Shoot the Black Bison! HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry C ongratulations, honor roll students VOLUME XXVI SENIOR MGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., NOVEMBER 4, 1949 NUMBER 4 Social Standards Day Keynote Speakers Announced Whirlwinds To Meet Bison of High Point In important Tilt Here Zeiro hour is here a^ain. Yes, the zero hour as far as this high school is concerned has arrived in the person of the an nual test between the High Point High School Black Bison and the Greensboro Senior High Pur ple Whirlies. This year, as well as the past, will contain many football thrills and highlights. This game is perhaps the most publicized high school football rivalrj'^ in the state. Coach Tony Simeon of High Point will he minus the stars of many years ago. Little Curtis Mc Donald, who sparked the Bisons of 1945 to a 13-0 upset victory over Greensboro, ending a ten year vic tory reign for Coach Bob Jamieson, is not there, so all seems well. Also, Frank Von Drehle, terror of 1946, is missing along with Tommy Mc Gee of 1947 and. Wheat Miller of 1948. In 1946, the two met in Albion Minis Stadium ground in High Point and after a very rough and worthwhile game, the two decided to present the record books with a 0-0 tie. Very much out for revenge the Whirlies played host the next year and siK>tted the Bisons short-lived 14-0 first quarter lead. After the Whirlies had brought the score up to 14-7, Bill Patterson raced along the side lines and dived after the kick. off ball rolling the ^d zone. Since the kick off is a free ball and any one can. get it, the Bisons and Patterson fought for the ball and although outnumbered. Bill came up with it to make it High Point 14, Greensboro 13. “Old Faithful,” Bob Watson booted true and the score then stood 14 all. This one touchdown is i>erceived to be the one that broke the camel’s back as High Point showed little progress for the reaminder of the game. Greensboro scored again in the third quarter and this was enough to win 21-14. Midway in the last quarter the Bisons started passing. They used their famed spread of fense, but it was to no avail be cause the backfield battered down passes like flies and their line bucks were in vain. As the sound of the gun went off, the Whirlies ran into their dressing room a happy team.. They had truly won (Continued on Page Four) Tom Neal Heads Quill and Scroll OfBcers of the Quill and Scroll for this year were elected at called meeting on Friday, October 28, during the seventh period. The officers are: President, Tom Neal vice-president, Carolyn Lentz, and secretary-treasurer, Barbara Hut ton. It whs suggested that the club adopt two projects for this school year. The members are considering the revision of the standard Quill and Scroll handbook. The club also wants to rindertake the publishing of a pamphlet of student composi tions. including essays, short stories, and poems. The Quill and Scroll is a national honor society for high school jour nalists. Although the Senior High chapter now consists of High Life and Whirligig staff inember.s only, any student who is intere.sted in journalistic (creative) writing is eligible to apply for membership. A regular meeting of the club is scheduled to be held after school today in Room 10. Anyone who is interesited in becoming a member of the organization is asked to con-; suit Mr. Underwood or Tom Neal. SSI?'-''" fi- > i Checking some last-minute details for Social Standards day are the members of the planning committee. They are Miss Dorothy McNairy, Miss Lucille Browne, Alex Panas and Rebecca Frazier. (Photo by Mansfield) Twelve Students Attend D. E. Meeting in Hickory Twelve Senior High students at tended the Western District meet ing of the North Carolina Distri butive Education clubs, held Hickory, North Carolina on last Tuesday, November 1. The Hickory High D. E. club with Mrs. Jach Spainhour, adviser, sponsored the convention. Panel Discussion Held One of the highlights of the con vention was the panel discussion “What Does Retailing Offer for BURTON ELECTED PRESIDENT Frank Burton was elected president of the district at the organizational meeting. He will attend the Asheville national convention as an official dele gate. a Successful Business Career.” This panel was led by students and in cluded business men and merchants from the locality. The discussion History Class Hears Speaker Mrs. J. H. Rigby, a Historical Aid at Guilford National Park, spoke to Mr. Ix)ng’s first, second, and fourth period History five classes last week. She made a very interesting talk on the Southern Campaign of North and South Carolina. To tie in with her talk and the lesson of the classes, Mrs. Rigby brought along some of the weapons and other in teresting equipment that was used during the revolution. She also traced on the map the routes which were taken during the battles of the early settlement of America. also brought out the opportunities for retailing. There was a model program carried out according to parliamentary law. Dr. Clyde Emin Speaks The Greensboro delegates regis tered at 9:80. Afterwards the stu dents attencle(l a discussion. Later at the luncheon Dr. Clyde Erwin, State Superintendant of Public In struction addre.ssed the group. The luncheon was held at the Hickory iloose Club house. Delegates Listed The students from Senior who. attendwl the convention are Ronnie Britt, I''rank Burton, Billie June Caudle, Billy I.ewis, Rachel Slate, Gloria Combs, Betty I^ou Waldrop, Nancy Deaton, Betty Davis, Jean Wells. Bobbie Jean ilaye and Ver non Hurley. Burton Presides Frank Burton, local D. E. presi dent, presided over the meet. Ron nie Britt was on the nominating committee, of . which Mrs. Margaret G. Pinch, D. E. co-ordinator at Sen ior. was sponsor. Other D. E. clubs sending dele gates ifo the convention are Pleas ant Garden, Leaksville, Winston- Salem, Forsyth County Schools, Salisbury. Gastoniia, Wadesboro, Shelby, Hickory, Asheville, Candor and Charlotte. The D. E. club is one of the three national organizations rei)resentod here at Senior: the other two are Quill and Scroll and Torchlight. The local club will play host this February to the D. E. clubs of the state as the state convention is to be held here. The club is planning to send delegates to the National convention which will be held here in North Carolina at Asheville in April. Johnson Will Sell Christmas Greetings Attention, all students! Do you wait until the last min ute to buy your Christmas cards, and then have to take something that you wouldn't ^nd to your worst enemy? Don’t do it this year : see Mr. .Johnson at the school stove. He has a beautiful assort ment of cards which will be on sale soon this month. Last January Mr. Johnson ordertMl these cards, and they were sold to him for half- price. All students can buy this beautiful group of 21 cards for only 50 cents. Later in the sea.son these cards will be on display in the showcase of the main hall. The cards are primed on an ex cellent grade of paper, and no two of them are alike. Out of these cards, one will find a card to send to his minister and one to his maid —"the -ar(ls are of such quality that one can be found to suit each of your friends. Best Citizens Named A fter Faculty Meeting For the first six weeks period, as is always the custom, again six Senior High students were chosen by the faculty as best citizens. Mrs. Blanche Smith is the faculty chaii*man for both the scholarship and citizenship honor rolls. Each homeroom nominates two best citizens and then the final decision is left up to the faculty. From the sophomore class Ed Hudgins and Lane McGregor are the best citizens, while Jerry Bryan and Elizabeth Mc- Pheeters are from the junior class. Steve Agapion and Caro lyn Gergil receive the honor from the seniors. Social Standards Conference, now a vital part of hig'h school life in all the larger schools of the state, was ori^nated in Greensboro by Senior High stu dents in 1931. Since that time it has been the custom to designate one day each fall when students can meet in large and small groups, in true conference fash ion to discuss problems impor tant to them—sometimes prac tical, so-mietames idealistic. This year's conference, to be held next Wednesday, is both practical and idealistic. The theme is “Life Demands That We Know Something—Do Something—Be Something." Key Note Speakers There will be four assembles dur ing the day. Two will be general assemblies, and two will be special —one for the boys and the other for the girls. Dr. John A. Redhead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church will be the main speaker in the general assembly held in the morning. Alex Pianas is the student chairman for this meeting. A group of orchestra students directed by J. Kemball Harriman will play for the morning assembly. The devo tions will be read by Billy Fergu son and sung by Annie Laurie Rogers. The assembly will be greet ed by Kemp Clendenin, student body president, Mr. A. P. Routh, princiiwil, and Mr. B. L. Smith, superintendent of city schools. A string quartet composed of Terry Gaulden, Anne and Mary -Kaemy and Katherine Bobbitt will also play for this meet. Dr. Redhead, the morning speaker -will be intro duced by Rebecca Frazier. At the special boy’s assembly Dr. Herschel Folger, pastor of Ashe- b'oro Street Friends Church will speak. Billy Crowder will preside at this meet and special music will be furnished by the boys qiBartet. Members of 'the quartet are Kemp Clendenin, Bobby Greeson, Jerry Sinyre and Carey Gibbs. At the special girl’s assembly Miss Ruth Shaver of the Woman’s College faculty will speak. Nancy Beale will preside at the girl’s meeting and Mary Jane Cornegay will sing. At the general assembly in the afternoon Rebecca Frazier will pre side. Music will be furnished by an instrumental group of Mr. Harri- man’s students. The conference will be officially closed at this meeting. Student speakers will summarize the t.alks in the individual group discussions. The student speakers who will summarize the day’s activities and their topics are as follows: Knowl edge, Sue Purdom; Achievement, Billy Lowder; Character, Kemp Clendenin. Council Si)ou$ors Each year the student council sponsors the annual Social Stan dards Conference. This year Alex Panas and Rel)ecca Frazier are the . co-chairmen for the planning com mittee. Miss Dorothy McNairy and Miss Lucille Browne are the facul ty members on the committee. Elinor Wrenn, Charles PhilliT>.s and Elizabeth MePheeters are the students who will be in charge of registration of guests. As always a large delegation is expected—which comes from the numerous high schools in the state who also have or plan to have Social Standards Conferences. Lunch Activities When the homerooms assemble at 8:45 in the morning, students will be given programs and lunch tickets. The lunch period will be divided in half and one group will eat while anoflier is enjoying re creation facilities provided under the direction of Miss Gabriel. Cards will state which lunch period the student is to have, and without these cards admitance to the cafe teria will not be allowed. Other lunch-time activities include danc- ihg in the gym and an airplane exhibit by six members of the Greensboro Prop-Twisters Model (Continued on Page Six)