Journalism; James Clapton, editor of the Southern Collegian, Wash ington and Lee magazine, and Roy L. McKinney, editor of the Calyx, Wash ington and Lee yearbook. W. C. Stouffer Speaks Later, W. C. Stouffer, managing editor of the Roanoke World-News, addressed the delegation on the subject, “News.” At this time he explained the various meanings of the word and gave the his tory of newspapers in the United Saturday afternoon the homecoming football game bewteen Washington and Lee and the University of Virginia held the center of the stage. After the banquet on Saturday night, October 24, the delegates were guests of the Monogram Club at the informal home-coming dance at the Doremus gymnasium. HIGH AVERAGES MADE BY FORMER STUDENTS Fred Newnham Highest in Agriculture: David Morrah and Marshall Gard ner Make Ex,.ellent Grades. Three former G. H. S. students, Fred Newnham, David Morrah, and Marshall Gardner, were among those making the highest average in the freshman place ment tests at North Carolina) State Col lege, Raleigh. The woman of the eol lege, as a group made the highest s age, with the engineering students ond and the out-of-state students third. Fred Newnham, whose golf leadership G. H. S. will miss this year, made the highest average in the school of agricul ture. David Morrah rated third in the engineering school, and Marshall Gard ner came in third in science and busi ness. Education Pays A boy may earn a hundred dollars a day by going to college—but he must wait to collect. The United States Bureau of Education shows that college graduates earn from $56,- 000 to $112,000 more by the time they are 60 than do those who go to work after being graduated from high school. This would give the four years’ course a cash value of from $77 to $155 a day.—World’s Work. Big Sister Committee, Now Called Welcome, to Help Incoming Sophomores. MRS. SMITH IN CHARGE Girls Will Learn to Make Verbal An nouncements Under Miss Mary McNairy. The delegates elected to the 13th an nual convention of the North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers were Miss Fannie Starr Mitchell, Mrs. W. H. Swift, Mrs. A. C. Holt, and Mrs. Julius Cone. The convention was held at the Cape Fear Hotel in Wilmington, N. C., November 3, 4. and 5. Theme of Convention Our state president, \ Mrs. Raymond Binford, of Guilford College, was the presiding officer. The theme of the convention was “The Children’s Charter,” which was an outgrowth of the conference called last spring by President Hoover at the Whie House. Mrs. Binford Leads ^INscussion On Tuesday afternoon round table discussion were led by Mrs. Binford, on Presidents; others were made on Secretaries and Treasurers, and Miss Prances Hay, the national research retary of P. T. A., made one on general topics. At the banquet on Tuesday evening, Dr. Frank Howard Richardson, health chairman and a national!y..known health authority, was the toastmaster. Mrs. Binford, Miss Hays, and Dr. J. Buren Sidbury, baby specialist from Wilming ton, were on the program. Dr. Meyer Conducts Round Table Dr. Harold D. Meyer, from the Uni versity of North Carolina, conducted a round table discussion on “Programs,” Mrs. W. Weant, one on “Publicity,” and Miss Hays on “Membership.” The Gold Star dinner was presided over by Mr. J. L. Henderson from Hick ory, third vice-president. During the open session, over which Mr. C. O. Burton, first vice-president, presided the election of officers was held and reports were given. Mes- dames E. B. White, Lionel Weil and W. T. Bost and Dr. James M. Parrott made talks. G. H.S. SENIORS EXCEL IN STATE EXAMINATION Have Highest' Score in Test on English Usage, Study Habits, and General Science. SENIOR HIGH AVERAGE IS 192.9 The median scores of the senior aminatious in nine city school systems of the state, in figures recently c piled, show that Greensboro high school has the highest score in three of the seven divisions of the test. The three things in which G. H. S. seniors celled were: English Usage, Study Habits, and General Science. Greens boro ran a close race in all the other divisions of the examination, Raleigh, Charlotte, and Durham defeating Greensboro in several divisions. The final scores of all schools arc as fol- Asheville, 95.0; Charlotte, 96.4; Dur ham, 101.4; Greensboro, 102.9; High Point, 96.2; Raleigh, 94.1; Salisbury, 91.6; Winston-Salem, 81.4; Wilming ton, 91.0. The state as a whole had a score of 79. Editors Now Reporters Two of the June graduates of G. H. S., Billy Edgerton and Ernest White, who now attend Guilford, have important places on the Guilfprdian, the college paper. Billy has charge of all the straight news, while Ernest covers all of the local sports. Both of the former students owe their literary training to G. H. S. Billy was Editor of Homespun last year, and Er nest was sports editor of High'Life, To Better High Life Object of Staff High Life, in order that its staff may become more efficient, will re quire compulsory meetings every Monday afternoon at 3:30 in the pub lication room, and those who are ab sent three times in succession will be dropped from the staff. The ob ject is not only to better the paper, but also to be instructive to the members of the staff. Any students wishing to write for High Life be sides those already contributing may report at the meetings and receive assignments. FACULTY ADVISERS COMPLETE PLANS OF SERVICE LEAGUE the plan of the Girls’ Council to have a meeting of all the girls of the school for the purpose of permitting any of those who have not done so to sign up for the Service League com mittees. Membership on these commit- not compulsory, but many of the girls have signed up and the names of these girls and the committees they will be posted. Josephine Lucas, president of the Girls’ Council, will again explain the purpose of the Serv- e League to the girls. Plans have been completed and these committees with their faculty advisers will work shortly: announcement, which specializes in making verbal announce ments, Miss Mary McNairy; athletic, which aids in planning and sponsoring the athletic program of the girls, Miss Kate Robinson; welcome (previously known as the big sister committee), which welcomes the incoming sopho mores and to help them in every way' possible, Mrs. W. E. Smith; bulletin board, which has charge of the bulletin board provided for the League, Miss Lena Cole; citizenship, which promotes the best type of school and community citizenship, Miss Mary Ellen Blackmon; college entrance, which collects and dis plays to students information concern ing college entrance and available schol arships, Miss Evelyn Martin; finance, ^hich assists the treasurer in raising funds, Miss Bright Sedberry; friend ship, which expresses the sympathy of the League to the sick or bereaved, Miss Mary Harrell; hospitality, which is gen erally helpful to new pupils and acts as hostesses to visitors. Miss Dorothy Mc Nairy; little sister, which plans ways of esponding to the friendship and cour tesy of the Big Sisters, and which stim ulates good spirit among the sopho more girls. Miss Margaret Fuller; office, which renders school service by assist- the library and school offices, poster, which makes posters for school activities. Miss Henri Etta Lee; scholarship in Greensboro high school, Miss Katherine Pike; school beautiful, which helps in various ways to help ind keep the school beautiful, Miss Lily Walker; school service, which ready to serve the school in any way when called upon, Miss Jo Causey; vo cational, which provides vocational guidance for the girls of G. H. S., Miss lone Grogan; welfare, which provides for the assistance of girls in high school needing a helping hand, Miss Willie Hall; social, which plans social activi ties for the League, Mrs. Nellie B, Blackburn: social service, which gives aid to deserving people of Greensboro need, Mrs. Zoe Hogsette. School Situation Serious; May Mean Shorter Term F. C. A rcher Heads Louisville Schools Frederick Archer, former superin tendent of Greensboro city jchools, has been elected superintendent of Louisville, Ky,, public schools at a meeting of the Louisville board of education. Mr. Archer resigned from his office in Greensboro in 1928 and was suc ceeded by Guy B. Phillips, present superintendent. It was during Mr. Archer’s eleven years in offiee here that the expan sion program was initiated that has carried the local school system to the forefront among the city schools of North Carolina. He also played an important part in securing the senior high school and several of the junior high and elementary struc- CURRICULUM CUT SCHOOL STUDENTS’ STORIES PUBLISHED Selected Material from Creative Classes of Whole State. TO BE IN NEXT ISSUE '“The Creative Carolina Magazine” has accepted the work of 19 students of Greensboro city schools for publication in its next issue, so Clarice Mitchell, secretary of the Creative Youth Asso ciation of North Carolina, informed Miss Marjorie Craig of the creative English department. The students whose works were ac cepted are as follows: Dorothy Hines, Rebecca Price, George Wills, Ina Mc- Iver, Clegg Mclver, Ollie Payne, De- lores Longest, Quentin Dixon, Elaine Williams, Buddy Caliseh, Suzanne Ketchum, Nancy Hudson, Billy Hob- good, William Edgerton , Elizabeth Craven, Grace Hobbs, MarOu Smith, M. C. Newland, Jr., and Louie Brown Michaels. . The Creative Youth Association of I^orth Carolina publishes the "Creative Carolina Magazine” and selects for the contents stories from creative English classes of the high schools of the state. STATESTUDENTCONGRESS MEETS HERE OCT. 23-24 Dr. Rondthaler Says Purpose of Educa tion Is to Learn and Discover One’s Self. DISCIPLINE PROBLEM DISCUSSED AMERICAN LEGION PLANS ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM Commander States That Program Will Be Similar to Those Given in Previous Years. FOOTBALL AND DANCE TO FOLLOW Tho American Legion plans'this year to follow practically the same Armis tice Day program as in previous years, according to S. A. Maynard, commander of the local Legion. At sunrise mem bers of the American I,egion Drum and Bugle Crops wil be stationed at various places over the town and in the early November morning will sound reveille, calling and challenging the American citizens of 1931 as the same stirring call challenged those Ameriflans over there in 1918. At 10:00 o’clock the annual Armis tice Day parade will start with most of the civic organizations participating. This will end up at onq of the theatres where the World War Memorial services will be held. Cal Joyner, of Raleigh, has been secured to outline the address commemorating the valor of the ones who sleep in Flanders Field and those who took up the guard with the war, and held the torch high, and returned. The afternoon scedule includes a foot ball game between Elon and Carolina Freshmen at 2:30 o’clock at the World Wat Memorial Stadium. Following this the day will be brought to a close by a dance at the King Cot ton Hotel. CHEMISTRY CLASS VISITS N. C. P. S. COMPANY J. F. Curtiss, superintendent of the gas plant of the North Carolina Public Service Company, escorted Miss K. Jones’s Chemistry II class through the plant in connection with their present studies. During the visit, Mr. Curtiss explained the functions of each machine in the production of coal gas, water gas, and tar. The North Carolina Student Council Congress representing schools from North Carolina met in the library of Greensboro high school, October 23 and 24, 1931. Dr. Myers, of the First Presbyterian church, rendered the invocation, after which the assembly sang “America. Jack Nowlin extended a welcome, and immediately following this a response by James Brunt. Organization was discussed and dif ferent schools suggested many forms, two of which were: (1) Main Council de up of the officers, class officers, and standing committee chairmen, and a House of Representatives composed of home room chairman and reporters. (2) A council made up of officers, stand ing committees and representatives 1 each session room. Reduction Will Affect Every School Child in City System. NO OFFICIAL REPORT YET Possible 20 Per Cent Additional Cut in Teacher’s Salaries Pius 10 Per Cent Already Made. In the past the Greensboro school sys tem has attempted to give everything and above the requirements, that it was possible to do. This year it is under a state system in which the state furnishes the funds for running the schools for the first six months. The money is furnished for the remaining time by the city and county. Power Given Board Power was given to the equalization board at the laat legislature to super local budgets. The official written notification of the $66,856 additional t^e budget over the $80,000 re duction already made by the board, re sulting in a total reduction of about $146,000, had not been received. In other words, the budget for the last three months of school may be cut in half. May Cut Curriculum The following is a supposition of what piay happen if the cut is officially made: 1. Reduction of the term to seven and one-half months, which would also necessitate an additional 20 per cent reduction in teachers’ salaries, which al ready have been cut 10 per cent. 2. Dismissing approximately 35 teaeh- 's and workers, eight of which would be taken from the high school. This would increase the teacher load by four or five pupils per class and a complete re-assignment of students. 3. The elimination of telephone serv ice, or the total health budget, leaving that task to the city or unprovided for. The elimination of all special sub jects. These include the following; music, glee club, art, home economies, manual training, mechanical drawing, journalism, creative English, com plete business course, sociology, cur rent problems, economics, creative chemistry, nature study, trigonometry, college algebra, solid geometry, and all physical education. 5. The abandonment of the night school, in which there are 1,000 regis tered students. Students Must Help It is up to the students now. If they want to cut out the most interesting courses in school, the classes that re lieve the monotony of everyday read ing, writing, and ar'tthmetie, or if they want just seven and a half months of school, so that they would be. obliged to take examinations to enter any col lege, it is up to them to say so. If they want the advantages, however, of a wider education, if they want to become better citizens of the United States when they have finished their school training and be able to follow with in telligence the problems of their country, or if they appreciate what the school authorities have done in placing the present curriculum at their disposal, it is now time for them to show gratitude. Co-operation Needed They must work shoulder to shoulder ill saving time, obeying rules, and co operating with their teachers in the time that is given them. They must speak up and say where they stand in this crisis which wil! affect every child in the city schools. Also they must stand by the administration in their effort to maintain the standards that they already have. At 6:45 P. M. a banquet was held the cafeteria of the high school. Dur ing the serving of the courses, the school orchestra rendered a great a ber of favorite pieces. After the banquet, the president called a business session. Dr, Howard Rondthaler, president of Salem college, spoke on one’s future vocation, stress ing especially that the prime purpose ■of education is to Iparn and discover s self. A representative from Hugh Munson high school began with the topic, .“Social Affairs.” With the help of suggestions from other schools the following kinds of socials were men tion: parties or teas for freshmen and new pupils, parties and entertaimnents for Junior-Senior, home room social af fairs and dances (not sponsored by the school.) Needham Broughton school brought .up the subject of Discipline. There was quite an argument, with pros and cons- as to whether the student council should or should not discipline the stu dents. They discussed ways of handling those who are found guilty of cheat ing, stealing, or any other crime. The Student Congress suggested having honor campaigns, inspirational speak ers, and honor societies as means to eliminate these crimes. The Student Congress attended the last session Saturday morning to elect officers. They elected Katherine Met calf. of Raleigh, president; Hughes Scott, of Greensboro, vice-president, and Jane Ross, of Charlotte, secretary. Kinston was chosen as the meeting place this t'Lme next year. GUY B. PHILLIPS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF N. C. E, A. Group Discusses Financial Difficulties of State School in Meeting Held in Winston-Salem. S. MARTIN SPEAKS TO TEACHERS Guy B. Phillips, superintendent of the city schools, was elected president of the Northwestern District of N, C. B. A. at the annual convention held at Winston-Salem October 23-24. Failure of the North Carolina general assembly to “secure a sufficient sum of money to establish standards sufficiently high to assure a minimum essential of the school system” was discussed and sev eral resolutions concerning this matter were adopted. Included in the resolutions adopted is the statement “whenever state sup port can become actual, many problems will be solved, but as long as it remains theoretical the schools will suffer.” The teachers were firm in demanding pro visions from the state to carry on “a wider program of work in music, art, industrial arts, physical education, health, or any other activity in line with the educational work of the stu dents.” The meeting was concluded with a talk by Santford Martin, editor of the Winston-Salem Journal, on “The Press and Education’s Dividends.” The next meeting wil! be held in GreSnshoro in the fall of 1932.

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