r -■ - -0 o 0 Our Advertisers Will Appreciate HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry Your Early Christmas Shopping VOLUME XIV GREENSBORO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., DECEMBER 3, 1937 NUMBER 6 GIRLS’INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL GAMES GET UNDER WAY Miss Mozelie Causey, Director, Will Name the Varsity Team at End of Class Games. AWARDS GIVEN WINNERS Girl Athletes Will Give Radio Program Wednesday Night at 7:45 Over WBIG. The girls’ intramural basketball games began last week under the direc tion of Miss Mozelie Causey. At the end of the class games, Miss Causey will name the varsity team. Also a basketball aAvard Avill be given each member of the rvinning team. The results of the games already played are: Team Class Victor Homey vs. Schenck. ..Soph Homey Beeker vs. Whitt. . .Jr.-Soph.. . .Beeker Ellett vs. Bostic Sr.-Soph Ellett Troxler vs. Be Vane. .Junior. .De Vane Homey a’S. Tanker. .Soph.-Jr.. . .Homey The “Round Robin” system is being used. In this each team plays every other team before the tournament is over. The Girls’ Athletic association, under the supervision of Miss Causey, Avill have charge of the radio program, Wed nesday night, December 8, at 7:45. The subject is “The Athletic Girl in -Hex.,Place in Her School.” New Instructor at G. H. S. EDUCATOR REQUESTS DATA CONCERNING HERO OF REVOLUTION Request Comes From New Jer sey for Photo of Statue of Brave Francisco. MR. EDWIN HUME HUME SUCCEEDS MATHIS AT G, H, S. Will Also Take Over Classes of Manual Training at C. J. H. S. IS GRADUATE OF STOUT CAROL SERVICE TO BE STAGED DECEMBER 12 Under Direction of Bachtelle, Hall, Van Noppen, and Brietz, at Carolina Theatre. DRAMA CLASS TO STAGE PAGEANT The Christmiis pageant, sponsored by the Greensboro City Schools, under the direction of Mrs. Baehtell, Miss Lottie M'all, Miss Charlotte van Noppen, and Mr. Raymond Brietz, Avill be given De cember 12, at the Carolina Theatre, and AAUll replace the animal Scout presen tation. Characters chosen from the members of the IModeiii Drama class and the Playmasters Avill present five scenes in tableau form, and ihe music, before and during the production, is to be furnished by the tAvo junior schools and the Senior High Glee clubs seated on the stage. A feAv familiar carols 'will be sung by angels, supplied by the primary and grammar grades. These plans are subject to later changes. — GREENSBORO GIRL WINS DRAMATIC SCHOLARSHIP Ruth Morrison, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Morrison, of 25 Vine street, Greensboro, Avas recently chosen, from approximately 100 applicants, for a sec retarial position, AAdiich has enabled her to attend the Theodore Irving School of Dramatics in Ngaa' York Citjn Ruth Avas accompanied on her irip north by Miss Burke, dramatics direc tor of Campbeil’s College, Avliicli she attended last year. Her course con sists of dramatics, fencing, tap-dancing and ballet. Ruth ha.s taken dramatics exten sively for a number of years at Fine Arts and KerenofC Dancing studios, and taught tap-dancing last year at her home. ' Mr.' "I'jii W'fn Y1 Lillib ~rs" rr's'i "i'-p v/iue ticKii- tion to the faculties of Greensboro Senior High and Central Junior High schools. He is relieAdug Mr. Q. E. Mathis of his classes in shop and AA’ood- AA-ork here at G. II. S. in order that Mr. Miathis may be at liberty to super vise the city vocational Avork, of Avhich he is noAv in charge. In addition to these activities, Mr. Iluine has taken OA'er classes at Central Junior High School, relieving Mr. C. E. Coolv, Avho is Avorking AAdth Mr. Mathis in the vocational department. Mr. Iluine Avas formerly of Osseo, Wis.. and is a graduate of StoiLt uni versity. HOWARD MOFFETT RESIGNS FROM COUNCIL Gives Up Duties as Vice-President of Council to Attend Torch light Meetings. Since llOAvard Moffet has resigned his position as vice-president of the Session Room council, in order to at tend the meetings of the Torchlight society, of Avhich he is the president, Marshall Mbrris. president of room 7, has been elected the iieAv leader at the last meeting. The council A’Oted to raise funds in order to join the national organization of student bodies, and Aunis Hines gave a report on the State Student Council congress. GLEE CLUB PRESENTS TWO PUBLIC PROGRAMS The boys' quartet and the mixed chorus of Senior High's music depart ment have both recently appeared in pul)lic programs. The quartet, com posed of Frank Barrett, Herman Smith, Sam Allred, and Sam Breeden, Avas pre sented in a program at Central Junior High School on Wednesday of last Aveek, and the mixed chorus sang in a program at Ayeock school yesterday. HUCKS TO TAKE PICTURE Mrs. Smith, of History Department, Is Compiling Useful Information About Warrior. From out the pages of Revolutionary history steps one Francisco, an Amer ican giant AA’lio “killed; eleven British ers AA'ith his broad sAvord” in the Bat tle of Guilford Court House, to claim once again recognition for his loyal and gallant services in the' American Revolution. Mr. F. W. Ix)S0, Avell knoAvn NeAV Jersey educator, has Avritten to Mr. A. P. Routh requesting a picture of the monument to Francisco AA'liicli stands on the Geiilford Battle Ground, as AAmll as any other information concerning the dashing AA'arrior. The letter has been turned OA'er to Mrs. Blanche Smith, of the history department, who is noAv compiling all the' data she can find. Mr. Hucks is making arrange ments for the picture, Avhich Avill be sent to Mr. Loso as soon as possible. G. H. S. STUDENTS ATTEND -Sfta.4UTJmmSll£EI Spence and Herbert Place In Ouill and Scroll Contest QUILL AND SCROLL TO HAVE WBIG PROGRAM J'he O. Henry chapter of the Quill and Scroll society Avill pre sent a broadcast to be heard over- radio station 'SVBIG Tuesday, De- eemher 7, at 11:30 a. m. Cassie Kernodle, president of the club, Avill preside over tire pro gram, Avbiclr is to be giverr by mem bers only. The broadcast Avill con- ,sist of rrmnerorrs origirral poetry arrd prose selections, to be read by Rrrtlr O'Conrror, Jean Berbert and Larrra Speirce. SeA^eral violirr solos Avill be played by Marty Cock- field, arrd Catheriire Paris aaTII ren der orre vocal solo, “Beautiful Dreamer,” by Stepherr Poster. DEBATERS TO HEAR LOCAL ATTORNEYS Lawyers Will Give Discussion of Triangular Debate Subject. 5 GROUPS WILL TRY OUT Representatives Go to Burlington, Kan napolis, and Salisbury for Conferences. HoAvard Moffett, chairman of the Social Standards Day of G. H. S., Maribelle Guin, Nosco LeAvis, Rhea Sykes, and Mrs. Blanche Smith recent ly attended the Social Standards con ference of the Burlington High School. The theme of the Burlington High conference Avas “Behave Yourself,” and their keynote speaker Avas Mr. C. W. Phillips. Miss Mary Ellen Blackmon, Miss Moser, and Miss Harbison Avent to Kannapolis Tuesday to assist in the formulation of plans for the Kannapolis High School’s Social Standards con ference. Miss Harbison, AA’hose brother is the principal of tlmt school, and Miss Moser gave their reactions, as neAV teachers, to the rece'iit conference held at G. H. 8. Senior High has also been invited to be represented at the Social Stand ards conference of the Boyden High School of Salisbury, aa-McIi avIII be held today. A demonstratWe discussion, on the triangular debate subject of “Resolved, That the SeAmral States Should Adopt a Unicameral System of Legislation,” Avill be the main feature of the semi- monthlv meeeting of the Debating club, |V IWiWI l* IS Two NATION - WIDE Students Are Prominent in Creative Work in English. 3 TYPES OF COMPETITION Editorial, Current Events, and Vocabu lary Forms Are Featured. to be held Wednesday, December 8, in the court room of the post office at 7:30 o’clock. The speakers AAdll be Sidney Stern, Jr., Beverley Moore, Jack Kleemeier, Jr., and Rufus Reynolds, prominent young attorneys of Greensboro. Although this debate Avill be of spe cial interest to members of the Debat ing- club, any member of the faculty or student body Avho Avonld find a dis cussion of this sort entertaining is Avelcome. Regular try-outs for places on the school debating team, AAdiich Avill par ticipate in the state triangular debate on this subjc'ct, AAdll be held December 15. Miss Mozelie Causey, coach of the team, Avill superAuse these attempts, and will select Iavo other members of the faculty to assist her in judging the A'arious arguments. Readers Chosen for Pageant Charles LeAvis and John Trnitt have been clio.sen to read the scripture for the annual Christmas pageant, wdiicli is alAvays given by the students of Semester 7. Practice dates have been set as December 7, 14, and 16. Laura Spence and Jean Berbert, both of the advanced journalism group at G. II. S., received honorable men tion in the National Quill and Scroll contest held here recently in the journalism class. Jean Berbert, Avho is a capable editorial Avriter and Avho has recently been named associate copy editor of High Ltfe, Avon recognition in the essay section of the contest. Laura Spence, Avho ha.s held the position of copy editor for the past tAvo years on the staff of High Life, and Avho has proA’ed to be an invaluable member oi both the journalism and creatWe Eng lish classes, receWed honorable inen- rion in the section of the contest Avhich dealt with current events. The third section of the contest con sisted of a list of vocabulary words Avhich included such Avords as maun der, incubus, baroque, syne, etc. There Avere no Greensboro Avinners in this section of the contest and very few nation-Avide winners. A few of the topics for editorials comers,” “The ‘Big Apple’ Is a Small Potato,” “Thankful WM Are,” and “Well! Well! So Charley McCarthy Has Come to Senior High,” which was the topic that Jean chose for her edi torial. The current eAmiits contest held some difliciilt qnestioixs and took a great deal of thought to answer them. A feAV are as folloAvs: If Harry Hopkins heads the IVPA, Avho heads the PML4? What is the significance of Minorca and Ma jorca in European politics? and Who is the Governor General of Canada, and for Avhat has he been famous in the past? PLAYMASTERS TO GIVE ‘ALICE-SIT-BY-THE-FIRE’ The Tuberculosis Town Grier Rings His Bell The Community-Minded Boy and Girl Will Heed His Cry The Cheerful Toavii Crier is the sym bol of the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Campaign this year. He is ringing his bell! IVill yon heed his cry? Realizing that Senior High students are citizens of their country, the ToAvn Crier Avishes to give you some impor tant neAvs. Ah 1 Hear the tinkle of his bell. Stop! Listen! He speaks! “Hear ye, all ye students of Senior High. I am the Health Symbol of jmur city's Tuberculosis Christmas Seal campaign. I am your community Love Scab By using me instead of commer cial seals on yonr Christmas packages and cards yon can ‘kill Iavo birds Avith one stone.’ U.sed on jmnr Christmas packages and cards, I Avill carry all the season's greetings to yonr friends, and AAdth the money yon spend to buy me, I will carry financial aid to unfortunates stricken Avith tuberculosis in your com munity. My fund is also used to pre vent this treacherous disease, in that comnmnity workers examine eA^ery member of a family or household Avhere there is tuberculosis. This AAdse fore sightedness, on the part of your com- innnity leaders, glA-es you boys and girls protection from this dreaded disease among yonr fellOAV students. Hear ye, tlien, boys and girls! ShoAV yonr good citizenship by buying my Tuberculosis Christmas Seals! And noAV I bid ye fareAvell, Avishiiig you a Merry Christmas and hoping yon Avill buy and buy my seals.” By AIRS. R. HARRY LEWIS. James Barrie, Author of Play, Was Acclaimed Foremost Dramatist of His Time. “Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire,” a nineteenth century comedy, by the late Sir James AI. Barrie, is the play Avhich has been chosen by the Playmasters for their first semester production. This partic ular play is noted for its Avit and satire. The late Sir James Harrie was con sidered, by several critcis, as the fore most English dramatist of his day. Altiny of his later plays Avere written for Afaiid Adams, Avho Avill always be remembered for her portrayal of Pan in “Peter Pan.” Probably tAvo of Barrie’s best knoAvn Avorks are The Little Minis ter and “Quality Street,” Avhich haA^e been produced in the movies. Roland LeAvis says the folloAving of Barrie: “All the little Avhimsicalities, sentiments, little loves, and heart-long ings of human beings are present in his plays. . . . lie appeals to the emo tions, rather than the intellect. He continues the romantic ti-adition in English drama and gives ns plays that are Avholesome, tender, and human. And with all this, he has the added saving grace of a most absorbing humor.”