1“ J Hit ’em High! Hit ’em Low! Come on, Greensboro! Let’s Go! BACK THOSE DEBATERS, GREENSBORO For A Better G H. S. J Vol I GREENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 No 9 THE SQUAD G. H. S. Continues Victorious March Making Ten Straight Games Won G. H. S. 27; GUILFORD 22 On Tuesday night, Peb: 8th, G. H. S. defeated Guilford Highs at Guilford by the close score of 27-22. This victory gives G. H. S. a total of seven consecutive vic tories. During the first half G. H. S. ran away with their opponents, Poole getting four full goals in the first few minutes of play, and the score at the end of the half was 20-9 ill favor of the locals. However, in the last half Guilford came back strong with Smith and Ferrell, B., getting two field goals each. But with Ballard and Koenig guarding in .old time form during the last few seconds of play, the locals managed to stop Guilford’s scoring: Line-up. Poole L. P. Ferrell,K. Britton R. P Smith Daniel C Ferrell, B. Ballard L. G Kendall Koenig R. G Ferrell, G. 2; Guilford, Ferrell, K., 3, Smith. 4, Per- Pield goals, Poole 5, Britton 4, Daniel rell, B., 3; foul goals, Poole 5, Prerrell, B., 2;. referee, Frazier, G. G. H. S. 26; ASHEVILLE In one of the best played and cleanest games of the season G. H. S. defeated the Asheville Highs oh tlie local “Y” floor 26-17, Saturday night, Peb. 12. The game was exciting from the first whistle to the last, with both teams trying to prove their superiority. However, G. H. S. seemed to have more ability to shoot field goals, while Asheville missed considerable close shots. The visitors displayed some superior pass ing; in fact, the best seen here this season, but on account of their inability to follow up their passing with the much needed field goals they had to be content with a defeat. The first half started with a rush for G. H. S. Daniel tipped to Poole, who shot the first goal. Britton and Ballard then fol lowed in quick succession and the score was 6-0 in G. H. S. ’s favor before Ashe ville could score. However, the visitors be gan to realize what had been taking place, and with Floi-enee and Estes shooting two goals and one goal respectively, the score, stood 6-4. Here both sides began to fight for victory, each displaying splendid team work and superior passing. The half end ed with the score standing 12-10 in favor of G. 11. S. The last half was decidedly in favor of G. 11. B. At no time did the visitors tie the score, and the game ended 26-17 in G. 11. S. 's favor. ' For G. H. B. the guarding of Koenig was exceptionally good. Daniel played a good game at center and seemed to be in his old time form. For Asheville the work of Hayes and Florence was a fea ture. Line-up. Poole L. P Florence Britton R. P .Motley Daniel C Estes Ballard L. G Cheedle Koenig R. G Johnson Feld goals, Poole 3, Britton 5, Daniel 3, Ballard 1, Florence 2, Estes 2, Cheedle 1, Johnson 1 ; foul goals, Daniel 2, Florence 3, Hayes 2. Total, G. H. S. 26, Asheville 17. Referee, Stuart. G. H. S. 28; TRINITY 26 G. H. S’, basket ball team won their eighth straight game last Friday night when they defeated Trinity Park 28-26 on the latter's floor at Trinity College. The ame is no doubt the best and most excit ing the locals have played this season. Both teams played superior basket ball and passed v'ell, with the locals having the bet ter shooting eye. Time and again the score was tied only to be broken by one side and then the other until in the last few seconds Britton broke the tie with the last field goal of the da3', leaving the score 28-26 in G. H. S. ’s favor. (ContinuOd on page 6.) . A good suggestion has been made * that the editing of “High” Life be * put into the hands of the Senior * Class for one issue, the Junior Class * for one issue, and the Sophomore * (,’lass for one issue. If satisfactory * to each class, this idea will be car- * ried out for the next three weeks, * and a faculty committee will judge * as to which class puts out the best * paper. . ■ * Preliminaries Held For Triangular Debate Holland Hartsell, Stainback and Hendrix Chosen to Represent G. H. S. On Thursday evening, ' Peb. 17th, the preliminary to choose the debating team was held in the High School auditoriuiu. The following students tried out .for the team: Gladys Holland, Doris Stinnette, Estelle Mendenhall, Myrtle Ellen LaBarr, Margaret Hartsell, Katherim; Grantham, James Hendrix, Bryan Barker, anti Allen Stainback. Hoyt Boone presided over the debate and Evelyn Albright acted as timekeeper. The speeches were well written and the contestants showed a thorough grasp of the subject, and a fighting spirit that aug ers well for our coining contest i’n Ashe ville and Winston.. The judges, Messrs. Bagle.v and Way- nick, and Dr. W. 0. Goode, chose Gladys Holland, Margaret Hartsell, Allen Stain- back and James Hendrix as' the team, and Doris Stinnette and Bryan Barker as al ternates. The finals will come the last of March, and our affirmative team vdll debate the Asheville negative here, while our nega tive will debate the Winston affirmative at Winston. The contest will be a good one. Asheville holds the- Aycook cup, and (Continued oil page 6.) Fathers’ Night Held By Parent 7 cachets Interesting Program and Enjoyable Re ception Given by Parents. Early in last week attractive invitations were sent out inviting manc' to attend a receiition given by the High School Parent- feacher Association. In response to this invitation nearl.y three hundred fathers, mothers and faculty came and enjoyed a most delightful and profitable evening. Receiving at the door were Mrs. .Poole and Mrs. Stamey, and officers of the High School Parent-Teacher Association. Every guest was tagged with his own name, to assist those whose memory for names is not the .best. After each person had been properly tagged. Miss Edna Tyer directed them to the auditorium, where the exer cises of the evening were held. The first part of the entertainment was given by pupils of the Junior High and High School under the direction of Misses Clement and Wilson. The Girls’ Glee Club, composed of ex cellent voices, delighted the audience with three selections. Then the following pu pils of the Expression Class gave verj' in teresting and entertaining readings: Boys’ Bights—Billy Ridenhour. Courting Under Difficulties—Estelle Mendenhall. Under the Back Seat—Bvljui Donald son. The High School Orchestra gave several selections. This orchestra is under tiie di rections of Miss Clement. It is composed of pupils from both of Junior High School and High School pupils. This is the first time we have had an orchestra in a long time, but we feel safe in saying we are to have a good one from now on. The second part of the program was pre sided over by Mrs. Poole, the president of the. High School Parent-Teacher Associa tion. Mrs. Poole introduced Mrs. 0 G. Jones, who made in her usualy way a most interesting and appropriate address of welcome, and stated the purpose of the' meeting . After the welcome address Mr. N. A. Hewitt took charge of the meeting and pre- .. sided in a very abje manner. Tiie follow ing men responded with enthusiastic speeches; Mr. Mendenhall, Dr, C. T. Lipscomb, Mr. Sellars, Mr. Clarence Cone, Mr. Chas. Gold, Mr. W. J. Simpson, Mr. J. D. Wil kins and Mr. Charlie Hudson. The meeting adjourned to the hall, where a very attractive scheme had been used, namely, to have five tables, each one representing one class in High School and , one for the Junior High School. Around ' each of these tables the parents and teach- ' ers of each class assembled to have'hoife'C; ' tea and sandwiches, and to have a soeiaP ', hour together. Taken all in all, the reception was a suc cess, and the most enjoyable meeting we’ve ever attended.