T Congratulations, Baseball Team! HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry Congratulations, New Class Officers vni.UME XXVll SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., MAY 11, 1950 NUMBER 12 New Class Officers Inaugurated Jenkins Scholarships Available to Seniors About this time of year many firms and various organizations are making it possible for deserving and outstanding students here at Greensboro Senior High School to receive scholarships. Perhaps the most outstanding one before the graduating class at the present time is the Jenkins Scholarship, made possible by the Sears-Roe- buck Foundation and Mr. Ort Jen kins, general' manager of the Sears Mail Order House in Greensboro. These scholarships, ten of them in number and amounting to one hundred dollars each, are given annually to ten members of the graduating class. To choose the ten students to receive the scholar ships a committee composed of the following persons is used; the principal of our school, Mr. A. P. Routh; the Dean of Students. Miss Mary Ellen Blackmon; the chair man of the Senior Class Faculty Committe. Mrs. Nellie Blackburn; and the chairman of the part-time students, Miss Lucille Browne. To be eligible to receive one of these scholarships, a student must fill out an application blank on which questions of this type are asked: the size of your family, how you plan to finance your col lege education, whether you plan to be a day or dormitory student, and various other data. The appli cant is also asked whether or not he or she has been accepted at the college of his or her choice. Also taken into consideration is the po sition of leadership held by an applicant while in Senior High School. Applications are available at the office and will be presented upon request. The winners will be an^ nounced at a later date and the presentation will take place while at an assembly. Seniors To Have Many Varied Activities The next few weeks will be full of events and happenings condu cive to the grand night of June 1; that is, the seniors will be quite bus^ for the next few weeks pre paring for graduation. Events get into sway on May 21- May 23. Starting then, caps and gowns are to be used for what a light fee of $2 25 is charged. The sp.iors are reminded of the three times they are to wear them . On May 25 at 9 A.M. the class day exercise is slated, followed by a 12:30 luncheon at the Starmount Country Club (which will cost S1.50); and this in turn is followed by a dance at the Youth Center from 9 P.M. to 12 P.M.. Two days later the Seniors will congregate at the First Baptist Church for the Baccalaureate Sermon by Dr. Claude Bowen, the pastor of the church. Next comes the only dark shad ow on this Senidielis calendar— exams; on May 28, 29 and 30. the Seniors will be taking their exams. And they are reminded that all fees must be in on or before May 31- Also any make-up or re-exams inay be taken (or must be taken) on May 31. Sure to follow after May 31, of course, is June 1 and this is the night. Graduating seniors are esked to come to school or be at school at 10 A.M. until ??? for a rehearsal of the graduation lineup. Incidentally, their attendance is compulsory. At 8 P.M. their last few hours at G. H. S. will be spent, l^cy speaker at the graduation ex ercise is Rev. Kenneth Goodson. All girls are requested to wear white dresses and white shoes with heels. The boys are requested to Wear suits preferably dark, and h^ack shoes, although whites are permissible. For the seniors not so fortunate to be able to graduate, a certain routine known as summer school ^hted to begin June 4. The cost IS $15 per subject or $25 for two subjects. (Better hurry to regis ter—the line is getting longer!) Pictured above is Martha Van Link, May Queen, with her escort, Jerry Bryan, President of the Student Body. In the background is a group of spectators who witnessed the beautiful event. Fifty-one Students Are Placed on ^Special^ Mrs. Blanche Smith has released the names of those students who made honor roll for the fifth six weeks grading period. There was a total of 51 students who made the special honor roll, 28 from the Senior class. 14 from the Junior class, and 9 from the Sophomore A total of 204 students were placed on the regular honor roll, 93 from the Senior class, 66 from the Junior class and 45 from the Sophomore class. Those on the honor roll are as follows: SPECIAL HONOR ROLL Seniors Room 3—Ellen Parker, Delbert Parrish. Room 5—Marie Sizemore, Faye Snyder. Room 12—Jim Fulton, Janet Greene. Room 14—Carolyn Lentz. Bar bara Mclver, Elizabeth MePhee- ters. Room 16—Jackie Aulbert, Lyn don Anthony, Henriettat Beil. Room 24^Becky Squires, Jan Thomas. Room 202—Bobby Brown. Room 203—Jane Higgins, June Idol. Room 204—Letha Jennings, Dor is Johnson, Betty B. Jones. Room 300—Jerry Ann Moore, Jo Ann Moore, Frankie Ogburn. Room 307—Billy Crowder, John David Ellington, Connie Curry. Room 309—Mary Lee White. Bet sy Wright. Room 4—Christine Hill. Room 27—Janet Brooks, John Butt. Bobby Clark. Room 106—Steve Leonard. Room 206—Nancy Stafford, Car ol Stroud. Room 303—Barbara Beavers. Room 317—Norma Veney, Car olyn Welch, Mary Lee Wells, Vale rie Yow. Room 7—Margie Goldman, Shie- la Harris. Sophomores Room 22—Kate Wharton. Room 23—Virginia Redhead. Room .102—Patsy Eways, Bar bara Farley. Room 201—Hugh Gerringer, Pat. Gregg, Gardner Foley. Room 301—Rachel Shore. Room 315—Ann Hunter. REGULAR HONOR ROLL Room 3—Barbara Pickett. Kath ryn Poag, Hettie Lou Raiford, Peg gy Marie Rayle. Room 5—Lurlei Routh, Frances Royal, Patty Rumley, Patsy Saun ders, Camille Schiffman, Evelyn Sink, Jean Skelton, Barbara Smith, Georgia Smith, John E. Smith Ruth Shelburne. Room 12—Patsy Fargis, Rosalind Fordham, Margaret Fowler, Jean Garrity, Phyllis Greer, Mereleen Gregory, Terry Gaulden. Room 14—Carol Lee, Elaine Leonard, Mary Ellen McNeal, Bob bie Magness, Martha Malone, Charles Mansfield, Frank Mat thews. Room 16—Susie Banks, Jean Bass, Betty Jo Benfield, Sally Bo ren. Room 24—Jerrine Steifle, Janie Stanley, Barbara Strickland, Myra Teasley, Helen Thomas, Peggy Thrower, Bill Tutterow, Bob Stew art, Sara Ann Taylor. Room 202—John Bradley, Billy Brown, Jeannette Brown, John (Continued on Page Six) Summer School To Commence June 4; Cost Is Revealed Principal A. P. Routh States Purpose Of Summer Classes Summer school will begin on Monday, June 4, and will adjourn Wednesday, July 11. It will be held at Senior and all subjects hav ing at least five students register ing for the particular subject will be taught. The school week will contain six days with two periods of two and a half hours each. The cost will be $15 for one subject, while two subjects may be taken for $25. There will be no refund for withdrawals after enrollment. Registration will be held on Monday morning, June 4, at 9 o’clock. The student must have his tuition fee at that time. Classes start on the following day, Tuesday, June 5, at 8 o’clock. The following regulations must be observed. No credit will be given on a subject if the student has more than one unexcused ab sence, or more than two unexcused tardies. Two subjects is the max imum work that can be taken. Any subject passed in summer school will be given full credit towards eventual graduation. Mr. Routh said that the purpose of summer school was to give stu dents an opportunity to make up deficits on work, to strengthen themselves by taking extra work, and to get certain enrichment courses that they may not have the time to get during the regular session. EvenI Takes Place In Regular Assembly On May 8, the student body wit nessed the induction of next year’s scliool officers. Jerry Bryan, retiring school pres ident, swore in 25 new officers and representatives for the new school year. Bob Clark was installed as president of the student body in an impressive ceremony. Following Bob were the vice-president, Lane McGregor; secretary, Benita Black; treasurer, Bob Bell; traffic chief, Fred Ayers. They took over offices formerly held by Jerry Bryan, Bet ty Jo Benfield. Anne Wrenn, Jim Beits, and Bill Sartin. Senior Class Officers Named The rising Senior Class officers were; DeArmon Hunter, president: Janet Davis, vice-prseident; Carolyn Welch, secretary: and Nancy Haith- cock, treasurer. The representa tives for this class are Eli Attayek, ' Beverly Campbell, Beverly Hall, Billy Michael, Mary Lee Wells, and Anne Wrenn. Junior Class Officers Installed Bill Greene was installed -as president of the rising Junior Class. He will be assisted by Hugh Sam ple serving as vice-president, Mar got Hammond as secretary, and Jimmy Armstrong, treasurer. Rep resentatives of the class number six. They are Mary Henrie Ar thur, Ann Carlson, George Fergu son, Joyce Lee, Virginia Redhead, and Chris Velonis. Bryan Makes Farewell Talk Jerry Bryan gave the student body his thanks in his retiring speech. Jerry said that he was glad to have worked with so fine a student council and student body. He thanked the various teachers, who had been the advisers, and ended saying that he “would al ways remember the fine time and gratifying experiences his sojourn at G. H. S. had made possible.’’ The retiring vice-president, Bet ty Jo Benfield, said: “This has been the best experience of my life, serving as vice-president for so fine a student body.” Both talks were greeted by thun derous applause and as Jerry re tired the student body unanimous ly sang “Auld Lang Syne.” Before installation began, the student council gave a summary of the work accomplished this year. The second part of the assembly was taken up with information on DO-DE courses, furnished by Miss Browne and Mr. Jones. This part was witnessed by Juniors and Soph omores, and the Senior Class re turned to homerooms. Torchlight Society Gives Inductees Party Members of Torchlight attended an outdoor supper held at the Bur lington Mills’ Club last night, May 10. The party was given in honor of the new members who were inducted into the organization in the spring tapping. The party fea tured a weiner roast. Afterwards, members entertained themselves bowling, playing ping-pong, and dancing. Members were allowed to bring guests to the party. Spe cial guests for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Routh. Chairmen for the party were Evelyn Dermatis, Coonnie Curry, and Beckey Squires. Chosen for this six weeks citizenship honor roll are the ^following students. From the Senior Class those chosen were Jerry Byan and Marie Size more. The students who were selected from the Junior Class are Bobby Clark and Mary Lee Wells. From the Sophomore Class the following boy and girl were chosen: Arthur Scott and Ann McKay.