Page Two High Life October 21, 1949 The Twentieth Century Plague I^orance is the worst social illness of the twentieth century. Our old friend Noah Webster readily in forms us that the word “ignorance” means “destitute of knowledge.” lie goes further to explain that ignorance and illiteracy are two entirely different handicaps. In personifying ignorance, the general picture seem.s to be a crude, unlettered backwoodsman who has never seen Main Street or heard the clang of city trafSc. It never occurs to us that a man who has been offered every educational ad vantage of our era can be basically ignorant! How does this virus gain entrance into the system of a literate and relatively intelligent human? It may begin to infect a man who, because he has completed his formal educa tion, closes his mind to new ideas and knowl edge, or it can start with the adoption of in tolerance. It can even infect a high school student. Isn’t dishonesty, unfortunately too preval ent in high school, born totally of ignorance ? Aren’t our social and racial prejudices formed during our teens? Haven’t you known a seemingly normal student who had to be taken by the hand and led indoors during a Scholas tic “rain storm?” Are you afflicted with the twentieth century plague? Lipstick Mars $lSOjOOO Lips Senior’s chic and expensive lips have been marred to the tune of some juvenile delinquent. For ten years or more, friends and inter ested persons have been working for a new stadium at Senior High School. It took an Act of the North Carolina General Assembly before the stadium could become our very own. It seems that the lovely girls are quite jeal ous for the lack of attention. Let us suggest that the next time an urge is felt to deface Senior’s lips—give your emotions an outlet on the animate side and leave the $150,000 stad ium intact for an arena where we may show the state’s high schools some of the best sports manship in North Carolina. Don’t you agree ? Our Tearn Is R-e-d Hot “Our team is red hot! Our team is red hot! ” sounds pretty gootl doesn’t it; but some times our team must wonder whether or not we realize this. We’ve had a fine season so far with only two losses, so we must cheer to let the team know we’re with them all the way. Take the Cliarlotte and Asheville games for example. Although we lost to Charlotte, the game was an excellent show of sportsmanship, and the cheering was really worthy of repre senting G. 11. S. HIGH LIFE Piiblislirfl Senii-Montbly by the Students of Greensboro Senior High School Greensboro, N. G. Founded by the Class ONTEnNATioNAO of Revived by the Spring Journalism Class of 1037 Entered as s(>cond-class matter March .30, lOtO, at the post oflice at Oreensboro, N. C., under tbe Act of March .3, 1870. liditor . 'I'om Neal AhkocmU' Mdltor ElizalxMli McCulloch Feature Fditor . Barbara Hutton FfHM'fn Fdito-r . _ _ . Kichard Wliiltemore dirt’s Spartu Fdilar . Kelly McCraw Fa-ehMiiie /'A/Pors--Evelyn Sink and Karbara Mollitt Make-tip . _ I'arolyn Eenty. /tM.vmr.s.v Utanaper Dara Eea Ka.ssinger CireulatiMi Mattayer Dick Ilerbin Art Fditor Don Vaughn Fhotoyrapher Charle.s ManliE'ld Froofreader .lody Wilkinson Heporters—Anne Ix'wis, Elaine Daniell, Rosa lind Fordbain, Rodney Harrelson. AdiAser Mr. Sam J. Underwood Art Adaiser Mrs. Grace Faver Fituineial Ad riser Mr. A. 1’. Itouth OCTOBER 21, lOdO Which side do you sit on? Come on and YELL!! The cheering at the Asheville game was far l>elow par, not because there wasn’t a large turn out, but simply because wm dii^n’t take the energy to yell loud enough or hard enough. We realize that sometimes we are too interested in a play to really help out the cheerleaders, or the weather man gives us the rarity of a wmrra, humid night; but this is by no means ahvays true. Tonight we play Rcid.sville here at home, and wm certainly wmnt to win. Although we can’t all help the team by actually playing, let’s put our- .selves out front with the team and give out tonight wnth that lusty “Our team is red hot! ” Encore It’s what we want! Nothing does more for group feeling and fellowship than our community sings in chapel. Frankly, we like ’em. Group sings are real and vital to ward merging a group en masse to fellowsliip and brotherhood. Cynic and crooner alike have something to contribute; and what’s more, each person looses his eccentricities and be comes an integral pai-t—no, one be- coihes Senior High School. Singing is a type of expression which gives the emotions their fullest and deepest meaning. Sorrow, elation, pensenr, reflection—all, give way to the velvety smooth tonal (p.ialities. If four’s a (|nartet, than 1.135 singing at once must be a myriadet. Why do we like ’em? It’s nice to relieve the tension, produce a rippling smile, T-('vitalize fond friendships with an acdivit.v designed for everybod.y. Too, a myriadet is beautiful! Miss Tuttle, Messrs. Ilarriman, Ha/leman, Arner, give ns a chance to encoi-e with yon in Senior’s chorus. Poems Composed The following poems are tbe resiills of stnJyiiij; the imluik' ])oems of Williiim ('alien Ki-yant in Mrs. .R^iinno Newman's •lunior Enslish class. They are the spon- laneons work of juniors, accomplished will! in a t('ii-minnte period. A Weepiiis Willow Tree Inok not for the sadness of the Weeping Tree, Knt for the lunyhier ami merriment a.s ’ it jokes wilt) you and me. At Dusk At dusk, whim the liglit is stealing- away, The .sinking sun heralds the closing of day. .And the hli-ds in the willow.s drow.sily peep As the happy old woi-.ld falks gently asleep. —Con.slance Gnn-y. 'Phe sun like a king’s golden crown. Shone with a warm, sweet light. While tbe wind blew the fleecy clouds around, Kike a lion with abounding might. .—Jean Thomas. Advice to toe Lovelorn By Dorothy Dix Hutton Question—I have been wondering which would make the best -wife; a blonde, brunette or red-head. Should a black headed boy with grey eyes marry a bru- nett with blue eyes, or a blonde with green eyes? No books in the library cover this information, so I trust you will in form me.—Charles Jones. Answer—It really makes not a particle of difference unless you have a prefer ence for a certain color of hair in curlers every morning. Gf course if you like red lipstick, marry a brunette; pink lipstick, marry a blonde. (Helpful hint: In case you ever change your mind there’s always the bottli'—proxide, that is.). Platter Chatter By EVELYN SINK Hello music lovers! Bear with us Ibrough this mood today and yon ma.y get a few .suggestions about some records or songs, popular ami old. When music gets slack and forgets to become famous we have to fall back on our old reliables. This mouth .seenis to be the slack time. What is pojmlar has before been men tioned. One thing we haven't mentioned is -‘Don't Cry Joe.” This platter is recoi-ded at its best by Gordon McRae. This son is iiii odd time whicti is makiiig iis way to the toj). In fact in other parts of the Diition it lias made its hit and is there to stiiy. Some songs are written for the purpose ,of the words. Tbe music is there and lieliis make it—hut most of the time we love a song for its woi-d.s. "That Old Feeling" is typical of this description. Next time you hear tbe song listen close ly to tihi' words ;)nd see how yon like I hem. Eddie Howard has made several rec- cords lately that are hits. His '‘Ma,ybe it's Because" ami "Jealous Heart” are among his new ones. His old .song hits are constanMy -being Tilayed. Everyone enjoys beai-ing "To Each His Own.” The Dinning listers recording of “I Wonder Wlios Kissing Her Now” is old but beautiful, also ‘‘SbDjghter on Tenth Avenue” Pant 2. Diana Uynn has made a piaho version of “SUujghter” with the orchestra background. The late Buddy Clark made an out standing record of “You're Breaking My Heart.” We will all miss hearing new releases by him and with Doris Day. Speaking of Doris Day (tihe girl of to day) have you heard her singing “Cut ting Capers?” She seems to have a good voice for accents, such as “It’s Better to Conceal Than Reveal” and “Cafe Rondev- ous.” Maybe next month will be full of new song.s. So until November 4, we’ll wait, Darnell’s Doodlings By Elaine Darnell What I Dike About Being a Senior Dick Herbin—I like it because I will soon be out of school. Gordon Battle—No older boys. Tom Neal—Ask me later. Nancy Faust—Just glad I am not a Sophomore. Bob Kennerly—Soon be out of school. Don Smith—Don’t like it. Bill Campbell—After this Senior year, I will still have another one. Doug Kincaid—I was one twice. Shirley Evans—Gee, am I really. Anne Day—Can’t see any difference. Orchids To You Don Vaughn—For your cartoons. Tom Neal—For your speech at the NCSPA. Mr. Hazelman—For the High School Alma Mater. Joe Attayek—For your football playing. Pat Pinyan—For singing solo ait foot ball games. Jere LeGwin—For naming the annual. Miss Tuttle—For leading student body singing In chapel. First Period Glee Club—'For football game half-time entertainment Peggy Banes is really lucky to be at tending the Home Coming dances at Davidson this week-end. It seems Joanne and Sheow Fu don’t know when the dances at the Youth Cen ter begin. They went to the birthday ball at eight and it hadn’t started so left and returned about eleven and it was ending .(Tough luck). Bill Best and Nancy Bulla are one of the new couples, who got their start dur ing the summer. The fair really seemed to have brought out quire a few couples during its week here. Among those seen were—Nancy Beale and I.indy Brown, Nancy Faust and “Sonny” Hale,” Charles Kennedy and Dot Hussey, and Editha Stone and Bill Crawford. Joane Hendrix and Ann Edwards still seem to be ver.v fond of those follows at Oak Ridge. Eanes is .still corresponding with a, certain someone, who is attending llamiKlen-Sydney College. When Jimmie Davidson and Joanne Dick attended 'the out-of-town football games, they really believe in making a night of it, but why not? Editha Stone and Bill Crawford - are still -getting along fine, and I hear they had a wonderful time at the beach last week-end. Voting for superlu'lives so early in the year came as a suin-ise but since every one is so proud to be having an annual, they really didn’t mind. .lust hope the secT-et of the winners can be kept. WORDS TO LIVE BY "let all live as they would die.” —George Herbert "lie who learns and learns and uses not what he knows is like the man who plows and plows and never sows.” —Author Unknown “Erom now until the end of time no one else will ever see life with my eyes, and I mean to make the most of my chance.” —Christopher Morley ^ ^ -Jp VIEWPOINTS “How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people.” —Edward F. Benson The bii-d its thrilling notes doth sin.g. It seeuLS as if some bells should ring. The flowers nod their pretty heads. “God’s near” is what they said. —Betty Jones. * I AVON’T is a tramp. I CAN’T is a quitter. I DON’T KNOAV is lazy. I WISH I COULD is a wisher. I WILL is at work. I DID is now the boss. .