Hf^'pl&niher 2o, HIGH IJFE l*aje Three -1 Palestine School Boy Tells of Life in Holy Land “I(,’h bl)^, blit, Ki'iuid !” hIiiI,(‘(J Clint,on, tlio tnoro yniKbrnl of tboHo YnntiHH t)oyH, wbon iinoHtionod idiont, biw iin- lin^HHlonH of lit'*' lit, (jt. n. S., t.lilM w‘(‘l. Alvin, I bo old(>r of t.bo I vvo brotliorH wbo bn VO Jn.st, inovi'd t o t.tdH oonnt ry from t,ii^ Holy fyiind, wnH pri'Minilod to tin* Ht.ndmit, tiody in obniiol lids wi'ok wlion tio inndo nn ont.ortnininx inll on lifo nniofiK llio ArntiH nnd \ow IIioii LiI'K (^ivoH yon Clinton in Ids llrHt, Intorviow in Amorion, ins tns tidlK of Honii' of tin* ldjli hjmiI.h of ids nd vinit nroiiM on l•(‘or. “My first, ton yours,” doolnri'd fin* n(‘Woomo)', “wor‘ siiont; in .rtn-nsnloni wboro I wns tiorn. Lnti'r, bowov'or, w' mov(“d to Hnifn, I'nl(‘sf,in('’s inn in si^n- port. “Idvinj^ in lb“ Holy I/nnd I, of ooiirsi', visit,od most, of fJio pinoos mmdionod in tin' I'dtilo. Fr‘piontly w(* spend, mnny lovi'ly dnys swimming; in tin* Denid Sou nnd I lio Son of (Jnliloo. [{oliovi' it, or not, l,lion^l), i lonrmnl l,o swim in llio pool of lli(‘ tliH'st; V'. M. C. A. in llio weirld tlio ono in ./(‘rnsnlom. "I finvo livod tlironj'li t.wo s“V(“r; on rl Ininnkos Jind ii sooro of riofs l>o- I woon llio Arnlis nnd tlio .lows wldoli lin\d oooiirnnl sinoi* l!)2l, nnd, nltboiif^li I nni fond of I’nl(‘slino, I n,ni bnppy l,o b(‘ li(‘ro in Amorion for my llrsl visit;.” Wdion (pi(‘st,ion‘d nboni; Ids nol,ivili(‘S elnriiif' tin* riots, Clint,on roplieni, “Wo nsiinlly wont ynolilin/^ Hion, ns it, wns ninoli snfin- to bo nwn.v from Innd ! Hnifn lins n K>'>winK ynicli oliili, nnd nil llioS(‘ wlio enin, bolonj? f,o it.” in oemolnsion, Clinl,on stnleni Hint, ids fnndly iind rotnrnoii l,o Annndon for i>nsin(‘ss nnd odiionlionnI nnisons. Clin ton, wlio Is n nojiiiow of IVIrs. Ci'rlrndo VV'yolio, nnd n oonsin of Mrs. Nediloi itovvo .ioiH'S, is rosidinj; nl, I.'17 Norlli l']lni sfro(>l. ■ FORMER G.H.S. TEACHER TO SPEAK AT SENIOR ♦ Kotx'rt, Wnnsob, of Itinolc Monninin 'oll(‘^‘, fornii'r C. H. S. fnonlly mmii- fior, will sponk nl, llio Ibij^lisli nusdinj' of lli(> i\orl liwost,(‘rn d'onotiors miM'liii}' to Ik* li(‘ld nl. Senior IIioii se-liooi ()*l)- lior LM. 'I'Ids nnnoiiiK'Oinonl, wns inndc* W'odnosdiiy by Miss I’ileo, wlio is prosi d(‘nt of IIk* I'iiiKlisli /.;ronp. lio is llio nnllioi* of tin* I(>,\IIk)oIv iisi'd in llio pr(‘Sonl Cr*nlivo iOn^lisli oonrso 'nll(‘d, HhnHcx I it ('rciil'vrc Wriliitn. W'ldlo n nionilior id’ tin* I'iiiKlisli do pni'InK'iil Ik'I'o, Ik* iinniod Hoiiwhihih, llio nniKii^diK* (‘dilod by llio lbi;,?iisli oinssos. lio also nssislod llio sinff of lliosoliool iK'WSiin|)or, llinii I.ii'k. .Xl'li'r l(‘;i\in)i: Ih'I'o 111* wns n inoinlior of iiol lins oolli'Ko, ill! (‘.Nlri'inoly pro^^rossivo soliool in W'inlor i’nrle, i^’ln. Ho lli(‘n woni, fo Idnol: Monninin ooIIoki*, h •» opi'rn I i\’(‘ soliool wlioro I in* st ndonls nnd fnoiilly do nil llio work. I B. (1 Moork & Sons I .n 11) IS S. lOlni SI. Tahtets and Notebook I Paper, 2 for 5c I'''iill si/.(‘ Miliv Slinki's will] loo Cronin nnd Mnll ndd(*d Ido .Ml Idnds (d’ Sniidwiclii's Ido McNkhly’s Dru(; 7 IS W. .Mnrk(‘l, SI . J ^adies^ and (jcnt’s Ready-to-Wear Open a Charge Account H. & H. CJ.OTHING CO. I.dl S. I>nvi(> St root. YantifiH ft rot hers Telt of Palestine • • I’ioliirod nbovi* nn* Alvin Ynnllss, l(‘fl, oxplnininn: tlio “Holy Lnnd” to Horoltiy Ih'iidri.x, oonf(*r, while Clint:on ^'nnliss, ri«lit,, loonl,os fine inl(>r‘Sl,inK oily of .lornsnli'in on the mnp. SIXTEEN APPOINTED TO CAFETERIA COMMITTEE Ito^inniiiK Mondny, S('pfombor 2(1, lifts, lli> onlolorin, oommiff(*> will l)0 ns follows: Xormn, Lomnn, Myron Cnf^lo, Itill L(‘onovn, Cbnrlii* MoAdoo, Mnr- o(‘ll(‘ Curl is, Kniliryn Itrnlon, Clifford .\ln 11 li(‘ws, I’nrks Slnl(*y, .loee Clonn, Cordon Wi'sl, Clinrios Androws, Mnry Itollo Mnrsli, .limniic* .Milliknn, Itoborf, I'lldy, Annio Honn ''I’lioke'r, nnd Frnnlc Hid Ion. d’lne on foforin, oonindl l,(>(' will bi* o.\'- onsod from oinss livi* ndnnl,*s onrly in ord(*r to Ik* llironf;li (“nlin^ wlion lln* tioll ring's. If slndi'iils will oo- opornd* willi lln* *nfol‘rin, oonindl l,(‘(‘, llio K'ronp will npprooinlo il, v(>ry ninoli. Aluuijis h'irsl to >S7/d'd; Ike Nrieest Hr; ITY Ia)IJ I Ia 1 Siioi'i'ii I2(i S. IMiii SI. i -jiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiiHMiHimiMiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiinMiiiiiitMiiitniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHii 1 u'iiiiiiiiiMMMiiiMiniiinniiHiiiiiiiirMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHnMMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii« Save At KRESS ii amilHIIIIIIIIlllllKIIIIMlimillMIIIIIMIMMininnilllllHIItllllllllllllllllMMMMMIIIMHIIlHINIHMMIMri 3 iHIliHMIlilHIIIIlHnilllllllinMIlllltMIIIHMMIIIIIIIilininilllHIIIIUIIIMIMIIIMMMIIIIHIilllllllintllllMIMR ■ MUIIIMMIMinHIinillllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMMMMniblinilllllllMIMMhMIlINHillllllllllll e : 5 3 •1 “ 5 Ii Rodi(*inl)or lo iiiirolinsi* your I ^ ^ 2 ii Sii|)|)li(>s ('prly. Wo I Ii Idivo ;i o'ood woli'ol idti of I SWEATERS, all colors RUSH JACKETS Several Styles LEATHER and SUEDE JACKETS jI and any Athletic Supplies You May Need If*. COBLE Sportincj (joods Co. :m S. Elm Si. i aMiiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiMiHniiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiitMiiiniiiiNiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiMiniiiiiM niii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMMMiMiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuitMMMiiniitnnimiiiiniiiiiiMMiMniiimii wc undersftand .Mrs. I'dnokbnrn, bond of Hn; soionoo dopnrlniont, nnnonnoi'S t,bo uddit.iori of n, now bioloK.y I eduss lo tin; soli(Kjiil;d seven. An ndvnno(‘d nnt nn* study class, oom- jiosod mostly of smiiors, lins b(‘on ofKnnizod willi nn nnnsnni onrollmont; .\(*w sori'i'iis and doors linv'o boon in- slnllod for tin* homo ooonornios di'finrf,- nn'iit in room 17. .VIr. Stnnb'.v .Johnson npjioinU'd a oonindll(‘0 of study ball standards oom- fiosod of Miss Illaokmon, .Miss Moon? nnd Mrs. Ibilts. 'riK* Latin (b'liarl.mont; now lias l,bn‘? fnll-tini(‘ l,onob(!rs, as Miss Willie; Hall Kiv>s bor (‘nliro time l,o Ibis work. Honri Lt:l,n, Lee*, art l,‘aob(>r at C.H.S., bad S(;V('rnl honors bostow;d tpion b(*r in art, this snnim(;r, ns njinouno(*d b.y |{‘n L. Smith. She; was ('b;ot(;d to monibeirsbip in the; Nalienial Alliance of Art, and Industry, n,nd was also nsk(;d to eixldbit b{;r work at SI. I'aul, .Minn,, CldonMlo, III., nnd Harre;, Vt., in oonnoedion with the nio(*l,inf? of the; Al- linn(;*. MUSH FEIN’S •Jewelry Go. .X(‘X|; to .\nlionnl Tboatre* DIAMONDS - WATCJIIES .1 EWELRY expert Watch, Hepairinf NEW TRAFFIC OFFICERS NAMED BY BLACKMAN I’lio fedlowinj^ have* lK*(*n ai)j)oint(;d ns trntlio ollioi'rs by Mr. .John Jtlack- ninn, faculty chairman for tlio traliic oonindl,t(;(‘: Arthur .lobnson. Hill Lloyd, V(*rnon Litton, Fldilii) Arcbe;r, Ceiorj'e; Fowb'r, I’rank U(K*b‘llo, .1. Van Myeirs, (Uinrle's Hill, Hill (,'ox, David Fiske;, .ledin \’onll,(‘S, Hill Stone*, V. (J. We;lke;r, .lne;k ’riiemins, Irvinj' Steiwart, .leibn Host, Knlpli 'li;ninions, nnej Howarel Allniel. d’be*y nre* tei be* e*xe:use;el two ndnute*s be*fe)re; the; be*ll in orde*r to l^ot to tbe*ir peisis. ■•*««**«**»*«*»«»*«**««*«**»**«***«««*«**#******«*«**»**«**«**«**«« Smartest Clothes feir tlie Smartest Boys Come to See Us TURNER’S CLOTHING COMPANY 227 S. Elm Si. 4 'I'ODAY A.NI) SA’rilHDAY Come All You Jitterhiujs! On Staj^e in Person “JITTERBUG JUBILEE” 2d - HEOHLE — 20 On Screen “BULLDOG DRUMMOND IN AFRICA” NATIONAL ■a ii VANSTORY’S STUDENT SHOP Is nil se*i. lot' yeuif |■e‘e(llit■e*me‘llis lor I lie* se-lieiol se*nse)ii. Yeiii’ll limi 1 l■(*m(‘llele)llH jLsseiri tm*nls eiT e‘ve*ryi li itio' lluii siiiel(*iils \V(*nr, si*le*e‘i,e*el vviili I lie* iilmeisi e-nre*, in IIk* iie*vve*si stylos nml me)ele*ls, ntiel as always -- ieip ejiinlily ai moe|(*rnlo |)rie‘e*s. Ii Studenfs Slacks I]ve*ry ne*v\’ ()nti(*rii, slri|)(*, atiel e'lie'e-k yem e'nn iliiiik eif— iwe*e*els, we)rsle*els, tiiiel e-assi- me're'S till imiele* vviili |)l(*;iis finel /ippe*!* IVemts. SI/,e*s up lei 22 wtiisi, lem**' le*nji;i,li,S'— New l^all Sweaters .Mtiele* liy Colali'ua, McCrep- (jor, ICifihu, plain sliaele*s vviili e're*vv ne*i‘ks—riill /Ippe'r* siyieis —tinel nmny ivvei-leme* e-emihi- nnlions—Sizes up iei 42 e-liost. Special Uiph School SawoUers ii -in eilel f«'e)lel,” e-ri'W ne;e‘k ii siyie* litiliy Slnike'f siiie'li- ;i2 p, 42—iti2!).7. STUDENT’S SHOP VoiiAlonf r i P I I mm MEZZANINE ii Meyer s Presents A Fashion Goal for the Game Saturday lake our new plaid jackets for only 7.98 . . . nnel you’ll leive* Hie* e*bissie; lin(*s . . . Hie* 2-l)iitteni nit)pe;el- in wjiist . . . the* Inr^e; jintoli pe)e*ke*ls . . . bronel slie)ulele*rH. J’eie), tlie*y’re* lnile)re*el eif re)nji;li t,we*e;els in lie*nve*nly e-olors pe*rfe*e;lly iile*nel(*el . . . blne*s! Itnsts! Ceilels! \\'ine*,sl . . . ,si'/.e*,s 12 lo 20. and our rabbit’s hair skirts ^ a “buy” for 3.98 Uiydil in Hie* swines of fn.sliieni . . . willi S a:or(*.s llinl tin re* nl the* lie*niline*. Zipp(*r iilnoke*!. (1 {•ores vvoeil lie'rrin^^boin* slie'llnnel style*, leiei! HIne-le, dnrie }>re*(*n, Hei.v blue*, vv'ine*, rn.sl: ... 21 to :!0. vet* V- 4 .... / ./ and add to them a satin shirt a “wow” ‘I 2.98 ’i'nileiroel of pure* el.ve* sillc sniin by n ni(*irs shirt ninke*r vvliei kneiws tile* I rie-k eif innkinc; Hie* e*ollnr He*t just rifijlil. Slile-li(*d e'eillnr :niel front pnne*l. W'liile*, rose*, lirown, riisl, blne-lv nnel be*iae*. .“>2 to Id. Sport Simp Se'coiid Floor

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