Page Four HIGH LIFE April 17, 1942 GREENSBORO TO MEET BURLINGTON TODAY Two Unbealen Nines In Conference Clash; To Feature Aces Tlie two ontst(iii(ling teams in the AVcstoi'u conference i>lay this afternoon wlien Coach Stanley (Jahho) Johnson takes liis Purple Wliirlwiinis to P>nr- lington for an important same. Followins their very decisive 17-0 vic tory over the Ihwnolds hish school team, the Ore‘nshoro hoys will he after their third straisht conference win asainst the also undefeated Alamance county squad. Pitchers’ Duel Likely P.ecaus(; of the importance of the tilt, the opposins coaches will probably send their mound ac(‘s to th(‘ front in the Sam(>. This will place Harold (Skinny) Brown, who has already proved that he is one of tin' liest in the league, fis the ])itcher for tlu^ Cate City lads against Johnny Sorrell, who now has a familiar face to Creenshoro baseball fans, and who, thus far this season, has blanketed all opposition to Bur lington. Salisbury' Next Foe Followins this important tilt, the Cretmshoro sipiad's next foe will he tJie nine from Boyden hish in Salis bury. It will he the first meetins of the year for the two teams, hut local fans will rememl)er that it wjis the team from that school that wrenched the con ference title from them last year. This same, which is scheduled for next Tuesday, and the followins Stune on Friday with Winston-Salem, will he played here in Creenshoro. The next scheduled same was to he with Central hish of Charlottes hut this sroup has since dropped out of the conference owins to transportation difficulties. Locals Defeat Black Bison 1942 G. H. S. Linksmen *42 Golfing Prospects Good For Spring Links Season 111 AQiin^reiicc u Creensboro’s Whirlwind nine opened its conference bid for baseball by tnninclns Hish Point, its traditional rival. Tuesda.y afternoon at the hish school field, by a score of 9 to 0, in a closely fought game. The turning point came when Wallace Fulton crack- t'd a homer with one mate on board in the sixth inning. In the outstanding frame the locals hit Jim Foxworth, High I’oint hurler, for five runs to put the game on ice. Two more runs in the eighth ended the scoring with the Cate City team on the long end. Wednesday the local nine crushed Guilford high on the local athletic field by a run away score of 20 to 7. Greensboro .lumped on the Guilford twirler from the first inning and never ceased cracking out base blows. Willard Hobbs, lanky first-sacker, poled cut two home runs for the winners and Joe Showfety lashed out a four base blow. Bennett Newell and Hobbs led tlu' b.dting, getting four hits out of five trips to the plate and three for four respectively. New Designs Made By Drafting Students Because of a shortage of designs among junior high school shop stu dents, the vocational drafting class of Senior will make bookends, magazine racks and wbat - knot - stand samples, with new designs on each, for the junior high students, announced David Waltrip, instructor, April 9. «> By EARLK HOLLIDAY Now that spring has arrived in full force, the suhje-t of golf and golfers a pears with (consistency on the lips of Creenshoro high students, and when the school’s team is discussed, the names of Ford Little. Lowrey Stafford, .Tohn Lowdermilk, Bill Taylor and Dec atur Cunningham come up automati cally. The first three of thesei are hold-overs from last year’s great squad, which rang up an impressive string of vie- although players like Roger INlcWauxTi.. Charlie Teague and Glenn McCall, are missing from the roster, form the nu cleus of Coach A. P. Routh’s team. Course Now Available For a time at the beginning of this season, the local linksters found diffi culty in obtaining a course on which to ])ractice and hold matches, but the problem now seems to be partially solved. Most of the players are mem bers of the Greensboro Country club, and if arrangements can be made there for non-members, the remainder of the contests will probably be played there. Although the school has never pro duced any Hogans or Nelsons, it now has a tine group of golfers who make consistently good scores and who are (piite capable of bringing many honors in their game to the alma mater. Kach of the boys possesses the skill, on good days, to match any high school players in the state, and will undoubtedly show up well before the year is over. The pause that refreshes DBINK, tRADE-'MARK Greensboro Coca Cola Bottling Co. Wholesale Fruits When Sick Think of Us We Specialize In Prescriptions McDuffie-Eubanks Drug Company Jefferson Square I’hone 4154 Don’t Stay in the Kitchen to Bake On These Hot Days See—Buy—Try CLEGG’S Butterkrust Bread And Betsy Ross Cakes 862-866 South Elm Street Phone 8862 Three Greensboro Net Stars To Play In State Matches FORI) LITTLE, Bill Taylor, Robert Little and Lowrey Stafford, mem bers of the Senior high golf team. (Staff' Photo by Irwin Smallwood.) lucideiitally, speaking of the same sid)ject hut on a different phase, a girls’ golf team, for the first time in the school’s history, has started a new era in local sports. These girls, under the direction of Miss Doris Hutchinson, have reason to be proud of themselves for their work. Local Art Glasses Make Place Cards I For such occasions as college day celebrations around school, I xxeiiii Ltta Lee s art classes made place cards from copper recently. Students taking part on this project inclnded Joe Rogers, Jerome Hyman, Jane Jlnndy, Frank Kenodle, Horace Finch and Thad Craven. At a meeting of the Children of the Confederacy held April 11 at the home of A’irginia Foster, C. II. S. junior, tlie organization decided to sell flags during the early part of May. Foster-Caveness, Incorporated DeMolay Courier Unit Promotes Seven Boys In the military rank and file of Senior high, comprised mainly of DeMolay Courier unit boys, K. L. Kirkman, G. H. S. alumnus, was promoted to second lieutenant of the unit. Jack Isley, Edgar Sikes and Vincent Wade were elevated to sergeant, announced H. K. White, adviser, Monday. “Three privates will be chosen from the ranks to till the vacant corporals’ positions,” he concluded. The changes are necessary be cause the enlistment of the courier unit has increased by 50 per cent and officers are needed for the new reciTiits. Gym Classes Practice Soltball and Stunts Exciting games of softball in the warm sitting weatlier and rough and tumble relay somersault races in the gymnasium have been' included in the last two week’s schedule of the girls’ physical education classes. In preparation for the ball play, Doris Hutchinson, instructor of the group, taught her classes pitching, catching and batting. The captains, who were appointed by Miss Hutchin son, selected the competing teams. Approximately 42 girls signed up for fundamental and experienced practice in tennis in April 14. The players will report for instruction every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until school closes. Recreational sports including bad minton, ping pong, horseshoes, volley ball and ring tennis will fill the class period.s of tlie girls’ sports department for the remainder of the semester. One pupil in Mrs. Alma Peebles’ typ ing class last week, upon learning that erasures were not permitted, asked, ’Tf we erase so YOU can’t see it, is it all right ?” AYith two matches already played so far this season, the G. H. S. tennis team, coached by G. O. Mann, is sending- three players into the competition at the state tennis matches which started yesterday at Chapel Hill. Representing Senior high in the dou bles will be Emry Green and Joe Cole man, regular one and two men respec tively on the team. Donald Garrett, number four man on the regular team, will carry the banner of G. H. S. into battle for the state singles championship after blasting Bill Cavan, number three man, in an inter team match to determine the player to represent Senior high at Chapel Hill. Wins One Out of Two As for the team’s progress up to the present, it has won one mrt of two matches, trouncing Reynolds, 8-1, and t)owing in defeat before an excellent team from Oak Ridge, 7-2. The only defeat in the AYiiiston match which was suffered by Emry Green was compensated by his brilliant per formance in the tussle with the much- favored number one man of Oak Ridge. He defeated the cadet, 6-.3 and 7-5, for one of the only two victories in the Oak Ridge encounter. The other vic tory in this match was scored by Gar rett, who defeated his man. 6-2, in a well-played match. Theme Songs: Johnny: ‘’Teacher, why did I fail this six-weeks?” Teacher: “Johnny, you’ll find your answer ‘Deep in the Heart of Tests’.” See Our New Spring Line of Tennis Racquets Priced $1.95 to $15.00 One-Day Kestriiig Service Goble Sporting Goods Gompany 344 S. Elm St. GREENSBORO, N. C. MATINEE 44c—NIGHT 55c NATIONAL REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR!! and REMEMBER THIS DA TE!! WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th!! Greensboro’s Favorite Back Again On His Third Demand Date! You Asked for Him “The Man Who Plays The Sweetest Trumpet In the World ...” rr CHARLIE SPIVAK and His BAND On Stage 2:00—4:30—7:15—9:30 NOTE: The 4:30 Show is to be Dedicated to Greensboro’s High School Students rr DRY koONTS ] ^LEANING koMPANY CLEANERS 340 North Greene