r December 13, 1940 HIGH LIFE Page Five i r"T'y- *=^«= ■ BEST FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE STATE L jr -IBfe "Wm -aJPT Drawing the curtain on another successful grid campaign, tlie Greensboro Purple Whirlwinds have created another sure-firing, non-star aggregation. Appearing in the above photographic arrangement are only a few of the fine gridiron performers turned out ])y the local coaches this year. In star number 1 is Bill Feeney, tackle; star 2, Joe Winner, back; 3, Oscar Petree. back; 4, Herman Brame, guard; 5, Vernon Lamb, back; 6, IJob Campbell, guard; 7, Jack Dempsey, back; 8, Captain Jennings Withers, center; 9, Buddy Mulligan, back; 10. Garland Wolfe, guard; 11, Albert Myrick, back; 12, Jim Miles, end; 13, Douglas Cecil, end; 14, Carl Thompson, end; 15, Max Trull, back. In the lower center are the two main causes for the locals’ success—Coaches Kobert B. Jamieson and James C. Day. {Photo Arrangement hy Solomon Kennedy.) Wishing the Students I and Faculty | A Merry Christmas I and t A Happy New Year j i Miller Furniture ELGIN BICYCLES Sold Exclusively By SEARS Roebuck and Co. Five Point Service Station Road and Wrecker Service Seiberling Tires. Dial 2-2910 Houston Morrison, Mgr. 710 S. Elm St. Christmas Foot Gifts Bell Shoe Store, Inc. 121 IV. Market St. Bring the Whole Family to the jHecta And Have Dinner Ifs Air Conditioned Christmas Greetings From Carolina Sleel & Iron Company Greensboro. N. C. Merry Christmas From Greensboro Drug Co. 2:10 W. Market St. SILLS IS ^ WORD FOR. SHOES in C^ReensBoRp Miseries of Head REIIEVED FAST Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril... (1) It shrinks swollen mem branes; (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clear ing clogging mucus. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Rierson Bros. Best Welders Wish You Season*s Greetings i j I National Jewelry Co. { I 306 S. Elm St. } WBIG Mess I EDNEYRIDGE {r DIRECTOR „ for' ,, FACTS and DATA \ood ^ IN GREENSBORO. N.C. A George R Hollingbery.Co.y4^j'//4??/3j; * EFIRD’S Wishes the Students of Greensboro High School A Merry Christmas Efird’s Dept. Store