i" ' .^.’"-r"' ‘v-:.*' ' «; ■ ,;i-;> -,,■- 'r - .----■ I ■ " ‘HIGH” LIFE, MARCH 11, 1921. PAGE FIVE V anstorys For Clothing Ig IT FAIR? The Irvin Shoe Company desires to serve you and your friends w^th , DEPENDABLE FOOTWEAR you’ll find our prices astonishginly low— considering the Quality and Comfort They Give IRVIN SHOE COMPANY 114 W. Market Repair department in rear of store. THE HABIT OF THRIFT ' IS A foundation of Success. Acquire this Habit by Depo.siting in Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 4 PER CENT COM POUNDED QUARTERLY. ATLANTIC BANK AND TRUST CO. Ever since the election returns of last November were made konwn, it has been well-known that our government will change hands on the fourth of next March. But, 'tor quite a time, there was a great deal of speculation as to who Harding would ehoose to-compose his cabinet. Now that the new President has definitely an nounced his cabinet appointments, it is in teresting to compare its personnel with some of the rumors that were circulating over the country. However, interesting as such a com parison may be, there is something vastly more striking than it about this new cabi net. As one glances down the list, he d^nnot, fail to notice that every section of tlie United States is represented excepting the South. Such an observation is bound to set one thinking, especially if he is from the South. He realizes that the President’s cabinet has a great deal to do with running the government. Bach member has charge of some partieular branch of the government. When the President wants advice, he will call for a. meeting of his cabinet. It will be the duty-of this new cabinet to advise the President as to what is best to do and what should not be done. Of course, the President will not be obliged to follow their suggestions, yet judging by past events, one can easily see that the cabinet mem bers will have'a great deal of influence over the chief executive of the United States. It is' the natural thing for a ihah to look out for the section from which he comes because he lives there and it is the seat of his interests. In Hardings cabinet every section of the country will have somebody at these meetings to look after its interests—except our beaiitiful South land. In all her history the South has produe- .ed master-minds to cope with any situ ation. She can recall wdth pride among her native sons such characters as Wash ington, Robert B. Lee, Andrew Jackson, John Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Dick- nev, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and scores of others. SOUTHERN men and women are to be found today in all the places where people of worth and abili ty are necessary. Southern sons fought as bravely and paid the supreme sacrifices as heroicly as those from any place in the Great War. No section of the country has more to be proud of than the South. « Brown-Belk Company ' We Sell It For Less One of the 30 Belk Stores Brains, Ambition, Energy and Character are the Qualities necessary to secure a position with the Pilot Company. If you can qualify we have a place for you Southern Life and Trust Company Greensboro, North Carolina No section, from Maine to California is more patriotic, more devoted to the coun try, or stands for higher ideals than the South, and no section of, the country is more rvilling to answer every call of the government or to promote its interests, even tho it be to its own disadvantage. No Southerner can understand the mo tive of such a slight—for what else can he regard it? There are scores of men in the South w'ell-qualified to hold a place on the President’s cabinet. There are some better fitted for the management of gov- ernmentah affairs than some on the list. So the excuse that there are no Southern men capable enough for the cabinet duties will not hold. The South contains" about one- fourth of the population of the United States. So the argument that the South does not contain enough people to war rant a cabinet—absurd tho such an ex cuse is—is absolutely out of the question, for a fourth of the United States is not a negligible per cent. No Southerner can understand why that part of the country north of a line from Pennsylvania to New Mexico is the only part of the country worthy of having a representative on the council that has the management of America in its hands. The new administration assures the South that it shall be expected to help out gen erously in paying the bills of the nation.. The South cannot help feeling this slight keenly. Bach Southerner knows that this beautiful Southlai'd always does all it can to build up th.e nation, and, as Johnson onee.said, “No man likes to have his ’all ’ignored no matter how small that’ all,’ so the South feels. Bur. the South-loyal to the nation is far . too magnanimous lo sulk and balk at this slight. She will swal low this bitter cup, but, when 1924 brings election day around again, she will re member this act and east her vote accord ingly. Myrtle Ellen LaBarr. February 26,. 1921. FISH, WE HAVE CAUGHT AND OTHERS WOMEN Women, ’^omen, everywhere and not a one to—oh it may not be so bad'but I agree with the gentlemen that said, “Men shall never understand women.” Thy are so different you never know what to expect. There is a class that is always dressed in the latest fashions who do nothing but gad around every where. If the world Treat these well, home can go ter—(sky- high) ; they live a really selfish life. But for all of this and their clubs, candy and cake, shows of what real use are they to this suffering world? There is a -second class of stif, meek, high eollored old maids so vastly different from the first class as to occupy the oppo site extreme. Under this head yon will probably find the hard boiled suffragetts, brick tossers and some teachers. This class demands that every minute be accounted for, and to suit them everything must be so thoroughly organized as to make life miserable. But look at the other side and you will have to admit that these' patri- achs set out with a grim dtermiation and succeed in burying our. dear old John Barleycorn. 0! whei'e would the world be if it were not for a last class of real women, the WATCH FOR US This is our space We will be here until the finish If you wear anything come to us for it We have it from Toe to top knob Clothes, Shoes and everything else DONNELL & MEDEARIS “Cash System Saves” home lovers why try to make life'liveable? Did I say the last class? I mean the mid dle class in regard to the extremes. There is an old saying that goes like this, “Don’t be the first to grab the new hat nor-the last to lay down the old one. ’ ’ The foundation of this and other grat nations does not rest on women of the two extremes but on the real, kiudhearted, and Christian woman, the HOME LOVER. Max Barnhart. KEEP SMILING I wonder if any of us realize the value or the power of a smile. A smile is some thing every one can have. We can’t all be Mary Pickford’s or Wallace Reids, but we eau all smile. Have you ever noticed, a real plain face and how when its owner smiled the face somehow became almost pretty? Well, besides being a beautifier the smile is one of tlie most powerful things in the world. A smile can do al most anything. Yon know yourself if you start a task feeling happy and if you smile the' task will seem much lighter and the time will pass much more quickly. If you start out in the morning feeling down and out and if you meet someone who smiles at yon and g-eets you kindly it will make you feel happier somehow. Then you will smile and somebody else will catch your smile. Now think how much good that first person’s smile did. If you smile one day it will becorne a habit and you’ll just have to smile after that an^l so you will he happier and make others happier too. —Lucille Wynne.