Page Four HIGH LIFE December 13, GREENSBORO WINS STATE TITLE AFTER TOPPING ROCKY MOUNT 7-0 Trull Scores; Wolfe Kicks Extra Point in Close Game No Standouts As Team Pulls Together to Win Hard-Fought Battle A ix'ffect day for trrid warfare in Kenan stadiiini, November 28, saw his tory made as Greensboro’s Purple Whirlwinds defeatCKl the eastern cham pions to become (he number one team in the state for the first time in the school’s history. As a result of the 34-7 defeat Pocky Mount haiuUKl .the Jainie.son boys earlier in (he season, the ’Winds en tered the ftaiiie as the definite under dog. This, however, seemed to inspin the local gridiron, for tlie Whirlwind line charged harder and blocktHl better, while the backs ran faster than ever before, to defeat the powerful Black- l)irds 7-0. Luper Leads PaccHl by the highly rated Buddy Luper, the lo.^iers were not alile to stage a suoces.«fuI touchdown drive, although Ooacli Kmory Adkins’ charges found themselves in a position to score several times only to be. turned back by the iron-like AVhirlwind wall. Realizing that teamwork was the road to victory every member of the sipiad strove to play his best ball for the team's sake rather than to stand out in personal feats. LamI) (’alls Signals Mulligan. Winter. Deinp.sey, Myrick, Trull, and Lamb alternately carried the mail for Greensboro. Lamb called every .signal to the ’Winds. Winter kept the opposition in its own territory with his far-reacliing punts. Myrick played ex ceptionally well at his fullback post while Mulligan looked good returnin; kick-offs and punts. Kennedy Komments On Grid Performers For festive occasions Greensboro Coca-Cola Bottling Co. The Haddorff Vertichord is unquestionably the world's finest spinnette type piano Guilford Piano Co. L'll \V. Mnrkot Nt. AMBULANCE “In a Hurry” Call Forbis & Murray GIFTS FOR ALL ! You Are Iiiviteti to Purchase Your Christmas Gifts Gurr & Pate Jewelers lOo W. Market St. By SOLO.^rO^■ KENNEDY After having witnessed the Purple Wliirlwinds play 32 games during this successful 1040 season. I suppose that .1 mi.ght put myself in a position to comment on the members of the team botli pro and con. So, dear readers, re member that this is my own opinion. ■S'ERNON LAMB . . . Frankly I think that Sheepie is in tlie circles of better quarterbacks. Congratulations- for winning the best spirited player award. ALBERT MYRICK ... I think that Albert, as a runner, plays better as a fullback than a wing. TOM AYDELETTE . . . Tom got all the tough breaks this season. Better luck next year, pal. DOUG CECIL ... I think Cecil, as a defense end, is tops—if you could liahdie the ball a little better I be lieve that you would find yourself on many all-state elevens. GARLAND WOLFE . . . According to my opinion, Wolfe is the scrappiest guard in the-state. I may be sticking my neck out. but the same I’ll bet that Little Wolfe is one of the captains next year. ED LIVINGSTON . . . Frankly, Ed, I was disappointed in you this sea son. If you had played the type of ball that you are capable of playing, I be lieve that you would be the most out standing tackle in the state. JOE VINNER . . . Not a triple Johnson Coal Co. i Buck Jouxsok, the Coal Man Corner W. Ix>e and Jackson Sts. Phone 2-Oo7l Lamb Receives Cnp As 'Bes! Spirir Player Vernon (Sheepie) Lamb, star quarter back of the current Purple Whirlwind 1040 state champions, received the ‘•Best Spirit” trophy presented by the Touchdown club to the member of the team exemplifying this ideal. The event took place Monday night at the meeting of the club at the 0. Henry hotel. Wiien Lamb was presented the trophy, he iilushed and when the boys yelled, “Speech,” he stammered, “I don’t know what to .say,” and .sat down. Judge Earl Rives told the group that it was the best speech he had ever heard. Lamb led the ’Winds to a state championship with his great field play ing and signal calling this year. Rated by many as the smartest quar terback in this section. Lamb has made a number of all-star ratings throughout the state. Lamb finishes this year, but will be star third baseman in the dia mond ranks this spring and according to the dope will probably rank as a profe.s.sional league px*o.spect. Ouch, My Feel Are Cold! Or Championship Instead of Turkey threat yet, although Winner is the best punter that I have seen this year. OSCAR PETREE . . . Maybe it was ah off year, Oscar. Just the same I admire your spunk. JENNINGS WITHERS . . . Harpo is all here in any football game— an outstanding performer, a good sport, and a candidate for many all- state elevens. JIM MILES . . . Not a star but a good end. BUDDY MULLIGAN . . . Tlie most spectacular player that I have seen this year. Watch him next year, folks, it’ll be worth your while. Metal, Leather and Hand Carved Frames At Flynis Studio Come One, Come All And Help Flavor Christmas Dinner With a BETSY ROSS Fruit Cake Sending a mighty roar across the fitdd, the crowd stood on its feet and cheered wildly. On the sidelines ten Imppy cheerleaders threw their mega phones high in the air; the boys on the bench, thumped each other fer vidly, and in the broadcasting booth high above the slap-happy mob, the .‘jports announcer went wild with ex citement. “He’s over, ladies and gentlemen of the radio audience! He’s over for a touchdown!” No, the above is not an excerpt from an account of the famous Rose Bowl classic in Pasadena, California. But it was almost as important to the record crowd of cold high school root ers who watched the Greensboro high Purple Whirlwinds push over the striped line for the state championship victory in Kenan stadium at Chapel Hill. “My ears have frost-bite!”, “Where are those cough drop.s?”, “I can’t yell above a whisper!”, “Can I wear one of your gloves? I lost mine on that last play!”, “We got gypped! We got the shady side!”, “Well, we won, didn’t we?”, are a few of the after thoughts of that never-to-be forgotten Thanks giving day battle. As a chilly fan put it after the Rocky Mount and Greens boro teams trotted off the field, “It was a great game—but it'll take a week for everybody to thaw out!” ^ P. T.' Hines, former Greensboro high school senior, has entered Hargrove Military academy, Chatham, Virginia. 9— • Get Her Something Photographic The Standard Foto Supply Go. All Types of Cameras Dial 4236 'Winds Overpower Black Bison 7 to 0 Myrick Scores in Thiller- Mulligan, Lamb Sparkle’ In Conference Skirmish Coaches Bob Jamieson's and jjj, Day's powerful Purple aggregation from Greensboro overpowered a iighte, lint scrappy fligli Point team Friday night, November 22, at Minis stadiani In the furniture city of High Point Driving sixty yards early i„ tHe flnal period, Albert Myrick, a smash, ing fullback, scored the marker. Gar- laud Wolfe, guard, converted, and the score stood 7 to 0. Vernon Lamb and Buddy Mulligan, In addition to siy- rick, were the main threats on the .scoriug drive. Stave Off Drive The strong line of the Whirlwinds held a seriou.s threat late in the fourth quarter when High Point carried the pigskin to the ’Winds’ three-yard line with a first down and goal to go. The line, composed of Cecil, Miles, Feeney Campbell, Wolfe, Brame, and Withers held for two downs, throwing the Black Bison back to the Gate City team’s twelve yard marker. After two passes failed, Greensboro regained pos session of the ball and was not in danger again during the contest. Herb Spea^, captain and center for High Point, was the outstanding line man. Albert Evans, pint-size quarter back was the Bison star. Evans’ kick ing kept Greensboro backed up dur ing most of the skirmish. Chicago Accepts Invifaiion To Play in Miami Game “iliami here we come” was the motto of the Purple Whirlwinds until Friday night, December G, when the bottom of their hopes fell through, because the bid to play in Miami was extended to a high school in Chicago, Each year a high school from throughout the nation is picked to play Miami high school on Christmas day in the “Orange Bowl.” For the past two years Greensboro’s Whirl winds lived up to their name and won the class “A” western championship and hoped to receive the bid. Merry Christmas From Clegg & King Motor Company “Where They Really Trade" An Appropriate Christmas Gift For Son or Daughter A Course of Lessons in Smart Social Dancing at the New Kerenoff Dance Studio 122 N. Greene St. Dial 3-1271 For Insuranoe On A Home See Dixie Realty & Loan Co. Elmer D. Yost, President Geo. Roach, Secretary Holiday Greetings From New Era Cleaners 229 Summit Aye. C. R. Dixon Grocery Go. Groceries and Fresh Meats 405 Walker Avenue riione 2-316S We Deliver OUR POLICY OF APPLEASEMENT “We aim to please” is not an idle phrase in this store. We mean every word of it. That’s why we are particular about die merchan dise we sell. That’s why we feature, among other fine merchandise, the Hamilton watch. Its reputation is proven, Harry Bynum JFWFLFR 114 W. Market St. Phone 5950