March 6, 1942 HIGH LIFE Sportsman's Holiday By EARLE HOLLIDAY Several interesting things may be said coneerning the state tinnls of the class A basketball game last Tuesday night. In the first place, I wish to iiiferm many, many of you school-spir ited students that Greensboro's cagors were playing Durham in that game. Although it was publici/'>etl iu all lo cal papers, on the radio, etc., many of the (ii’eensboro students didn't find it (iut until the next day, and it is (loulitful if the news that C’oach Bob Jamieson's team was out there bat tling for a crown that Greensboro has failed to win in over 10 years, has jxm- etrated all parts of the school yet. .V very weak excuse offered by many was that we liad snow on the ground. However, Hanes high of Winston, which had more snow and bad weather to cover than local fans, had all their cheer-leaders and a large section of students out for their class B game. Incidentally, after you reached Bur lington, you eouldn’t tell that it had snowed this year. Even the class C teams, who come from .schools with undouhteilly less than one-tenth as many stuclent.s as we do, had organized cheering. In contrast tons, Durham filled almost half of the gyiiuiasium and had ten cheerleaders, while a mere^ handful of Whirlwind supporters, and many of them alumni, were supporting their team. Getting to the actual playing, Dur ham may l)e the North Carolina cham pions hut they know now that they’ve been iu a light. A couple of (iiiestion- able decisions in the game, which went to Durham, would have made a dif ferent story. T(ie first of these, which occurred in the first half, was called by a Mr. Knight, who hails from the Durham Y. This does not imply that he was par tial toward either team. In this in stance, Joe Coleman had the ball for Greensboro and he attempted a long set shot which was good. Well, after the ball was in the air a Durham player charged Bob Fondren, a foul that many referees wouldn’t have called because neither boy was in pos- session of the ball. However, Knight called it. not on the Durham player but against Fondren. He also ruled that Coleman’s goal was no good, al though no rule in the book says that it should have been cancelled. Those two points could have won the ball game for Senior. Another “one of those things’’ ap peared when Harold (Skinny) Brown fonlwl out of the game. Jamieson keeps an accurate record of each play of a game, and he had three fouls against him and Skinny knew that he had com mitted only three fouls. However, he was expelled from the game. Con cerning fouling, two of the four fouls of Jack Jarvis were made against Ken ny Turner when he told the referee that Jarvis hadn't touched him. The final (luestionahle play by the officials occurred at the last of the game. Gus Paschal was in the act of shooting when he was fouled by Ed I^ougee. According to all rules of bas ketball, Paschal was due two shots; he was awarded one. Then came the worst example of sportmanship shown in these parts in a long time. Paschal liad a free shot coming, the gun* to end the game had gone off, and the championship of North Carolina was in his hands. You would expect' the student body of Durham to play the game fairly and keep quiet while he was shooting, but they rose to their feet as one and started booing, stamp ing their feet and everything else that would distract Paschal’s attention, ''ilb all the tension and pressure on him and all the noise, it is a wonder that he was able to' pick the ball up. I don't want to take any credit away when it's due, for Durham has a very good basketbal team, made up of good players and good sport.s, but the group hficl best watch out if they meet Greens boro next week at the Duke tourna ment. To Take New Post 1*01*1 IjAR Coach Jim Day, who leaves today to take a post with the city recreation department. Jim Day Resigns As Line Coach; Accepts Recreation Job With City Today Greensboro high school loses a great coach and a fine fellow in Jim Day, former Elon star, who has re signed as line coach to take up new dutie.s with the City Recreation de partment. Coach Day came to Greensboro in the fall of '88 shortly after graduation from Elon college, where he was out standing as a tackle on the Christians' football squad, for the school officials learned of Day’s knowledge of the grid iron stM)rr and signed him almost imme diately a.s line coach. Goes to Recreation De|)artnient The local mentor will probably go to work in Greensboro's recreation depart ment toda.v, for when Daniel Neal left his post as athletic director Tom Jen- rette took over, and this left a vactincy as assistant director, a i)osition which Coach Day will ably fill. Since coming foi the local high school in ’38, Day has turned out a strong forward wall each season for the Whirl winds. The former Elonite has coached such high school star linemen as Rob ert (Body) Glenn, (’barlie Hood. Law rence (Pinky) Reddick, Bob George, Jack Ginsburg, ilelvin Trull, Jim Groonie, Bob Campbell, and many others. bollock s Incorporated FINE FOOTWEAR “It's a Feat to Fit Feet" School Letters To Be Given ^t G. A. L Annual Banquet To honor members of the Girls' Athletic association and partiei- pant.s in after-school sport.s, the annual G. A. A. banquet will be held March 1!) at 7 p.m. in the Masonic temple. Miss Doris Hutch inson, adviser for the club, an nounced Monday. “Highlighting the program will be the presentation of school let ters for which a girl must win 2(K) points, state letters, 400, •iiid stars, 500 points. “However, the speaker for the banquet luis not yet been chose.’’ she concluded. Students who were recently appoint ed for the senior pageant committoe have started work on plans for the •lune graduation. For Super Drug and Soda Service Visit Greene Street Drug 124 S. Greene Dial 3-2170 Jeto launtirp 862-866 South Elm Street Phone 8862 MARJORIE STRICKLAND STUDIO OF DANCE sinecial Reducing and Body-Building Classes BALLET n Q, Dial 3-1271 122 N. Greene St. Page Five Paschal, With Hook Shot, Proves His Cage Ability 3 Tennis Lettermen [Return for '42 Team ('each Jim Day has three return ing lettermen around whom to build bis tennis team this year. They are Ball Cavan, Emry (ireen aiul Don ald Garrett. The '41 team lost only two niatelies out of 14, both of which were to Oak Ridge. Joe Coleman, a leading player last year until he became ineligible for fur ther play, will also be back for acticii with the local nettei's. .\t present a schedule has not been made, but ('harlotte will prob- ably be added to the list of oppon ent seliools f((r this season. Joe Coleman, conmienting on the oiit- lo:k for the season, said, "T think we will liave a strong, winning team.” Greensboro Gets Bid To Duke Tournament Returning home last Wednesday af ter an unsuccessful (piest of tlu^ N. 0. state championship. Coach Bob Jamie son’s Whirlwinds lost no time in pre paring for the Duke-Diirhani southern high school invitational tournament at Duke uiiiversit.v next Friday and Sat urday. Q’o date only three teams have been invited and have consented to appear in this tournament, which brings to gether the best high school basketball teams in the south. .Tohn Marshall high school of Richmond, Durham, the state champions, and Greensboro, the West ern conference winner, are scheduled to enter the bout. Five Other Teams To .Appear Five other leading southern team.s wil be invited by Duke and the Dur ham junior chamber of commerce to appear at the meet. ^ LOAFERS $5.95 Bells Shoe Store Inc. 121 W. Market St. By EARLE IIOLl.lDAV 'I’oday's guest athlete is one of the mainstays en (loach Bub .laniieson’s successful basketball team, T.oroy (Gus) 1‘ascbal. whose playing went a long way in i)Utting the (iroensboro cagers in the state spotlight. ^Vitb the type of playing that Jamie son uses. P.-isclial holds down one of the most dillicult and important posi tions on the floor, that of the pivot, post, and he does it reniarkably well. Like many of the other stars on tliis year's team he received his start at basketball while at Central junior high. However, during bis first year at Sen ior. be didn't make his appearance on tlie hardwood luit did most of his play ing at the V. M, ('. A. During the year he perfected a hook shot that could be made with cither baud, a trick that few high school cagers liave accomiilisluMl. However, during the part of the year his luck with this shot failed him. but whim the conference season rolled armind, he started clicking. It was a rare oeeasion when he secured less than 10 i)oints. Shows Real Spirit In the big game of the year 'i'uesday with Durliam be .showed his real merit to tlie fullest extent. After being elect ed co-captain of the all-eonforence team and having his pivot-shot highly pul»- licized, he was probably the most mark ed man on the Whirlwind team, 'fhe Bulldogs set up their defense in such a way as to make it impossible for him to .score on a hook shot: lienee he switched to a guard position during part of the game and still scored more points than any other player on the fioor. .After the game was over and he had missed tlie foul shot that could have won the game, Paschal was sunk in the deptlis. Instead he should liave been carried out on the shoulders of the fans, for ho was truly the iiion of the niglit. Fine Foods at Inexpensive Prices Manuel's Cafe AVest Jlarket St. See Our New and Enlarged Sports Department ★ BETTY LOU SHOPPE . . . . A HINT TO THE SUB-DEB Head your lati^st ^'ogue , our High School Shoj) a Newest Spring Fashions. . Mademoiselle . '“it for the \’’ery tiieu i)ay atest . '‘Greensboro’s liest Store” DRY koONTS ktEANING COMPANY 340 North Greene k CLEANERS

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