1 A May Luck Be With You Always HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Pirthplace of O. Henry Class of Nineteen Thirty-Eight VOLUME XIV GREENSBORO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., MAY ■il, 1938 PEARSON ELECTED HIGH LIFE EDITOR FOR FALL SEMESTER NEW STAFF OFFICERS Seniors Present Pageant .number 16 Other Staff Appointments Are to Be Announced Next Fall. NEWTON BUSINESS HEAD I'aiil Pears^tiii. asisociale editor of Ilioir r.iFF;. has bocii chdson t(» serve as t‘ditoi'-iii-thi('f of the school iicwspni>er. for the semester heKiimins in Septei bcr. l!»o8. Klizabetli Newton was elected to liead the business staff. The re.st of the staff will be compIeitMl iiexi fall. Paul, who wa.s a 'ainliilate for treas urer of (lie student body in the recently conducted tdections. has served as fea ture editor, an office from wliich he was promoted to that of associate editor tor this semester. He is a member of Guill and Scroll lumorary journali.stic society. ElizalK-tli Avill be taking journalism for the third time when she assumes her duties a.s business maimger. Slie has served this semester on the busi ness staff, and was very efficient. She wa.s recently elected to serve as one of the chairmen for the coming year at the North Carolina Scbola.stic Press in stitute meeting at Chapel Hill. In the school elections, she was chosen vice- president of her semester. — ‘Heart Throbs’ S. Nichols Thai^ tile tith* of a now v,)lnme of OiM'iry s(Kiii to appear in printed form. .1 he aullior? Yon gm'ssed it—none (itlier than Mr. Nicholson, of C. II. S. lenity nmown! OviT !\ period of several years, :\Ir. iciiolsoii iias been writing pindry. and fh(‘ n'ceiilly determined to have the "mplete volunu' of Ins verse published. ■■'i’hen I'll autograph them like any tiler eelehrity.” he stated modestly and give tliem to my friends.” ■''' " Congrariilations, Mr. Nicholson: r. 11. S. is proud of you.’ YATES CHAIRMAN Is Divided In Ei)>ht Scenes; Miss Mitchell Is Chairman of F.iculty Advisers. 319 SENIORS “SKIP” CLASSES TODAY Breakfast at Masonic Temple, Bowling, Theatre, Feature Day’s Activities. Paul Pearson, ueiv editor of High Life for the fall seinesle® 11938, .NEW PpiISYSTEM is^ shown ahovo as he corrects iii'oof for tlie jiaper while 1 Xewton, newly-elected Imsiuess manager, takes stock of th finances, =(■ izahetli year’s ^In As^Ij Miss Moore Has Charge of the Installation of This Plan. REPORTS ^ lyista Ij inUIy ^ 7^ GIVEN Neither the seniors nor the rest of the student hndy laid realized the near ness of skip day until HID npperclass- itieit of (i. H. S. marched out of the auditorium this morning after present ing the last chapel program of the year. As they tiled out, their seats ;-wev(‘ tilled iiy the incoming seniors of lEd "To extend the advantages ami work of the extra class activities through out the student body and at the same time prevent a few students from I'X- cessive indulgences in these activities is ilie purpose of a point system which is now iK'ing formed at G. H. 8. Miss Ida Belle Moore has charge of the in stallation of this system, which will be used here for tiie first time in a niiiiiher of years. The greatest iniinber of points will he given to the president of the stu- dmit body, and the editor-in-chief and business manager of Hioii Lifp:. Other oHicers will be graded in comparison with these. The time taken and the execution of the duties involved have both been laktii into consideration in the making up of tins point system. Hipp, Retiring President, Inducts iVext Ye.ur’s Student Officers. Hi(;h Life Reve.als Anonymous Writers Heffner Once Nursed By Famous Poet The more one talks with Kutli Heff ner, G. 11. S. senior, the more one learns of her startling career. Ke- cently it was discovered that in her babyhood she was an intimate friend of Carl Sandburg, who lived next door to the Heffners in Arizona. In fact, he quite frequently attended her as a nurse maid because of his appre hension for her safety. His fear was that Euth would fall into the fire, so he spent his time in the Heffner home liolding on to her. Imagine that! The author of “Chicago” tightly clutc-hing the skirts of one Senior High's best students! Tin* installation of new school licm-s wa.s ludd Friday morning dur ing the n'gular assembly itrogram, at which Time Janies Wolfe and his newly- elected cahinet were inducted into otliee by Ed Hipp, retiring president of the student body. Y-arl.v reports from nil student body and committee chairmen were heard along with a summary of work completed l)y both the session loom and the student councils. 'flic -ouneil memliers who were in stalled Friday are as follows: James Wolfe, president: Ed. Grosse, vice- liresiileiit: Ann Sehenek, secretary: Jack P>eliriuan, treasurer; Jane -Mur ray. cheerleader; (Jordon West, repre sentative of semester ei.glit ; L. .M. I'lymer, representative of semester seven: Robert Mc-Vlister, representative of seme.sti'r six : Erances Chisliolm. rep resentative of semester five; and Pur- nclh“ KeniuMly, representative of semes ter four. of NEW BOOKS RECEIVED FOR FALL CIRCULATION Vt last it's out ! Yes, they're really telling all this time. Now that their "dirty work” is done, Ilmir Iufi-i's two anonymous writers are about to be re vealed. ('I'utl Tut! Hon't be so imiialient! It's coming.) -Vll this semester “Eiilu’’ and the autlior of the Scraitbaf/ have been the chief niysti'ides of S'lmior High. \\’Iio would lia\’e guessinl tliat iiK^ek. demure, liltb* Ni'lb* "Dorothy Dix” I'.ookout was answering tlie worried letters of the lovc-lnrii and signing herf^'lf "Luln." -Vnd did aiiyoiK' detect in tlie Scniphaij a faint tmich of the style of Catherim- "Would - P.e - AVineheir' I'arisV Well, hardly. VacAu* and rh/ Ja.'^f which ilicy iiro.i.wc’^scd to the Masonic temple for the senior breakfast. During tin' cour.^e of ll)(‘ day, tiicy will b,> guests of ili(‘ Carolina tlicatcr and tin' bowl ing alley. Miss -Hcpli Ga.son .served as faculty adviser for iTass Day, assisted by Mrs. .Vvery and Virginia Vaclie, student -]iairman. "T'lte Land of the Tong Teaf Pine” is the title of the historical pageant whicli will be pri'si'ntt'd by the .Tune class of Ibd.S ill tb(> (Ireensboro »S‘nior Hi.ith school nudiforiiim, at 8 o'clock, Tbur.^day night. d'his colorful eight-.seeiie of North Carolina will iiortray “the struggles and aeeomplisliinents of pioneer and philosopher, of farmer and industrial ist, of writer and statesman, of educa tor and scientist.” Tlie march on ward to greater lieights, the explora tion of new nmlni.s, and the prepara tion for a greater tomorrow will vividly -Umnx the pioneer’.s spirit of progress. Synopsis of Scones Scene one, "'J'he Tost Colony,” will deiuet the spirit of adventure of che Engli.sh colonists who laid i.lie founda tion for tlie .settlement of the new world. .V ^Moravian love feast in old ’Wach ovia will be the highlight of (he “Ke- ii.giou.s Devotion of the Early Settlors*’ in scene two. At the ri.Miig of the eurfaiii. North Carolina will play her part in the struggh' for imh'iK'iidenee. "Eouiuliiig the University of North Carolina, scene four, stresses the eni- lihasis put oil education by the early seq^evs, and fcatnr('s the laying of the CHIBS ELECT OFFICERS FOR COMING SEMESTER PENNEKAMP PASSES COLORS TO'41 CLASS Feature of Class Day Eroifram Is Cherished Tradition of G. H. S. Horn,aday Wins Debate Presidency; Webb, (iuiil and Scroll; .McJver, Torchlight. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR FORMER TEACHER Routh to Bogin Ph.D. Mr. A. P. Eouth will begin work on his doctorate at the summer session of New York university this year. -An order of 1”.“) now liooks, valued at 8-00, is expected in the library soon and will he ready for circulation whi'ii sclmol opeii.s in the fall. Mrs. Hall slated tliat the majority of tlicse books have been asked for by teachers. Some of these whicli will be of Tlu' most int(‘rcst to s(iid(‘iits are: Assit/iiiuciif in rtojnu. by Tyon: Mciitorics of Afi/ JAfr. Sarali Bern- lianlt ; ifonfcssions of .la .letor, Barry more : and, None ShoU J.ook Back, a novel by (.’aroline Gordon, or ilrs. Al- hm Tate, who is now an instructor at the Woman's college. 'I'he Pedagogue Garden club, of wliii-h -Miss Tily Walker is president, licld a memorial service P'r Miss Mary Mc- Nairy on the plot lietwceii tlm Main and science buildings EriJiiy at p. m. .Miss Alary Morrow prosonted the cherry trees which were planted ihcie last fall in memory of Miss McNair}, a ftirmer member of G. H histoi} deiiarniK'iit, to the school, while Mi. Eouth accepted them. To oonohKle tlie service, Ur. Cliarlcs F. -Mjers. jiastor of the First Presby terian eliiu'oli. made a brief talh- Copies of Masazine Bequested Mrs. Hall lias re(|iiestbi tliat aiij- one rvl.o has iiuished with copies of Xational Geosrapliic iiiagazi.ies prior to I'.llH donate them to the librai} , a .so the -opies for will lie greatly appreciated. These TIirc.‘ nf til!' mo.-t- outstanding clubs in G. II. S. elc'-tcd tiieir olliccrs for next -'cn)est(‘r reccntl.v. Hi'ading tin? list ar‘ the following new oflicers of 'rcrciiligbt: Hobart M-Keevcr, jiresi- df'iit : IJIi Deaton, vici'-iiresidciit: Gray .Mills High, si'cretary; and AVileman Elily. trcasur(-r. .laiH* Wetib received the presidency of (inill and Scroll, wliile Janet (’amp- bell and Paul Pearson are to be vice- president and seciT'tary ; P. B. Comer, tri'asiii'cr. Tile Ih'liatiug club elected Martha Ilornaday, pr*sideiit; Sara (Jornelius, vice-president: Edwin Booth, secretary; Ja''k Bclirmaii. treasurer; and Bruce Wall, parlianietitarian. MISS HENRI ETTA LEE TO SERVE ON COMMITTEE Miss Henri Etta Te‘, lioad of the irt di'iiartment of this scliool, has re cently received a letter from the Na tional .Vlliance of Art and Industry of New York city, (jf which she is a mem- lK*r, intiting her to serve on a com mittee to tak(* jilans for tlie PiJO ex hibition of arts ill th(! design fi*ld. 'Plie exliiliit will ineliide grajihic arts, tex tile designs, and industrial designs. Elfrieii PeniH'kamp, jin'sidi'iit of tlie .liiiK', 15»;!8 graduating ela.ss, togilher Willi two other seniors, pas.sed the colors on |o tin' repre.senlatlves of the ineoining ela.ss of 1P41 from the three .lunior Higli seliools at the Class day program this morning. In giving the colors, Elfrii'd made lli(‘ following tradifioiial spet'ch : "^^■|le^ a knight of old wi'iit to a tournament, Ik' wori' on his sh'iive a token from his lady lov'; to the s])ec- laior it was merely a bit of ribbon for the ein! of a scarf, but to him it syiii- liolized the hleals of knlglilIioihI. "So to ns, fin; i-Iass of 1P;»S, these knots of ribbon -gold and blue, lairjjJe- and gold-- symbolize the liigli idetils of Greensboro High scliool. "While llu'y stand often for dis- coiiragemeiii, tliey also stand for hard \i'ork that Jead.s to achievement; for iin.('lfisli devotion to duty; for love of wisdom: for friendships that endure front youth to ag('. "Tliey stiuid for something greater and finer Diaii any of us—for the best that is ill all of us. "'J’ake them, class of 11)41, and hold llnin high in loyalty and devotion.” HIGH LIFE WILL ENTER TWO CONTESTS IN JUNE Hiofi J.iie jilaiis to eiiE'r two con tests tills spring; the ()uill and Scroll, whicli is not compefitivi', as it offers only a constructive critical survey, and the Hudk* cuii contest sponsori'd an- iiuiilly by Tlie LTiiversity at CiiajM'! Hill. 1 f^iS As graduation Feature ^ M .. 'i 4 » • » • • • .