Veceniber 4, 1942 HIGH LIFE Page Three lotion Counter Fascinating Hobby “Come on, give me a kiss, right here. Now sign it. Thanks a lot.” And leaving an astonished girl staring, C. W. Graham runs oft to class with another lipstick kiss added to the already pro lific assortment on his shirt. And they say a collector's life is dull! 6^7=14? Someone really should do something to improve Miss Mozelle Causey's foot ball knowledge. She actually left the stadium after the last Greensboro-Gas- tonia game thinking that Gastonia’s Gi’oen 'Wave had won the battle. The Bare Fact Claudius Dockery will soon be fac ing a life of complete baldness if some thing doesn’t happen to Miss Lily Walk er’s powerful grip. To date he is minus several fists full of hair, the result of quite a few “revealing'’ recitations that he has made. Who is that handsome lad Allene Parks writes to at State? The initials couldn't, no, not possibly, be B. IT.? Alternating ami Direct Currents? Among the current couples seen around recently are: Nell Daly—Deca tur Cunningham, Ka'hel Johnson— Dave Sewell, Doris Vereen—C. AY. Gra ham, Martha Moring—^Ed Poindexter, .Janice Bowling—Bobby Dempsey. Kay Hunt—Reece Harry, Margaret AA’ilker- sou—Carl I’hibbs. “Mege'’ Cloninger— L'il Dink Bishop. Betty AVilson— A'aughn AIcAlister, Mary Glendening— Alack Arnold. I Don’t Aly parents told me not to smoke I don't Nor listen to a naughty joke I don't They told me it was wrong to wink At handsome men, or even think About intoxicating drink I don’t AVild girls chase men and wine and song I don't To dance or flirt is very wrong I don't I kiss no men, not even one In fact, I don't know how it’s done A’ou wouldn’t think I have much fun I don't. —The Optic local Musicians Perform For Eastern Star Members Three local seniors, Dorothy Snyder, David Evans and P>ill Lambert, gave a group of selections Friday, November •i, at the annual Black Cat session of the Eastern Star organization in the Alasonic hall. Dorothy, a member of the girls’ glee club, sang two arias for sopranO' voice, “Casetta” and “ily Hero.” Lambert, inrmber of the school choir, sang “Bendemeer’s Stream” and “Duna,” two popular baritone selections. Evans, president of the Junior Music society of Greensboro, and Mrs. E. B. Snyder accompanied the vocalists. Phone 9754 Delco Batteries Dixie Saies Co. Automotive Electrical Service and Parts 2-34 Commerce Place GREENSBORO, N. C. Buy War Bonds and Stamps NOW! ODELL Wholesale Dept. 1010 Scott Ave. Girl Athletes To Play Finals Tournament Sara Gwyn, Alary Eva Aloore, Ger trude Archer and Nell Kiddle are sche duled to play off the finals in the bad minton doubles tournament some time next week. This foursome was to have played this match off this week, but postponed it because of the Thanks giving holidays. This tournament has been going on since it started the first week in Octo ber. A large number of girls partici pated in it. practicing two afternoons a week. Brief Notes From Office Of Superintendent Smith Ode To a Horrowing Evening Writing a Deadline Johnny Smith, a journalism student, was a trifle tired of writing deadlines, lie knew, of course, that this week was the “deadline week.” A deadline had to be turned in every day, rain or shine. However. Johnny knew it wasn’t im possible to get excused from this diur nal task. So, he walked up to the ad viser and said, “I think that my brother is going to die tonight.” He know that the excuse had to be drastic, and he was certain that his was an iinpressive sounding reason, at least. The adviser was horrified. She wished to know immediately what was the matter with the poor boy. Johnny stammered and stuttered but finally managed to give what he thought was a plausible excuse. Tbe instructor oft'ered her sympathy but said. “AA'hen you come back to school be sure and bring a story on your dead brother.s' funeral.” So. Johnny found that a newspaper is like a circus, “the show must go on” or better, “the deadlines have to be in.” Council Cabinet to Meet Each Friday Morning Five members of the local Senior high student council. Tim AVarner, Charles AA'agner. Dacia T..ewis, Jean Barry and John Doc will meet every Friday morning from 8:4.') to 0;1") o’clock as the student council cabinet for Senior high school. Aliss Sara Alims, council adviser, will meet with this group. Warner, AA'agner and Dacia are re spectively president, vice-president, and secretary of the council while Jean and John J)oc are helpers and helpers. As the cabinet, these students will act as a steering committee for the larger, more unwieldy, governing body. In the Navy Howard E. Carr, principal of Gilles pie junior high school, has been ap pointed lieutenant (j. g.) in the U. S. Navy and is now in active service in the bureau of visual education. Larson to Succeed Carr F. L. Larson, principal of Alclver school, will succeed Air. Carr at Gilles pie. Phillips to Siicceel Larson Aliss Carrie Phillips, assistant prin cipal at Central Junior high school, will take Air. Larson's place as principal at Alclver. Goode To Succeed Phillips Hal Goode, boys’ adviser at Central Junior high school, will succeed Aliss Carrie Phillips as assistant principal at Central. Teachers’ Pay Teachers will receive their salaries for the fourth month of teaching on December 18. announced Superintend ent Ben L. Smith last week. Professional Books Two new books have been added to the i)rofessional library in the office of the superintendent—“Administering the School Library.'’ by John Coul- bourn. and "Physical Education in the Elementary School" by Hinman. Christmas Holidays Christmas vacation will begin in the afternoon of December IS and will end. January 4. 1043. Glee Club Names Trio; Elects Group Officers No, those weren’t celestial voices emerging from the music room re cently. It was only the girls’ glee club practicing for trio competition. The following girls were finally chosen: Mary Glendeiining, first so prano; Ada Sue McBane, second soprano, and Fi*aiices Wiggs, alto. Doris Vereen, Louise Kent and Hazel Fowler were the runnersup. Officers for tlie glee club were elected on October 23. They in clude Doris Vereen, president; Mar garet Adams, vice-president; Mar- garet Rliudy, secretary; Betty Lee, treasurer, and Sue Jarvis, news paper reporter. G. H. S. Service Flag Nearing Completion Singletary, Barnes Named New Advertising Solicitors Eleanor 8iugletar,v, room 101, and Alargayet' Banies, 300, recently earned the position of advertising solicitors on the High Life staff. To obtain this position, one must solicit at least 45 inches of adverti.sing. Eleanor and Alargaret have 50 inches to their credit. Eleanor, who was recently appointed .iunior journalist chairman, is not only outstanding for her advertising accom plishments, but for her winning per- .sonality and excellent ability. T'licle Sam prints as many'as seventy million A\'ar Savings Stamps a day to till your demand. Greensboro Coea-Cola Bottling Co. iHetfiob Haunbrp 1 862-866 South Elm Street Phone 8862 Keep Snapshots of Your Son, Sweetheart or Husband The Art Shop Expert Photo-Finishing 118 W. Alarket Street Aliss Amy Caldwell amioimeed this morning, that her. hoine room, 2, lias almost completed the,-Greensboro Senior high school' service flag, financed by file contributions made by students and teachers a few weeks ago. 'The flag will display a star for every man in the armed forces of the Fnitod States who was enrolled in G. H. S. on December 7. 1041. Although the exact number of men represented is not known at the pres ent, home room 4 has information tlnit £)1. boys are in the armed services who were Green.sboro liigli students when .\meriea entered the war. The flag is being made by tbe Homo economic students of Aliss Amy Cald well’s home room. The exact place where it will hang has not been de cided. although it is profiable that it will be put in tbe main tniildiiig lobby. Drafting Students Study Various Types of Printing Ar-liitectural. engineering and airplane lettering are ocmipying the boys in Air. George L. Sand- vig's drafting class. Three sets of plates, block of letters, words and numbers are made by each boy. T'poii the completion of these plates three groups of boy.s will specialize in one of the three draw ing courses offered. Four boys: Bobby Bowman. Henry AA'olfe, Jack Dillon and Tommy Grantham will specialize in aircraft drawing, two boys. Hercules Kontoules and Bob by \\'bitt('mcre in architectural and five boys. David Evans, J. Fife Alcador. Bill Alorrisoii, Alervin Alerritt and Grady Allred, in engineering. About a thousand governinont em ployees turn out a million AA’ar Bonds a day to meet youi- demand. Thomas & Howard Dealers in Wholesale Groceries 'Serenaders' To Play Af State Tomorrow The Serenaders. local swing band which is now under the direction of Charlie Simpson while regular direc tor, Carl Pritchard, is recovering from a serious illness, will make its first trip since it was organized, tomorrow night to play at a dance at State col lege in Raleigh. A dance at the AA’oman’s college last Saturday night was the last appear ance that the Serenaders have made, and the band is almost completely "booked up” from now until the first of tbe j'ear. However, there are still a few open dates remaining in the holiday season. Senior high's Thanksgiving dance, which was held in the girls’ gym on Thanksgiving eve, was kept in high spirits all evening with the Serenaders furnishing both “hot” and “sweet” re frains. Among the numbers that the hand features are: “Drum Boogie,’’ with solo by George Curi-an, Alickey Black and David Nicholson; “In the Alood,” a lasting favorite of all "jitter bugs”; “White Christmas,” the nations top “sweet” song, and many others. State Reading Tests Given Peeble's Typing Classes Reading tests were given to two be ginning classes in typewriting taught by Airs. Alma Peebles, recently, in co operation with Aliss Emma Katherine Coble, business education teacher in the high school at Newton, N. C., who is making a study of the correlation of reading and typing ability. AA^thin a monlb, a typing test will be given and at the end of the semester a final test will be given. The scores made by the Greensboro high school students will tlien be compared with the scores of commercial students in the other high schools of (he state who are cooperating with Miss Cobb. Girls Take Final Tests On Volleyball Games Last week, the girls’ physical edu- tion classes ended (heir volleyball season as they took their final tests on (his .sport. These tests, which were given by Doris Hutchinson, physi- (‘td education director, were divided nti> Ibree different parts. Tbe (irst part of the test was tin in dividual participation exam. lOach gii-1 was cianpelled to stand approximately two fe(‘(- from tbe wall and hit a volley ball up against it for 3.0 seconds. After tbre(‘ tries, she was allowed to pick (be best one. In the s‘c()nd part, each girl was allowed five serves. The ones that chaired the net and fell into fair cLin-t were the ones that, connted. The third part of tlie test was a written exam on llu* varidiis rules of the game. Only 7-10 of a inillion workers took larl in tlie A\'ar Savings T’ay Boll Al lotment plan in December. 1041 ; nearly 23.0;0,000 workers participated in August. 1!)42. For Special Occasions Take Your Party to Dine at the O. HENRY HOTEL 21 Years In Business — Home Detective Company, Inc. 520 Guilford Building Experienced Operatives Available for Handling Secret Investigations of All Kinds Including Surveillance ALL INQUIRIES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL