Read Answer to Clubs and Spades Editorial HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry Congratulations to Ann Edwards! VOLUME XXVI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., FEBRUARY 14, 1950 NUMBER 10 Whirl ies Whip Bison; Damages Are 26-16 Contests To Be Held During April, May; Five Fields Covered participation in five scholastic contests will be open to Senior High School students, it was announced by A. P. Bouth, principal. Mr. Kouth received the information in a letter from E. R. Rankin, Secre tary of tihe Academic Contests, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The examinations are given in connection wirh the Universityy Extension Division pro gram. The contest fields, with the latest date for entrance of each, are as follows: Physics, April 7; Mathe matics, April 14; Datin, May 5; Spanish, May 11; and French, May 12 The tests will be given' on the following dates: Physics, April 14; Mathematics, April 21; Latin, May 12: Spanish, May 18; and French, May 19. In the Latin, Spanish, and French contests, separate examinations will be given to the various different year groups. In the Latin contest, a first prize of $5.00 is being of fered : the second and third prizes will be named. In the Spanish and French cont^ts ,the three best papers from each group will be chosen to be sent to the Univer sity for judging. These teams of three will be judged and prize win ners will be announced. For the Physics and Mtahem acietsonTT Physics and Mathematics contests, three winners and several honorable mentions will he announced for each. Three copies of each test will be sent to each high school, and copies over and above that number will carry a charge of two cents Campbell and Brown Lead in Upset Over Once League Leaders Executive Board Meets In Senior High Library CHmie IVfack Butler and Ken Yarborough tussle after a “loose ball” in the Whirlie-Bison game shortly before Connie suffered a “shiner” in the tilt. (Photo, courtesy Greensboro Record) The Executive Board Meeting of the North Carolina High School Li brary Association was held in the Greensboro Senior High School Li brary January 21, 1950. The main purpose of this meeting was to make plans for the State Convention which will be attended by delegate from thirty-two High Schools who are members of the Association. Committee' A|H>omted Gil Murphy, president, appointed a nominating committee 'for the elec- 'tion of next year’s officers. The committee members are Janet Britt, Chairman, Lumberton High School; Prances Mull, High Point High School: and Ann Sellers, Spring Hope High School. This commit tee will make its report at the State Convention at which time eledtion ^'ill be made. Constitution Changed The motion w’as made and car ried that a committee be apxwinted to make necessary changes in the constitution ito fit the needs of district associations. Gil Murphy was selected chairman. Awards Offered _ It was decided that the Associa tion would .offer an award to the Outstanding club of the year. This sward would belong to Ihe Associa tion and ^would be passed along each year to the club chosen as the winner. Betty McCorkle, Reynolds High School and Eugene Bray, Reidsville High School were ap- Pf^in'ted to make several recommen dations at frhe> State Convention. The Lihrarian.5, Miss Annie Graham Caldwell and Miss Mary Ellen Hob son of Reynolds High School and Reidsville High School respectively, were chosen to help tlie students ^ake the decision. ft was announced that there are now 457 members in the associa tion and 50 NOHSLA pins have ooen sold. Torchlight To Attend Convention March 3 The National Honor Society con vention will be held in Concord on Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4. It is the annual State conven tion. The three official delegates will be Alex Panas, who will lead a panel discussion. Sue Purdom and Elinor Wrenn. Miss Mims will ac company the group. In addition to the official dele gates, a cardoad of about eight or nine .Torchlight members are ex pecting to go dowm to witness the convention. A registration fee of $3.50 will be charged to cover a limcheon, banquet, and various other expenses of the con\'ontin. Plans were made at the last Torch light meeting for a talent show to be given on April 11. Alex Panas was appointed chairman of a committee The purpose of having this show is of seven to plan for this program, to raise $17.50 for payment of the chapter’s page in the Whirligig, plus $100 for the annual scholarship. Plans w’ere also made for a spring tapping ceremony to induct a few re maining Seniors and several Ju niors. It was announced, too, that five members of Senior’s Torchlight Society will be eligible to take the annual National Honor Society Test to be given sometime in March. BULLETIN Ann Edwards, a senior at Greensboro High, won the sec ond prize, a scholarship of $500, in a Safety Forum contest spon sored by the American Mutual Life Insurance Company. Ann is the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Aubrey Edwards of Camden Road. The contest was held in Charlotte, N. C. G. H. S. Speech-Makers Participate In Oration and Declamation Meets February and March might well be labeled “speech-making months” at Senior High School. Three contests have been sched uled, and Miss Mozelle Causey, supervisor of dramatic activities, is expecting more to be held later on. American Legion The American Legion Oration Con test will be given on February 15. ITiose working on the contest include Alex Panas, Thomas Ginis, Billy Ferguson, Jack Ogburn, and Lining Buniett. Lions’ Club Miss Causey is planning to attend the Greenville, North Carolina, Lions’ Contest on February 18. She will take with her students wiio will participate in the speech tourna ment to be held on that day. There are three divisions to the competi tion : Division 1. for students who have never entered an oratorical contest prior to this time: Division 2, for students who will deliver an oration, w^ritten originally, and five or six minutes in length: and Di vision 3, for a six- or seven-minute declamation. Soil Conservation The Soil Conservation Contest will l>e held March 3. The speeches will be original, written before de livery, and twelve minutes in length. All high school students are eligible to enter, with the exception of last year’s winner. I’rizes of .$*».0O, $3.00 and $2.00 are being offered to the first three winners by the Guilford Dairy and the FCX Stores of Greens boro and High Point. The debate try-outs on the subject of popular election of the President will be held on February 13. Then the four winners will start work in, preparation to meet the debate teams from High Point and ‘Winston- Salem on March 31. Studenis Attend (SPA Convention,NewYork Seven journalism students with Mr. Sam J. X’^nderwood, Director, will leave March 8 l)y chartered-bus to attend the annual convention of the Columbia Scholastic Press A.sso- ciation. Those going are Rosalind Fordham, Martha Mackintosh. Bar bara Hutton, Irene Hurchinson, Anne Lewis, Richard Whittemore and Jackie Aulbert. The group plans to stay March 9-11 to attend the con ferences and group meetings cli maxed by a banquet at the Waldorf- Astoria. The purpose of this convention is to give the results of the an nual contest for new’spapers and magazines in which HIGH LIFE is represented. The chartered bus will leave here the night of March 8, and go through Burlington to pick up Bur lington students who are also at tending the convention. The bus will stop in Washington for break fast and then on reach New’ York l).v noon on March 9. Besides the regular meetings, there are theatre parties and radio shows to attend, plus any amount of shopping or sight-seeing tours desirable. Sam .1. ITnderwood, advisor to High Life, has been invited to speak about “Editorials — Materials and Policy.” Football or basketball? The score of last Friday’s Whir- lie-Bison basketball tended to re semble that of a football game. But football or basketball, the Greens boro boys completely dumfounded all experts by whipping a highly rated High Point quintet to the tune of 26-16. The brilliant floorwork of cap tain Lindy Brown surely was one of the main factors in the upset w’in. He guarded high scoring Jack Powell well and held him to only eight points. Powell had averaged 20 plus points per game until this one. Also Lindy swished the nets for 10 points enough to throw him into a deadlock with teammate Bill Campbell, also with 10 points for the night. Nevertheless, the usually offen sively minded Bisons were led by Pow’ell whio garnered exactly half of the team’s points. Center Ken Yarborough gathered 5. Whirlies Grab Lead The victors jumped off into a quick 6-0 lead early in the first two quarters on quick points by Brown, but the losers bounced back and made a small threat. When half time ended with Greensboro ahead, 11-7, the fans were well pleased with the fine showing that the home team was making. After the second half had begun, the Bisons took a short-lived 15-13 lead. . Campbell drove through many players and dropped in a one-hander to tie the score, 15-15, then n^ade a set shot and this put the Whirlies out in front for good. Thomas made a foul shot 18-16. A ten point margin w’as then piled up by G’boro with Brown, Kennerly, and Kincaid tal lying. This ended all scoring for the night and final score stood, Greensboro 26, High Point 16. This ended the season long reign the Bisons had held on the Western Conference. Now they are dead locked with Burlington, Greensboro is only one-half of a game behind. Seven hundred persons viewed the contest. The local jayvees won the pre liminary over High Point, 57-44. Ken Callender was high scorer with 23, followed by Johnny MacDonald with 14. The box score is given below: Greetisboro Pos. Player g fg pf tp ftm F Brown 4 2 4 10 2 F Minor 0 0 0 0 0 F Callender .... 0 0 1 0 1 P Kennerly .... 1 0 0 2 1 F Thomas 0 1 0 1 0 C Jarvis 0 0 0 0 0 G Kincaid 1 1 2 3 1 G Butler 0 0 0 0 0 G Campbell .... 4 4 0 10 4 10 6 High Point 7 26 9 Pos. Player pf tp ftm F Powell . .... 3 2 3 8 3 F O. Kelly .... 0 0 0 0 0 F Hassell .... 0 0 0 0 0 F Prve ... .... 0 0 2 0 0 C Yarborough .. 2 1 2 5 0 G Bryant .... 1 0 2 2 0 G Paschal .... 0 1 2 1 0 6 4 11 16 3 Citizenship Honor Roll Announced By Blanche Smith Mrs. Blanche Smith, announced this six week’s citizenship honor roll. They are: From the Senior class, Billy Ferguson and Sue Purdom; the Junior class, Jerry Bryan and Camille Schiffman; the Sophomore class, Jimmy Betts and Cynthia Baker.