^een of May To Reign Over Spring Festivities Girls, (and any interested males) what is that elusive charm, that most of us spend all of our lives constantly seeking, which merits popularity, swooning males, and beauty crowns? Well, most of us, unfortunately, will never suc ceed in our quest; but there are those among us who have. Any careful questioning on our part will not wrest the secret from them, however, for they will modestly assure you that they do not possess it at all! For any per sistant hopefuls the best possible sources are Anne Wrenn, our lovely May Queen, Lane McGre gor, our charming Senior Attend- and, Dottie Crews, the radiant Junior Attendant, and petite Becky Schweistris, the pretty Sophomore Attendant. These Senior High beauties definitely do not fall into the category of “beauty without brains,” nor do they prove the popular assertion that “beauty is only skin-deep.” These four love lies have and are contributing their talents and services in all fields. Wrenn Wins When Anne Wrenn reigns as our Queen of the May it will be a fitting climax to an active high school career. The brown haired miss has served on the Student Council, both as secretary of the school and council representative, is a D. D. T., received Mariner honors, is president of Torchlight* sings a lovely soprano in the choir, and has been her class maid of honor in the May Court for the past two years! Lane McGregor, who is our popular Veep, has adorned every chapel program with her warm voice and gracious personality. The Senior Maid of Honor served in the Student Council as a repre sentative before she was elected to the high office of vice-president. Her other numerous activities in clude singing in the choir, serving actively in the Mariner Scouts, and enjoying social life with the D, D. T.’s. Lanie was voted by students and faculty to be the D, A. R. representative just re cently, and participated in the Girls’ State. Her brunette beauty was displayed in the May Court of her sophomore and junior years also. Dottie Crews, the “blond bomb shell” of the Junior Class was the Queen’s attendant in her sopho- Junior Classic League Meets in High Point On Saturday, April 26, a state wide Junior Classic League Con vention is to be held in the Senior High School auditorium of High Point, N. C. from 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. This convention is held to cele brate the conclusion of Latin Week, which is commemorated annually in honor of the founding of Rome, April 21, 753 B. C. Two delegates from each school in the state are invited to attend, in cluding any interested Latin stu dents. The delegation fee is $1.00. Mrs. Madlin, the faculty member who teaches Latin, plans to attend the convention along with the two delegates. Mrs. Vew Walden, . the state chairman, announces that the various delegates will be asked to make a report on the activities of their Latin class. Lunch will be served to the convention at tendants ait noon in the school cafeteria. Because of the extremely full schedule of Greensboro Senior High School, it is impossible for the Latin students to celebrate Latin Week any way other than by class discussions. Other schools who are able to devote more time to Latin Week have class projects, present skits, and use assembly programs for their week’s activi ties. The students who are planning to attend the convention from our school are as follows: Betty Brooks, Amanda McConnell, Rich ard Smith, Ed Fisher,. Barbara Wyrick, Joyce Owen, Jean Rob bins, Mary Anne Hill, Jo Anne Hobbs, Anne Vaden, Mary Ellen Kaelin, Bill Herford, Barbara Jamieson, Marilyn Newman, Frances Stafford, Barbara Massey, Nancy Jo Smith, and Kitten Bar- rmger. more class. Once again she was voted into the enviable position this year. Dottie, whose vivacious personality captures everybodies’ admiration, served as council rep resentative during her first year at Senior. She is a member of the D. D. T.’s, and is a skillful tennis player. Noted Newcomer Last, but not least, is Becky Schweistris, the sophomore s’ choice for their honor attendant. Becky also has served on the Stu dent Council and has recently been re-elected to serve next year. Al though a comparative newcomer, her soft brown eyes and hair are fast becoming a Senior High standout. It is already evident that in h^r high school career she will take a place of leadership. These four girls will be sup plemented by other beauties when the great day arrives. They, too, are a credit to our G. H. S. With the promise of such a beautiful spectacle, who could possibly afford to miss our lovely May Day? Anne Wrenn to Reign Over May Festivities Scheduy for May 7 May Day, celebrated annually at Greensboro Senior High School, is to be held this year on May seventh. The program will take place on the front lawn of the school at 5:00 in the afternoon. Reigning over the court will be Queen of May, Anne Wrenn. At tending her will be: Senior Maid of Honor Lane McGregor, escorted by DeArmon Hunter; Junior Maid of Honor. Dottie Crews, escorted by Buster Jenkins; Sophomore Maid of Honor Becky Schweistris, escorted by Bob Jackson. Round ing out the May Court will be: Nancy Birgel, escorted by Dickie Routh, Carol Stroud, escorted by Edwin Pearce, Beverly Hall, es corted by . Tommy Steele, Betty Jane Davis, escorted by Mose Kiser, Norma Veney, escorted by Clint LeGette, Elaine Lanier, es corted by Billy Michael, Jackie Scott, escorted by Rodney Ed wards, Mary Henri Arthur, escort ed by Johnny Buchanan, Shirley Barbee, escorted by Sonny Bran non, Pat Gregg, escorted by Fred Ayers, Marian Cornelius, escorted by Bob Bell, Gloria Gilmore, es corted by Paul Stanton, Betty Bell, escorted by Jimmy Betts, and Lila Ann Tice, escorted by Jimmy Tunstall. Club Capers Entertainment for the Royal en semble will be provided by the social clubs of the school. The clubs will portray highlights of each month of the year, by means of dances. Included in the court entertainment will be: acrobats in August, done by the seventh period boy’s physical education class and Miss Gabriel’s seventh period girl’s physical education class- a bubble dance in March; and a New Year’s Eve dance, done by the court at large. Faculty advisors for the May Day program are Miss Gabriel, Mrs. Newman, Miss McNairy, and Miss Nicholson. Miss Gabriel will be in charge of the May Pole dance which will be enacted by the girls in her second period physical education class She will also instruct the May court in the dancing of the minuet. Mrs. Newman who is a former dancing teacher, will instruct the pagentry in the art of portrayal dancing. Miss McNairy is acting as technical advisor of the group. Music will be provided by the sophomore band under the leader- ship of Mr. Arner. Bulletin Students of GHS will be dismissed today, Friday, April 11 at 12 noon to begin Eas ter holidays. The Spring va cation will extend through Monday, April 14, and classes will be resumed at 8:30 Tues day morning. This short holiday will be the last vacation given to stu dents before the end of the 1951-52 term. HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry VOLUME XXVIII SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., APRIL 11, 1952 NUMBER 13 Part-Time Cooperative Program Honors Employers, Special Guests at Banquet Members of the Planning Committee for the Ninth Annual D. O.- D. E. banquet are pictured above amid last minute preparations for this event. The committee consisted of the presidents of each D. O.-D. E. class and the co-ordinators, Miss Lucille Browne, Mr. R. Thorpe Jones, and Mrs. Hodden. Members are left to right: Bobbie Jean Wray, Jay- nelle Martin Ritter, Peggy Thomas, and Becky Phipps. Standing are Bob Goldberg, Larry Russell, and J. D. Phillips. Senior Class Is Preparing For Trip to Washington Annually the seniors take a trip to Washington, our nation’s capitol. There was some controversy this year over the question of whether or not to go, but despite the in flated prices and other difficulties, they are going. Plans have al ready been made to stay at the Hamilton Hotel. There will be three students assigned to each room. All arrangements have been made, and they are to leave Thursday, May 1, by bus from the Sears Roebuck parking lot at 6:00 A. M., and to return at 10:00 P. M. the following Sunday night. The first rest stop will be in South Hill, Virginia about 9 o’clock. From there they will con tinue, stopping for lunch in Rich mond, to Mount Vernon, the resi dence of George Washington. Af ter visiting Mount Vernon they will tour the National Airport, ar riving in the District around 6 o’clock that night. After dinner and entertainment, students will return to the Hamilton Hotel where they are to stay, by 12 mid night. On Friday the seniors will visit the Bureau of Printing and En graving, where they will see the various processes concerned in making paper currency and post age stamps. After visiting the Supreme Court they will make a tour of our nation’s Capitol build ing. There they wiU see many famous paintings and statues of former presidents and celebraties. Following this they will proceed to the famed Library of Congress. In the afternoon tours will be taken through the Smithsonian Institute and the Mellon Art Gal lery. After dinner the students will be given a 'choice of seeing the Cleveland-Washington baseball game or going to the Glen Echo Amusement Park, one of the largest recreation parks in this country. The curfew is set for mid night. Saturday morning they will go to the Washington Monument, the Jefferson memorial, which is built in memory of Thomas Jefferson, and the Lincoln Memorial, which is built in memory of Abraham Lincoln. From there they will visit Arlington, the Tomb of the Un known Soldier, and the home of Robert E. Lee. If the “New” White House is finished and opened to the public by that time, they will go there. Then, before lunch, they will visit the National Cathedral, the largest non-denominational cathedral. At 1:30 they will have lunch and until 7:00 there will be no specific things planned, the afternoon being free. That night they will have dinner at 7:00 and will attend a movie afterwards, being back in their rooms by 12:00 o’clock. Sunday morning, May 4, at 6:30 the buses will leave for home. Plans have been made to stop at the Endless Caverns, where they may see the stalagmite and stalac tite formations in the underground caves. At 12:30 they will have lunch and will again get on the road towards home. The last two stops will be Natural Bridge and Roanoke, Virginia, putting the group in Greensboro around 10 o’clock Sunday night. Fire Drill Is Termed Successful by Chief' The fire drill held Thursday, April 3, at 10:55 A. M. was a record breaker for Greensboro Senior High School. The buildings were completely cleared of the 1,325 student^ in two minutes and fif teen seconds. According to Bill Jackson, fire chief, there was no running, talking, or anything to ruin the drill, except for one group of students stationed too close to the cafeteria building. Another official fire drill is be ing planned for next week with five firemen observing. In the near future the Kiwanis Club, the Central Fire Station, and the city schools are going to par ticipate in a city wide Clean Up Campaign. Mr. G. H. Stubbins, a member of the Central Fire Station, will act as head of the campaign, while Greensboro Senior High will be the head of all the city schools. The object of the campaign is to check all schools and homes for hazards, such as faulty wires, pil cloths, lighted cigarettes tossed carelessly aside, and the like. Chancellor Robert House Gives Banquet Address Approximately 300 students, their employers, and special guests attended the Ninth Annual Bosses’ Banquet Tuesday evening, April 8, at 7:30. The annual event, sponsored by the students of the part-time co-operative program, was staged in the Masonic Temple. Highlight of the traditional affair for Diversified Occupations and Distributive Education classes was an address by Chancellor Robert B. House of the University of North Carolina. Using “Re sources” as the theme of his after- dinner speech, Chancellor House emphasized the importance of the development of talents and ability. The renowned author, editor, and educator urged both students and employers to provide a time in each day for a relaxing activity. His years of experience as an educator have led him to believe that love and enthusiasm are necessary for a happy life. The genial speaker and mouth-harpist concluded his after-dinner speech with a reminder of the need for worship of a Supreme Being. Emcees for Evening The entertaining program was planned and presented by students of the part-time co-operative pro gram. Keenan Neece and Gene Frederick acted as mistress and master of ceremonies. Louise Clark sang the invoca tion, “Hear Me, Lord,” by Youse. After the meal was served, Joanna Smith and Betty Welborn began the theme of Springtime with a piano duet of “Easter Parade.” Sarah Perkins extended greetings to the employers of D. O.-D. E. students. Representing the bosses, Mary D. Grant, Director of Li braries of the Greensboro City Schools, responded to this wel come. In the fashionable costume of the 1920’s Sylvia Shore performed the Charleston for the guests. Introductions of bosses, students, co-ordinators, and special guests representing industry, education, commerce, and civic clubs of Greensboro followed. Spring Songsters “Tell Me Why” was the musical question asked by Louise Clark, to the varied entertainment Larry Russell added the favorite, “On the Road to Mandalay.” Chancellor Robert B. House, main speaker at the annual affair, addressed the guests following an introduction by Martha Moore. Guests were welcomed at the door by a hostess committee of representatives of D. O. trades, D. O. office practices, and D. E.. In addition to class president Larry Russell, J. D. Phillips, Becky Phipps, Carolyn Royal, Bob Goldberg, and Jaynelle Martin Ritter, the following students served in the welcoming commit tee: Hilda Bass, Betty Ruth Austin, Peggy Lamb, Charlotte Evans, Pattie Apple, Jean Barricks, Jimmy Brady, Clyde Priddy, Sally Stanley, Bobbie Jean Wray, Carl Hassell, Colleen Hurley, Doris Jenkins, and Bob Redburn. Boosters Honored According to tradition the stu dents of the part-time co-opera tive program, with assistance from D. O.-D. E. co-ordinators, planned the banquet. This event is de signed to honor employers and other persons who lend their in terest and support to the program. Final plans were made by a student planning committee form ed by the following presiding officers of D. O.-D. E. classes: Larry Russell, J. D. Phillips, Caro lyn Royal, Becky Phipps, D, O. Bob Goldberg, and Jaynell Martin Ritter, D. E. Students of Miss Browne’s, Mr. Jones’, and Mrs. Hodden’s classes cooperated in working out the details for the Spring event.