D. E. Club Members To Attend Convention 161 Eager Seniors Will Make Annual Washinglon Tour Approximately one hundred and sixty-eiffht seniors will take the annual Senior trip to Washington this year. This group, largest of any previous class, will leave for the nation’s capitol on Thursday, April 27. The chaperones for this group are Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Roxith, Miss Ida Belle Moore, Miss Juanita Wales, Miss Louise Smith, Mrs. Jeanne Newman, Mrs. Mary Madlin, Miss Lucille Browne, Mr. R. B. Jamieson and Mr. J. T. Sewell. The party will stay at the Ambassador Hotel at 14th and K Streets. Students Listed Those making the trip are divided into 108 girls and 60 boys. The girls are Mary Louise Ahern, Lora Allred, Nancy Ballanger, Nancy Beale, Margaret Beane, Phyllis Bell, Nancy Benson, Joan Bignon, Carolyn Birgle, Betsy Bishop, Bar bara Blaylock, Peggy Boner, Audrey Brady, Barbara Braxton, Hope Brown, Roberta Burgess, Helen Capps, Dorothy Carter, Merle Cates, Marlene Christiansen, Mary L. Clement, Barabara Cornelius, Caro lyn Cornatzer, Iris Cox. Barbara Crutchfield, Elaine Darneell, Anne Day, Frances Dixon, Peggy Danes, Marie Essa, Shirley Evans, Nancy Paries, Marian Faison, Nancy Faust, Bobby Joe Fee, Doris Frank, Rebec- co Frazier, Theresa Freeman, Joan Gamble, Dale Gibson, Norma Jean Glass, Anzalette Homm, Carol Har rison, Margaret Haynes, Sallie Gray Hicks, Syreta Hodges, Ashley Hol land, Barbara Holloway, Anne Howe, Nancy Hudson, Joan Hug gins, Lois Johnson, Lorraine John son, Norma Kcrley, Ruth Knight, Betty Lane ,Martha Lashley, Rachel Lashley, Nancy Latham, Nancy Leonard, Sara Nell Maness, Betty Lou Marsh, Mary Martin, Bobbie Jean May, Charleen May, Elizabeth McCulloch, Pat McMahan, Peggy Montgomery, Anna L. Myrick, Ida Ruth Nall, Eloise Nance, Louise Nance, Louise Nance, Ruth Over ton, Becky Pappas, Margaret Pearce, Millie Pegram, Phala Per kins, Doris Petree, Emma B. Pic kett, Mickey Pickett, Janet Price, Peggy Reele, Annie Laurie Rogers, Carmen Saleehy, Iris Sharp, Ann Shepherd, Jeweldine Smith, Mary Blair Smith, Suzanne Sparling, Nor ma Stewart, Editha Sto^ne, Betty Talbert, Beverly Talley, Carleen Tate, Virginia Tippett, Ann Trip, Edith Trosper, .Tune Van Horn, Dot Vuncannon, Peggy Walker, Ann Ward, Carol Williams, Mary Ellen Wilson, Anne Wofford. Elinor Wrenn, Dorothy IVulff, Frances An drews, Sara Frances Warren, Mil dred Hartzoge. Masculine Travelers The boys attending are Bill Best, J. W. Bolejock, Keith Bowman, Ed Boyd, David Bradley, Howard Bree- don, John Bulla, Donnie Clemmons, Kemp Clendenin, John Colson, Bill Cox, George Cranford, Boh Dyer, Billy Ferguson, Craig Galloway, Thomas Ginis, Charles Gladwell, Bobby Greeson, Bobby Highfill, Prank Hough, Hilliard Humphrey, Vernon Hurley, Charles Isley, David Jackson, Shay Kincaid, Joe Kirk- Rian, Joseph Kirkman, Sidney Le- Bauer, Billy Lippard, Don McCol- him, Hutson Moody, Thomas Neal, Alan Neese, Sidney Overstreet, James Palmer, DickPatterson, Gre- SOTy Patterson, Marvin Perrin, Charlie Phillips, Murray Politis, Gilbert Powell, Bill Price, James Robertson, Edw-ard Routh, Robert Russell, Jimmy Schenck, Frank Shepherd, Don Smith, Edward Smith, Thatcher Townsend, George ^elonis, Bert Wode. Duncan West Edward Wilson, Roland Wisseman, Billy Wrenn, Billy Zuckerman, Leon oiler ^nd Bonnie Britt. Sunday Night The party will leave Greensboro from Sears’ parking lot Thursday, April 27, at 6 a.m., stop in South Virginia, for rest, lunch in Richmond, and arrive in Washing- at 6 p. m. Approximate time to, arrive in Greensboro is 9:30 p. m. Ounday night. Smiling over a job well done are the members of the Torchlight Talent Show planning committee. Mem bers of the committee are, from left to right, Kowdand Wisseman, Elinor Wrenn, Carolyn Birgel, Nancy Loi Foust, and Alex Panas, chairman. HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry VOLUME XXVI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., APRIL 7, 19.50 NUMBER 14 School Will Elect Officers; Candidates Are Presented The time has now arrived to elect the new officers for the class of next year. The students who are runnin-g for offices were pre sented to the student body in chapel last Tuesday morning, April 4. Students have been given time to debate and decide which of these candidates will best fulfill the required job. Registration day will be April at the regular places—in the ends of the halls, if the plan of last year is used. All students of Senior High School are eligible to register and vote, but under no circumstances will those who do not register be allowed to vote. Actual voting for candidates will occur April 25, 1950. Students are urged to .vote for candidates during the regular voting time; since only the registered voters’ ballots will be officially counted in the tally. The nomination convention will be held April 24 also. Delegates to the convention from the homerooms will be elected shortly after the presentation of candidates in chapel. Candidates Are Announced Candidates for the several offices as announc*ed by Shoew Fu Seen, President of the Senior Class, fol low : Officers of the school: president, Carl Brooks, Jerry Bryan, Jack Og- burn; vice-president, Betty Jo Ben- field, Connie Curry, Martha Van Link; secretary, Kathryn Clegg. .Ann Wrenn; treasurer, Jimmy Betts; and traffic chief. Bill Sartin. Officers of the Senior Class: pres ident, Floyd Rollins, Norman Schlosser, John Utley; vice-presi dent, Charlotte Collson, Betty Bon ner Jones, Faye Snyder; secretary, Thomas; treasurer, Louis Bates, An drew Bristow, Kacky Holt, Jerry Ann Moore, Frankie Ogburn, Anne White; and representatives of Sen ior Class, Lyndon Anthony, Lacy Baynes, Henrietta Bell, Sally Boren, Bobby Brown, Connie Mack Butler, Barbara Cashwell, Joy Covington. Evelyn Dermatas, Jane Edwards, Jackie Gilmore, June Idol, Elaine Leonard. Elizabeth MePheeters, Eva Newlin, Betty O’Connor, Bev erly Oden, Barbara Pickett, Cathy Poag, Ruth Shelburne. Marie Size more, Barbara Smith, Carolyn Welch. Jimioir Class Officers Listed Officers of the Junior Class: pres ident, Fred Ayers, Bobby Clark, De Armon Hunter, Ronnie Kriegs- man ; vice-president, Catherine Bob bitt, Bill Shields, Elliot Solomon, Harriet Vaughn; secretary, Marjory Carter, Evelyn Greenberg, Mary Wisseman; treasurer, Joseph Hall, Ruth Ann Nelson; and representa tives of Junior Class, Eli Attayek, Cynthia Baker, Nancy Beeson, Nancy Birgel, Beverly Campbell, B. G. Campbell, Betty Jane Davis, Nancy Haifhcock. . Beverly Hall, Shay Harris, Christine Hill, Jojinne Lila Burgess, Hettie Lou Raiford, Lurlie Routh, Becky Squires, Julia Krieger, Lane McGregor, Bill Mich ael, Alice Mitchell, Becky Phoenix, Tommy Neese, Carol Stroud, Mary Lee Wells, Dave Wright. D. 0. Class Sponsors Career Day Program Friday, April 14, 1950 has been set aside as Career Day. Blanks have been sent to homerooms giv ing students opportunity to fill in speakers or topics of their choice. Fields Represented Speakers from many of the fol lowing fields will be represented: advertising, agi-tculture, armed forces, art, aviation, business ad ministration, architecture, construc tion, dietetics, drama, engineering, fashion designing, diplomatic ser vice, general office work, homemak ing, hostess, interior decorating, journalism, law, library, marriage, medicine, modeling, music, nursing, personnel work, photography, pro fessional sports, radio-television, recreation, religion, retailing, sales manship, science, teaching, and trades. Speakers and Counselors To Answer Questions Mrs. Grace B. Illman is in charge of the program sponsored by the D. O. class. Counselors and speakers in the above mentioned fields will speak to interested groups, give interviews, and answer questions. Torchlight Sponsors Annual TalenI Show To Fund Scholarship The Torchlight Society sponsored its annual talent show in Senior’s auditorium on April 6. The pro gram, featuring twelve acts, was held during the first period. Money raised will go toward the fund for the $lt)0 scholarship given annually to a Torchlight member. The first act on the program was a skit by the sixth i>eriod dramatics class. Participants were Bill Fer guson, Phyllis Greer, Virginia Har ris, Dora Allred, Jack Ogburn, Tom my Hubert, Don Potter, Paul Smith, and Jean Tribble. Bill Zuckerman was reader for the pantomime. The skit was followed by a violin and piano duet by Jack Gooch and Julia Deskins. Senior’s boys’ quar tet, the Queen's Men, was next on the agenda, followed by a vocal solo i)y Paul Smith and a baritone solo by Don McCollum. Sixth on the program was a piano duet by Iris Sharpe and Jeanette Hester. Torchlight then presented its “Mystery Man,’’ who had been publicized throughout the advertis ing caini)aign for the show. “The Voice,” Roger Gil)bs, former student at G. H. S., gave a vocal solo. Roger was followed by Dot Wulff, who also sang. Carl Brooks and Bert Wade and Carl Brooks won first prize of $10 with their rendition of “Call of the Wild Goose.” The Queen’s Men took second place and $5 sing ing a medley of old favorites. Paul Smith’s “Easter Parade” received Honorable Mention. Bert Wade were the next perform ers with a vocal solo and piano accompaniment. Dancers from the Felicia Studio appeared on the program as an added attraction. Coach Smith had trained a group of boys in his phys ical education classes for a tumbling act at this time. And concluding the program was a love duet by Roger .Tewett and Nancy Lou Foust. A first prize of $10 and a second prize of $5 were awarded to the winners. Judges for the awards were Dr. Carl W. McArthur, Mr. Lome Grant, and Mrs. Blanche Smith. Forty-two Stales Send Representalives; Burton To Preside Fourteen members of the D.E. club of G. H. S. will attend the national convention of Distribu tive education in Asheville from April 16-19. They will leave Greensboro Sunday morning at 10 o’clock by bus for Asheville. In Salis* bury they will be joined by mem bers of the club from Boyden High School. The group is to stay in the George Vanderbilt Hotel. After registration and a short rest there wall be a social hour Sunday night. Regular sessions will open on Monday morning. Greensboro High’s own Prank Burton will give the welcoming address. Frank is the local president, president of the ‘Western Dis trict, and state president of the Distributive Education clubs. There will be many delegates from 42 states attending the con vention. On Monday night there is to be a square dance wdth a regular mountaineer string or chestra and all the rest of the trimmings. . On Tuesday night, the high point of the whole convention will be reached — the banquet. Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Superin tendent of Public Instruction, will deliver the main address. Mr. D. Hiden Ramsey will be on hand to introduce Dr. Erwin. A Man from Greensboro Mr. D. 0. Tice, of the local Belk’s Department Store, who is most interested in the work of the D. E. clubs, will attend the convention. This is the first time that North Carolina has ever played host to the national convention. Last year, the national meeting w^as held in Topeka, Kansas. There have been only five meet ings before this one. The group will return by bus on Wednesday night, April 19. Delegates Listed Those who are going are Frank Burton, Ronnie Britt, Jeaneen Wells, Doris Vaughn, Esther Wooten, Rachel Slate, Jim Co vert, Jean Wells, Dennis Bell, Christine Johnson, Barbara Kil- lebrew, Vernon Hurley, Oraa Foushee, Charles Barber, and Mrs. Margaret G. Finch, adviser. Submit Your Story To 0. Henry Contest Say, Seniors, how was your Jun ior short story? Did it rate an A? Would you like to have $25.00? or $100.00? Well, by all means, enter the O. Henry stort story contest for Seniors. You may write a new story es pecially for the occasion, or, if you don’t feel sufficiently inspired to spin a yam, just re-work your last year’s masterpiece. Add to it all you like, for there’s no word limit. Just be sure that your entry is your original brain storm! The contest is sponsored annually by the O. Henry Study Club. The first prize of $25.00 and the second prize of $10.00 are offered by the group to two Senio.rs writing the best short stories. The awards will be presented on graduation night. Judges are members of the English Department here at Senior and are appointed by Miss Mims. The deadline for entering the short stories is April 21. Submit the story to your English 8 teacher or, if you do not take this course, to Miss Mims in Room 300.

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